To cite this work or the weyl
package in publications
please use Hankin (2022b). In this short
document I show how Weyl algebras are implemented in the
package. Consider the vector space π of linear operators on univariate
functions; π can be made into an
algebra where multiplication (denoted by juxtaposition) is defined as
operator composition (Coutinho 1997). That is, given
operators πͺ1,βπͺ2
and scalar a we define the
following compounds:
where f is any univariate function. Here we consider the algebra generated by the set {β,βx} where β:βfβββfβ² [that is, (βf)(x)β=βfβ²(x)] and x:βfβββxf [that is, (xf)(x)β=βxf(x)]. This is known as the (first) Weyl algebra. We observe that the Weyl algebra is not commutative: βxfβ=β(xf)β²β=βfβ +β xfβ² but xβfβ=βxfβ², so βxβ=βxββ +β 1. The algebra generated by {x,ββ} will include elements such as 7ββ +β 4βxβ3x, which would map f to 7fβ²β +β 4(x(xf)β΄)β². It can be shown that any element of the Weyl algebra can be expressed in the standard form
for real ai and nonnegative integers pi,βqi. Converting a general word to standard form is not straightforward but we have
βxnβ=βxnββ +β nxnβ ββ 1
βnxβ=βxβnβ +β nβnβ ββ 1.
We can apply these rules recursively to find standard form for products (βixj)(βlxm). Alternatively we may follow Wolf (1975) and use the fact that
$$ (\partial^i x^j)(\partial^lx^m)= \sum_{r=0}^j{j\choose r}{l\choose r}\partial^{i+l-r}x^{j+m-r}.$$
These rules can be used to show that 7ββ +β 4βxβ3x can be expressed as 7ββ +β 12xβ2β +β 4x2βd3, which is in standard form.
The package includes functionality to automate the above
calculations. In particular, package idiom represents the generating
elements β and x of the first Weyl algebra as R
objects d
and x
respectively. These may be
manipulated with standard arithmetic operations:
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## x d val
## 0 1 = 7
## 1 2 = 12
## 2 3 = 4
Above, the result of the input is given in standard form. We see the terms, one per row, with coefficients in the rightmost column (viz 7,β12,β4). Thus the first row is 7β, the second is 12xβ2, and the third is 4x2β3. We may choose to display the result in symbolic form rather than matrix form:
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## +7*d +12*x*d^2 +4*x^2*d^3
which is arguably a more natural representation. The package allows one to use R semantics. For example, consider d1β=ββxβ +β 2β3 and d2β=β3β +β 7ββ ββ 5x2β2. Observing that d1 and d2 are in standard form, package idiom to create these operators would be:
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## 1 +x*d +2*d^3
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## 3 +7*d -5*x^2*d^2
(object d1
is converted to standard form automatically).
Observe that, like the spray
package, the order of the
terms is not defined. We may apply the usual rules of arithmetic to
these objects:
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## 3 +7*x*d^2 +3*x*d -15*x^2*d^2 -60*x*d^4 -5*x^3*d^3 +7*d +14*d^4 -54*d^3
## -10*x^2*d^5
Standard R semantics operate, and it is possible to work with more complicated expressions:
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## -276*x*d^7 +28*d^7 +5*x^2*d^2 -732*d^6 -636*x*d^4 +28*d^4 -414*d^3
## -63*x^2*d^3 +7*d -20*x^3*d^6 -24*d^9 -70*x*d^2 -20*x^2*d^8 +77*x^3*d^3
## +20*x^4*d^4 -21*x*d +49*d^2 -198*x^2*d^5 +28*x*d^5
Mathematica can deal with operators and we may compare the two systemsβ results for β2xβx2:
In[1] := D[D[x*D[x^2*f[x],x],x],x] // Expand
Out[1] := 4 f[x] + 14 x f'[x] + 8 x^2 f''[x] + x^3f'''[x]
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## 4 +x^3*d^3 +8*x^2*d^2 +14*x*d
Above, we see agreement between weyl
and Mathematica,
although the terms are presented in a different order.
The package supports arbitrary multivariate Weyl algebras. Consider:
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## x y z dx dy dz val
## 2 0 1 2 0 1 = 3
## 0 1 2 2 0 1 = 2
## 1 0 2 1 0 1 = 1
Above, object x
is a member of the operator algebra
generated by {βx,ββy,ββz,βx,βy,βz}.
Object x
might be expressed as xz2βxβzβ
although as ever the rows are presented in an implementation-dependent
order. We may verify associativity of multiplication:
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## +6*x*y^2*dx^2*dy +36*x*y^3*dx*dy^3 +2*x^2*y^4*dx*dy^4
## +4*x^2*y^2*dx*dy^5 +36*x*y^2*dx*dy^2 +x*y^4*dx*dy^3 +4*x*y^3*dx*dy^2
## +x^2*y^4*dx^2*dy^3 +12*x^2*y^2*dx*dy^2 +2*x^2*y^2*dx^2*dy^4
## +2*x*y^2*dx*dy^4 +2*x*y^2*dx*dy +2*x^2*y^2*dx^2*dy +4*x^2*y^3*dx^2*dy^2
## +3*x*y^4*dx^2*dy^3 +12*x^2*y^3*dx*dy^3 +6*x*y^4*dx*dy^4
## +12*x*y^3*dx^2*dy^2
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## +2*x*y^2*dx*dy^4 +2*x^2*y^2*dx^2*dy^4 +3*x*y^4*dx^2*dy^3
## +x^2*y^4*dx^2*dy^3 +12*x^2*y^2*dx*dy^2 +x*y^4*dx*dy^3
## +2*x^2*y^4*dx*dy^4 +4*x^2*y^3*dx^2*dy^2 +2*x^2*y^2*dx^2*dy
## +2*x*y^2*dx*dy +4*x*y^3*dx*dy^2 +12*x^2*y^3*dx*dy^3 +6*x*y^4*dx*dy^4
## +12*x*y^3*dx^2*dy^2 +6*x*y^2*dx^2*dy +36*x*y^3*dx*dy^3
## +36*x*y^2*dx*dy^2 +4*x^2*y^2*dx*dy^5
Comparing the two results above, we see that they apparently differ. But the apparent difference is due to the fact that the terms appear in a different order, a feature that is not algebraically meaningful. We may verify that the expressions are indeed algebraically identical:
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## the NULL multinomial of arity 4
The package can deal with arbitrarily high dimensional Weyl algebras. For example:
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 val
## 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 = 3
## 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 2 1 2 = 2
## 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 1 = 1
Above we see a member of the ninth Weyl algebra; see how the column
headings no longer use the x y z
notation and revert to
numeric labels. Symbolic notation is available but can be difficult to
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## +3*x1*x2^2*x3^2*x4*x6*x7^2*x8^2*x9^2*d2^2*d7^2*d8*d9
## +2*x1^2*x3*x4*x5*x6*x8*x9*d3^2*d4*d6*d7^2*d8*d9^2
## +x3*x4^2*x5*x6*x7*x8^2*x9^2*d1^2*d3*d6^2*d8^2*d9
A derivation D of an algebra π is a linear operator that satisfies D(d1d2)β=βd1D(d2)β +β D(d1)d2, for every d1,βd2βββπ. If a derivation is of the form D(d)β=β[d,βf]β=βdfβ ββ fd for some fixed fβββπ, we say that D is an inner derivation:
D(d1d2)β=βd1d2fβ ββ fd1d2β=βd1d2fβ ββ d1fd2β +β d1fd2β ββ fd1d2β=βd1(d2fβ ββ fd2)β +β (d1fβ ββ fd1)d2β=βd1D(d2)β +β D(d1)d2
Dirac showed that all derivations are inner derivations for some fβββπ. The package supports derivations:
## [1] TRUE
In the package, the product is customisable. In general, product
[where a
and b
objects] is dispatched to the following sequence of
[default]In the above, βunivariateβ means βgenerated by {x,ββx}β [so the
corresponding spray
object has two columns]; and
βmultivariateβ means that the algebra is generated by more than one
variable, typically something like {x,βy,βz,ββx,ββy,ββz}.
The penultimate function weyl_prod_univariate_onerow()
is sensitive to option prodfunc
which specifies the
recurrence relation used. This defaults to
## function (a, b, c, d)
## {
## f <- function(r) {
## factorial(r) * choose(b, r) * choose(c, r)
## }
## ind <- numeric(0)
## val <- numeric(0)
## for (r in 0:b) {
## ind <- rbind(ind, c(a + c - r, b + d - r))
## val <- c(val, f(r))
## }
## spray(ind, val, addrepeats = TRUE)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x5618c399c188>
## <environment: namespace:weyl>
Function weyl_prod_helper3()
follows Wolf. This gives
the univariate concatenation product (βaxb)(βcxd)
in terms of standard generators:
$$ \partial^a x^b \partial^c x^d=\sum_{r=0}^b r!{b\choose r}{c\choose r} \partial^{a+c-r}x^{b+d-r} $$
The package also includes lower-level function
implementing βaxbβcxdβ=ββaxbβ
(together with suitable bottoming-out). I expected function
to be much faster than
but there doesnβt seem to be much
difference between the two.
We can exploit this package customisability by considering, instead of {x,ββ}, the algebra generated by {e,ββ}, where e maps f to exf: if f maps x to f(x), then ef maps x to exf(x). We see that βeβ ββ eββ=βe. With this, we can prove that βneβ=βe(1β +β β)n and enββ=βenββ +β nen and, thus
(eaβb)(ecβd)β=βeaβ +β 1(1β +β β)becβ ββ 1βdβ=βeaβbβ ββ 1ecβdβ +β 1β +β ceaβbβ ββ 1ecβd
We may implement this set in package idiom as follows:
`weyl_e_prod` <- function(a,b,c,d){
Recall(a,b-1,c,d+1) +
c*Recall(a,b-1,c,d) # cf: c*Recall(a,b-1,c-1,d)) for regular Weyl algebra
Then, for example, to calculate β2eβ=βe(1β +β 2ββ +β β2):
options(prodfunc = weyl_e_prod)
options(weylvars = "e") # changes print method
d <- weyl(spray(cbind(0,1)))
e <- weyl(spray(cbind(1,0)))
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## e d val
## 1 0 = 1
## 1 1 = 2
## 1 2 = 1
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## e d val
## 1 0 = 1
## 1 1 = 2
## 1 2 = 1
By way of verification:
## [1] TRUE
which verifies that indeed β5eβ=βe(1β +β β)5. Another verification would be to cross-check with Mathematica, here working with βeβ2e:
In[1] := D[Exp[x]*D[D[Exp[x]*f[x],x],x],x]
Out[1] := 2E^2x f[x] + 5E^2x f'[x] + 4E^2xf''[x] + E^2x f'''[x]
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## +2*e^2 +5*e^2*d +4*e^2*d^2 +e^2*d^3
We can manipulate more complicated expressions too. Suppose we want to evaluate (1β +β e2β)(1β ββ 5e3β3):
o1 <- weyl(spray(cbind(2,1)))
o2 <- weyl(spray(cbind(3,3)))
options(polyform = FALSE)
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## e d val
## 5 3 = -15
## 3 3 = -5
## 5 4 = -5
## 2 1 = 1
## 0 0 = 1
And of course we can display the result in symbolic form:
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## 1 -15*e^5*d^3 -5*e^3*d^3 -5*e^5*d^4 +e^2*d
packageThe coefficients of a weyl
object, and the rows of its
matrix, are stored in an implementation-specific
order. Thus, extraction and replacement use the disordR
package (Hankin 2022a). A short
example follows in the context of the weyl
package; a much
more extensive and detailed discussion is given in the
vignette and in Hankin (2022a). First we create
a moderately complicated weyl
options(weylvars = NULL) # revert to default names
(W <- weyl(spray(matrix(c(0,1,1,1,1,2,1,0),2,4),2:3))^2)
## A member of the Weyl algebra:
## x y dx dy val
## 2 2 4 0 = 9
## 2 2 3 0 = 18
## 0 2 2 2 = 4
## 2 2 2 0 = 9
## 1 2 3 1 = 12
## 1 2 2 0 = 6
## 1 2 3 0 = 6
## 1 2 2 1 = 6
## 0 2 2 1 = 4
The coefficients of W
may be extracted:
## A disord object with hash ef3b76da15a19ac6dd3ba83e2ec6b436a0f975f6 and elements
## [1] 9 18 4 9 12 6 6 6 4
## (in some order)
The object returned is a disord
object. There is no way
to extract (e.g.) the first coefficient, for the order of the matrix
rows is not defined. If we try we will get an error:
## Error in .local(x, i, j = j, ..., drop) :
## if using a regular index to extract, must extract each element once and once only (or none of them)
However, it is perfectly well defined to ask βgive all coefficients greater than 6β:
## A disord object with hash 908bdb13a2f83dd05aa5c66195a4fe0b570d42f1 and elements
## [1] 9 18 9 12
## (in some order)
Extraction works as expected. Using recent improvements in the
package, we take all coefficients less than 7 and
add 100 to them:
## x y dx dy val
## 0 2 2 1 = 104
## 1 2 2 1 = 106
## 1 2 3 0 = 106
## 1 2 2 0 = 106
## 1 2 3 1 = 12
## 2 2 2 0 = 9
## 0 2 2 2 = 104
## 2 2 3 0 = 18
## 2 2 4 0 = 9
Package.β; arXiv.