Title: | The Exterior Calculus |
Description: | Provides functionality for working with tensors, alternating forms, wedge products, Stokes's theorem, and related concepts from the exterior calculus. Uses 'disordR' discipline (Hankin, 2022, <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2210.03856>). The canonical reference would be M. Spivak (1965, ISBN:0-8053-9021-9) "Calculus on Manifolds". To cite the package in publications please use Hankin (2022) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2210.17008>. |
Authors: | Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Robin K. S. Hankin <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 1.2-3 |
Built: | 2025-02-28 07:05:40 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/robinhankin/stokes |
Provides functionality for working with tensors, alternating forms, wedge products, Stokes's theorem, and related concepts from the exterior calculus. Uses 'disordR' discipline (Hankin, 2022, <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2210.03856>). The canonical reference would be M. Spivak (1965, ISBN:0-8053-9021-9) "Calculus on Manifolds". To cite the package in publications please use Hankin (2022) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2210.17008>.
Package: | stokes |
Type: | Package |
Title: | The Exterior Calculus |
Version: | 1.2-3 |
Depends: | R (>= 4.2.0) |
Suggests: | knitr, Deriv, testthat, markdown, rmarkdown, quadform, magrittr, covr |
VignetteBuilder: | knitr |
Imports: | permutations (>= 1.1-2), partitions, methods, disordR (>= 0.9-7), spray (>= 1.0-26) |
Authors@R: | person( given=c("Robin", "K. S."), family="Hankin", role = c("aut","cre"), email="[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-5982-0415")) |
Maintainer: | Robin K. S. Hankin <[email protected]> |
Description: | Provides functionality for working with tensors, alternating forms, wedge products, Stokes's theorem, and related concepts from the exterior calculus. Uses 'disordR' discipline (Hankin, 2022, <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2210.03856>). The canonical reference would be M. Spivak (1965, ISBN:0-8053-9021-9) "Calculus on Manifolds". To cite the package in publications please use Hankin (2022) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2210.17008>. |
License: | GPL-2 |
LazyData: | yes |
URL: | https://github.com/RobinHankin/stokes, https://robinhankin.github.io/stokes/ |
BugReports: | https://github.com/RobinHankin/stokes/issues |
Config/pak/sysreqs: | libgmp3-dev libicu-dev |
Repository: | https://robinhankin.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/robinhankin/stokes |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | f10d421e1780588e96fdc0d0753701400a15eb91 |
Author: | Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5982-0415>) |
Index of help topics:
Alt Alternating multilinear forms Ops.kform Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for 'kform' and 'ktensor' objects as.1form Coerce vectors to 1-forms coeffs Extract and manipulate coefficients consolidate Various low-level helper functions contract Contractions of k-forms dovs Dimension of the underlying vector space dx Elementary forms in three-dimensional space ex Basis vectors in three-dimensional space hodge Hodge star operator inner Inner product operator issmall Is a form zero to within numerical precision? keep Keep or drop variables kform k-forms kinner Inner product of two kforms ktensor k-tensors phi Elementary tensors print.stokes Print methods for k-tensors and k-forms rform Random kforms and ktensors scalar Scalars and losing attributes stokes-package The Exterior Calculus summary.stokes Summaries of tensors and alternating forms symbolic Symbolic form tensorprod Tensor products of k-tensors transform Linear transforms of k-forms vector_cross_product The Vector cross product volume The volume element wedge Wedge products zap Zap small values in k-forms and k-tensors zero Zero tensors and zero forms
Generally in the package, arguments that are -forms are
, -tensors by
, and spray objects by
. Multilinear maps (which may be either -forms or
-tensors) are denoted by
Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5982-0415>)
Maintainer: Robin K. S. Hankin <[email protected]>
M. Spivak 1971. Calculus on manifolds, Addison-Wesley.
R. K. S. Hankin 2022. “Disordered vectors in R: introducing the disordR package.” https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.03856.
R. K. S. Hankin 2022. “Sparse arrays in R: the spray package. https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.03856.”
## Some k-tensors: U1 <- as.ktensor(matrix(1:15,5,3)) U2 <- as.ktensor(cbind(1:3,2:4),1:3) ## Coerce a tensor to functional form, here mapping V^3 -> R (here V=R^15): as.function(U1)(matrix(rnorm(45),15,3)) ## Tensor product is tensorprod() or %X%: U1 %X% U2 ## A k-form is an alternating k-tensor: K1 <- as.kform(cbind(1:5,2:6),rnorm(5)) K2 <- kform_general(3:6,2,1:6) K3 <- rform(9,3,9,runif(9)) ## The distributive law is true (K1 + K2) ^ K3 == K1 ^ K3 + K2 ^ K3 # TRUE to numerical precision ## Wedge product is associative (non-trivial): (K1 ^ K2) ^ K3 K1 ^ (K2 ^ K3) ## k-forms can be coerced to a function and wedge product: f <- as.function(K1 ^ K2 ^ K3) ## E is a a random point in V^k: E <- matrix(rnorm(63),9,7) ## f() is alternating: f(E) f(E[,7:1]) ## The package blurs the distinction between symbolic and numeric computing: dx <- as.kform(1) dy <- as.kform(2) dz <- as.kform(3) dx ^ dy ^ dz K3 ^ dx ^ dy ^ dz
## Some k-tensors: U1 <- as.ktensor(matrix(1:15,5,3)) U2 <- as.ktensor(cbind(1:3,2:4),1:3) ## Coerce a tensor to functional form, here mapping V^3 -> R (here V=R^15): as.function(U1)(matrix(rnorm(45),15,3)) ## Tensor product is tensorprod() or %X%: U1 %X% U2 ## A k-form is an alternating k-tensor: K1 <- as.kform(cbind(1:5,2:6),rnorm(5)) K2 <- kform_general(3:6,2,1:6) K3 <- rform(9,3,9,runif(9)) ## The distributive law is true (K1 + K2) ^ K3 == K1 ^ K3 + K2 ^ K3 # TRUE to numerical precision ## Wedge product is associative (non-trivial): (K1 ^ K2) ^ K3 K1 ^ (K2 ^ K3) ## k-forms can be coerced to a function and wedge product: f <- as.function(K1 ^ K2 ^ K3) ## E is a a random point in V^k: E <- matrix(rnorm(63),9,7) ## f() is alternating: f(E) f(E[,7:1]) ## The package blurs the distinction between symbolic and numeric computing: dx <- as.kform(1) dy <- as.kform(2) dz <- as.kform(3) dx ^ dy ^ dz K3 ^ dx ^ dy ^ dz
Converts a -tensor to alternating form
S |
A multilinear form, an object of class |
give_kform |
Boolean, with default |
Given a -tensor
, we have
Thus for example if :
and it is reasonably easy to see that
is alternating, in the sense that
Function Alt()
is intended to take and return an object of
class ktensor
; but if given a kform
object, it just
returns its argument unchanged.
A short vignette is provided with the package: type
at the commandline.
Returns an alternating -tensor. To work with
which are a much more efficient representation of alternating tensors,
Robin K. S. Hankin
(X <- ktensor(spray(rbind(1:3),6))) Alt(X) Alt(X,give_kform=TRUE) S <- as.ktensor(expand.grid(1:3,1:3),rnorm(9)) S Alt(S) issmall(Alt(S) - Alt(Alt(S))) # should be TRUE; Alt() is idempotent a <- rtensor() V <- matrix(rnorm(21),ncol=3) LHS <- as.function(Alt(a))(V) RHS <- as.function(Alt(a,give_kform=TRUE))(V) c(LHS=LHS,RHS=RHS,diff=LHS-RHS)
(X <- ktensor(spray(rbind(1:3),6))) Alt(X) Alt(X,give_kform=TRUE) S <- as.ktensor(expand.grid(1:3,1:3),rnorm(9)) S Alt(S) issmall(Alt(S) - Alt(Alt(S))) # should be TRUE; Alt() is idempotent a <- rtensor() V <- matrix(rnorm(21),ncol=3) LHS <- as.function(Alt(a))(V) RHS <- as.function(Alt(a,give_kform=TRUE))(V) c(LHS=LHS,RHS=RHS,diff=LHS-RHS)
Given a vector, return the corresponding 1-form; the exterior
derivative of a 0-form (that is, a scalar function). Function
is a synonym.
as.1form(v) grad(v)
as.1form(v) grad(v)
v |
A vector with element |
The exterior derivative of a -form
is a
given by
We can use the facts that
to calculate differentials of general -forms. Specifically, if
The entry in square brackets is given by grad()
. See the
examples for appropriate R idiom.
A one-form
Robin K. S. Hankin
as.1form(1:9) # note ordering of terms as.1form(rnorm(20)) grad(c(4,7)) ^ grad(1:4)
as.1form(1:9) # note ordering of terms as.1form(rnorm(20)) grad(c(4,7)) ^ grad(1:4)
Extract and manipulate coefficients of ktensor and kform objects; this using the methods of the spray package.
Functions as.spray()
and nterms()
are imported from
To see the coefficients of a kform
or ktensor
use coeffs()
, which returns a disord
object (this is
actually spray::coeffs()
). Replacement methods also use the
methods of the spray package. Note that disordR
discipline is enforced.
Experimental functionality for “pure” extraction and
replacement is provided, following spray version 1.0-25 or
above. Thus idiom such as a[abs(coeffs(a)) > 0.1]
or indeed
a[coeffs(a) < 1] <- 0
should work as expected.
Robin K. S. Hankin
(a <- kform_general(5,2,1:10)) coeffs(a) # a disord object coeffs(a)[coeffs(a)%%2==1] <- 100 # replace every odd coeff with 100 a coeffs(a*0) a <- rform() a[coeffs(a) < 5] # experimental a[coeffs(a) > 3] <- 99 # experimental
(a <- kform_general(5,2,1:10)) coeffs(a) # a disord object coeffs(a)[coeffs(a)%%2==1] <- 100 # replace every odd coeff with 100 a coeffs(a*0) a <- rform() a[coeffs(a) < 5] # experimental a[coeffs(a) > 3] <- 99 # experimental
Various low-level helper functions used in Alt()
consolidate(S) kill_trivial_rows(S) include_perms(S) kform_to_ktensor(S)
consolidate(S) kill_trivial_rows(S) include_perms(S) kform_to_ktensor(S)
S |
Object of class |
Low-level helper functions.
Function consolidate()
takes a spray object, and
combines any rows that are identical up to a permutation, respecting
the sign of the permutation
Function kill_trivial_rows()
takes a spray object and
deletes any rows with a repeated entry (which have -forms
identically zero)
Function include_perms()
replaces each row of a
object with all its permutations, respecting the sign
of the permutation
Function ktensor_to_kform()
coerces a -form
to a
The functions documented here all return a spray
Robin K. S. Hankin
(S <- spray(matrix(c(1,1,2,2,1,3,3,1,3,5),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE),1:5)) kill_trivial_rows(S) # (rows 1 and 3 killed, repeated entries) consolidate(S) # (merges rows 2 and 4) include_perms(S) # returns a spray object, not alternating tensor.
(S <- spray(matrix(c(1,1,2,2,1,3,3,1,3,5),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE),1:5)) kill_trivial_rows(S) # (rows 1 and 3 killed, repeated entries) consolidate(S) # (merges rows 2 and 4) include_perms(S) # returns a spray object, not alternating tensor.
-formsA contraction is a natural linear map from -forms to
contract(K,v,lose=TRUE) contract_elementary(o,v)
contract(K,v,lose=TRUE) contract_elementary(o,v)
K |
A |
o |
Integer-valued vector corresponding to one row of an index matrix |
lose |
Boolean, with default |
v |
A vector; in function |
Given a -form
and a vector
the contraction
is a
-form with
provided ; if
we specify
Function contract_elementary()
is a low-level helper function
that translates elementary -forms with coefficient 1 (in the form
of an integer vector corresponding to one row of an index matrix) into
its contraction with
There is an extensive vignette in the package,
Returns an object of class kform
Robin K. S. Hankin
Steven H. Weintraub 2014. “Differential forms: theory and practice”, Elsevier (Definition 2.2.23, chapter 2, page 77).
contract(as.kform(1:5),1:8) contract(as.kform(1),3) # 0-form contract_elementary(c(1,2,5),c(1,2,10,11,71)) ## Now some verification [takes ~10s to run]: #o <- kform(spray(t(replicate(2, sample(9,4))), runif(2))) #V <- matrix(rnorm(36),ncol=4) #jj <- c( # as.function(o)(V), # as.function(contract(o,V[,1,drop=TRUE]))(V[,-1]), # scalar # as.function(contract(o,V[,1:2]))(V[,-(1:2),drop=FALSE]), # as.function(contract(o,V[,1:3]))(V[,-(1:3),drop=FALSE]), # as.function(contract(o,V[,1:4],lose=FALSE))(V[,-(1:4),drop=FALSE]) #) #print(jj) #max(jj) - min(jj) # zero to numerical precision
contract(as.kform(1:5),1:8) contract(as.kform(1),3) # 0-form contract_elementary(c(1,2,5),c(1,2,10,11,71)) ## Now some verification [takes ~10s to run]: #o <- kform(spray(t(replicate(2, sample(9,4))), runif(2))) #V <- matrix(rnorm(36),ncol=4) #jj <- c( # as.function(o)(V), # as.function(contract(o,V[,1,drop=TRUE]))(V[,-1]), # scalar # as.function(contract(o,V[,1:2]))(V[,-(1:2),drop=FALSE]), # as.function(contract(o,V[,1:3]))(V[,-(1:3),drop=FALSE]), # as.function(contract(o,V[,1:4],lose=FALSE))(V[,-(1:4),drop=FALSE]) #) #print(jj) #max(jj) - min(jj) # zero to numerical precision
A -form
to the reals, where
returns , the dimensionality of the
underlying vector space. The function itself is almost trivial,
returning the maximum of the index matrix.
Special dispensation is given for zero-forms and zero tensors, which return zero.
Vignette dovs
provides more discussion.
K |
A |
Returns a non-negative integer
Robin K. S. Hankin
dovs(rform()) table(replicate(20,dovs(rform(3))))
dovs(rform()) table(replicate(20,dovs(rform(3))))
Objects dx
, dy
and dz
are the three elementary
one-forms on three-dimensional space. These objects can be generated by
running script ‘vignettes/dx.Rmd’, which includes some further
discussion and technical documentation and creates file ‘dx.rda’
which resides in the data/
The default print method is a little opaque for these objects. To print them more intuitively, use
options(kform_symbolic_print = "dx")
which is documented at print.Rd
See vignettes dx
and ex
for an extended
discussion; a use-case is given in vector_cross_product
Robin K. S. Hankin
M. Spivak 1971. Calculus on manifolds, Addison-Wesley
dx hodge(dx) hodge(dx,3) dx # default print method, not particularly intelligible options(kform_symbolic_print = 'dx') # shows dx dy dz dx dx^dz hodge(dx,3) as.function(dx)(ex) options(kform_symbolic_print = NULL) # revert to default
dx hodge(dx) hodge(dx,3) dx # default print method, not particularly intelligible options(kform_symbolic_print = 'dx') # shows dx dy dz dx dx^dz hodge(dx,3) as.function(dx)(ex) options(kform_symbolic_print = NULL) # revert to default
Objects ex
, ey
and ez
are the three elementary
one-forms on three-dimensional space, sometimes denoted
. These objects can be generated by running
script ‘vignettes/ex.Rmd’, which includes some further discussion
and technical documentation and creates file ‘exeyez.rda’ which
resides in the
See vignettes dx
and ex
for an extended
discussion; a use-case is given in vector_cross_product
Robin K. S. Hankin
M. Spivak 1971. Calculus on manifolds, Addison-Wesley
as.function(dx)(ex) (X <- as.kform(matrix(1:12,nrow=4),c(1,2,7,11))) as.function(X)(cbind(e(2,12),e(6,12),e(10,12)))
as.function(dx)(ex) (X <- as.kform(matrix(1:12,nrow=4),c(1,2,7,11))) as.function(X)(cbind(e(2,12),e(6,12),e(10,12)))
Given a -form, return its Hodge dual
hodge(K, n=dovs(K), g, lose=TRUE)
hodge(K, n=dovs(K), g, lose=TRUE)
K |
Object of class |
n |
Dimensionality of space, defaulting the the largest element of the index |
g |
Diagonal of the metric tensor, with missing default being the
standard metric of the identity matrix. Currently, only entries of
lose |
Boolean, with default |
Given a -form, in an
-dimensional space,
return a
Most authors write the Hodge dual of as
, but Weintraub
Robin K. S. Hankin
(o <- kform_general(5,2,1:10)) hodge(o) o == hodge(hodge(o)) Faraday <- kform_general(4,2,runif(6)) # Faraday electromagnetic tensor mink <- c(-1,1,1,1) # Minkowski metric hodge(Faraday,g=mink) Faraday == Faraday |> hodge(g=mink) |> hodge(g=mink) |> hodge(g=mink) |> hodge(g=mink) hodge(dx,3) == dy^dz ## Some edge-cases: hodge(scalar(1),2) hodge(zeroform(5),9) hodge(volume(5)) hodge(volume(5),lose=TRUE) hodge(scalar(7),n=9)
(o <- kform_general(5,2,1:10)) hodge(o) o == hodge(hodge(o)) Faraday <- kform_general(4,2,runif(6)) # Faraday electromagnetic tensor mink <- c(-1,1,1,1) # Minkowski metric hodge(Faraday,g=mink) Faraday == Faraday |> hodge(g=mink) |> hodge(g=mink) |> hodge(g=mink) |> hodge(g=mink) hodge(dx,3) == dy^dz ## Some edge-cases: hodge(scalar(1),2) hodge(zeroform(5),9) hodge(volume(5)) hodge(volume(5),lose=TRUE) hodge(scalar(7),n=9)
The inner product
M |
square matrix |
The inner product of two vectors and
is usually written
, but the most general form would
is a matrix.
Noting that inner products are multilinear, that is
we see that the inner product is indeed a multilinear map, that is, a
Given a square matrix , function
returns the
-form that maps
. Non-square matrices are
effectively padded with zeros.
A short vignette is provided with the package: type
at the commandline.
Returns a -tensor, an inner product
Robin K. S. Hankin
inner(diag(7)) inner(matrix(1:9,3,3)) ## Compare the following two: Alt(inner(matrix(1:9,3,3))) # An alternating k tensor as.kform(inner(matrix(1:9,3,3))) # Same thing coerced to a kform f <- as.function(inner(diag(7))) X <- matrix(rnorm(14),ncol=2) # random element of (R^7)^2 f(X) - sum(X[,1]*X[,2]) # zero to numerical precision ## verify positive-definiteness: g <- as.function(inner(crossprod(matrix(rnorm(56),8,7)))) stopifnot(g(kronecker(rnorm(7),t(c(1,1))))>0)
inner(diag(7)) inner(matrix(1:9,3,3)) ## Compare the following two: Alt(inner(matrix(1:9,3,3))) # An alternating k tensor as.kform(inner(matrix(1:9,3,3))) # Same thing coerced to a kform f <- as.function(inner(diag(7))) X <- matrix(rnorm(14),ncol=2) # random element of (R^7)^2 f(X) - sum(X[,1]*X[,2]) # zero to numerical precision ## verify positive-definiteness: g <- as.function(inner(crossprod(matrix(rnorm(56),8,7)))) stopifnot(g(kronecker(rnorm(7),t(c(1,1))))>0)
Given a -form, return
if it is “small”
issmall(M, tol=1e-8)
issmall(M, tol=1e-8)
M |
Object of class |
tol |
Small tolerance, defaulting to |
Returns a logical
Robin K. S. Hankin
o <- kform_general(3,2,runif(3)) M <- matrix(rnorm(9),3,3) discrepancy <- o - pullback(pullback(o,M),solve(M)) discrepancy # print method might imply coefficients are zeros issmall(discrepancy) # should be TRUE is.zero(discrepancy) # might be FALSE
o <- kform_general(3,2,runif(3)) M <- matrix(rnorm(9),3,3) discrepancy <- o - pullback(pullback(o,M),solve(M)) discrepancy # print method might imply coefficients are zeros issmall(discrepancy) # should be TRUE is.zero(discrepancy) # might be FALSE
Keep or drop variables
keep(K, yes) discard(K, no)
keep(K, yes) discard(K, no)
K |
Object of class |
yes , no
Specification of dimensions to either keep (yes) or discard (no) |
Function keep(omega,yes)
keeps the terms specified and
discards the terms specified. It is not clear
to me what these functions mean from a mathematical perspective.
The functions documented here all return a kform
Robin K. S. Hankin
(o <- kform_general(7,3,seq_len(choose(7,3)))) keep(o,1:4) # keeps only terms with dimensions 1-4 discard(o,1:2) # loses any term with a "1" in the index
(o <- kform_general(7,3,seq_len(choose(7,3)))) keep(o,1:4) # keeps only terms with dimensions 1-4 discard(o,1:2) # loses any term with a "1" in the index
Functionality for dealing with -forms
kform(S) as.kform(M,coeffs,lose=TRUE) kform_basis(n, k) kform_general(W,k,coeffs,lose=TRUE) is.kform(x) d(i) e(i,n) ## S3 method for class 'kform' as.function(x,...)
kform(S) as.kform(M,coeffs,lose=TRUE) kform_basis(n, k) kform_general(W,k,coeffs,lose=TRUE) is.kform(x) d(i) e(i,n) ## S3 method for class 'kform' as.function(x,...)
n |
Dimension of the vector space |
i |
Integer |
k |
A |
W |
Integer vector of dimensions |
M , coeffs
Index matrix and coefficients for a |
S |
Object of class |
lose |
Boolean, with default |
x |
Object of class |
... |
Further arguments, currently ignored |
A -form is an alternating
-tensor. In the
-forms are represented as sparse arrays
objects), but with a class of c("kform",
. The constructor function kform()
takes a
object and returns a kform
object: it ensures that
rows of the index matrix are strictly nonnegative integers, have no
repeated entries, and are strictly increasing. Function
is more user-friendly.
is the constructor function. It takes a
object and returns a kform
also returns a kform
but is a bit more
user-friendly than kform()
is a low-level helper function that
returns a matrix whose rows constitute a basis for the vector space
returns a kform
object with terms
that span the space of alternating tensors.
returns TRUE
if its argument is a
is an easily-typed synonym for
. The idea is that d(1) = dx
, d(5)=dx^5
, etc. Also note that, for
example, d(1:3)=dx^dy^dz
, the volume form.
Recall that a -tensor is a multilinear map from
to the reals, where
is a vector space.
A multilinear
is alternating if it
In the package, an object of class kform
is an efficient
representation of an alternating tensor.
Function kform_basis()
is a low-level helper function that
returns a matrix whose rows constitute a basis for the vector space
and indeed we have:
where is a basis for
All functions documented here return a kform
object except
, which returns a function, and
, which returns a Boolean, and e()
, which
returns a conjugate basis to that of d()
Hubbard and Hubbard use the term “-form”, but Spivak
does not.
Robin K. S. Hankin
Hubbard and Hubbard; Spivak
as.kform(cbind(1:5,2:6),rnorm(5)) kform_general(1:4,2,coeffs=1:6) # used in electromagnetism K1 <- as.kform(cbind(1:5,2:6),rnorm(5)) K2 <- kform_general(5:8,2,1:6) K1^K2 # or wedge(K1,K2) d(1:3) dx^dy^dz # same thing d(sample(9)) # coeff is +/-1 depending on even/odd permutation of 1:9 f <- as.function(wedge(K1,K2)) E <- matrix(rnorm(32),8,4) f(E) + f(E[,c(1,3,2,4)]) # should be zero by alternating property options(kform_symbolic_print = 'd') (d(5)+d(7)) ^ (d(2)^d(5) + 6*d(4)^d(7)) options(kform_symbolic_print = NULL) # revert to default
as.kform(cbind(1:5,2:6),rnorm(5)) kform_general(1:4,2,coeffs=1:6) # used in electromagnetism K1 <- as.kform(cbind(1:5,2:6),rnorm(5)) K2 <- kform_general(5:8,2,1:6) K1^K2 # or wedge(K1,K2) d(1:3) dx^dy^dz # same thing d(sample(9)) # coeff is +/-1 depending on even/odd permutation of 1:9 f <- as.function(wedge(K1,K2)) E <- matrix(rnorm(32),8,4) f(E) + f(E[,c(1,3,2,4)]) # should be zero by alternating property options(kform_symbolic_print = 'd') (d(5)+d(7)) ^ (d(2)^d(5) + 6*d(4)^d(7)) options(kform_symbolic_print = NULL) # revert to default
Given two -forms
return the inner product
. Here our
underlying vector space
The inner product is a symmetric bilinear form defined in two stages.
First, we specify its behaviour on decomposable -forms
and secondly, we extend to the whole of
through linearity.
o1 , o2
Objects of class |
M |
Matrix |
Returns a real number
There is a vignette available: type vignette("kinner")
the command line.
Robin K. S. Hankin
a <- (2*dx)^(3*dy) b <- (5*dx)^(7*dy) kinner(a,b) det(matrix(c(2*5,0,0,3*7),2,2)) # mathematically identical, slight numerical mismatch
a <- (2*dx)^(3*dy) b <- (5*dx)^(7*dy) kinner(a,b) det(matrix(c(2*5,0,0,3*7),2,2)) # mathematically identical, slight numerical mismatch
Functionality for -tensors
ktensor(S) as.ktensor(M,coeffs) is.ktensor(x) ## S3 method for class 'ktensor' as.function(x,...)
ktensor(S) as.ktensor(M,coeffs) is.ktensor(x) ## S3 method for class 'ktensor' as.function(x,...)
M , coeffs
Matrix of indices and coefficients, as in
S |
Object of class |
x |
Object of class |
... |
Further arguments, currently ignored |
A -tensor object
is a map from
to the reals
, where
is a vector space (here
) that satisfies multilinearity:
Note that this is not equivalent to linearity over
(see examples).
In the stokes package, -tensors are represented as
sparse arrays (
objects), but with a class of
c("ktensor", "spray")
. This is a natural and efficient
representation for tensors that takes advantage of sparsity using
spray package features.
Function as.ktensor()
will coerce a -form to a
-tensor via
All functions documented here return a ktensor
except as.function.ktensor()
, which returns a function.
Robin K. S. Hankin
Spivak 1961
as.ktensor(cbind(1:4,2:5,3:6),1:4) ## Test multilinearity: k <- 4 n <- 5 u <- 3 ## Define a randomish k-tensor: S <- ktensor(spray(matrix(1+sample(u*k)%%n,u,k),seq_len(u))) ## And a random point in V^k: E <- matrix(rnorm(n*k),n,k) E1 <- E2 <- E3 <- E x1 <- rnorm(n) x2 <- rnorm(n) r1 <- rnorm(1) r2 <- rnorm(1) # change one column: E1[,2] <- x1 E2[,2] <- x2 E3[,2] <- r1*x1 + r2*x2 f <- as.function(S) r1*f(E1) + r2*f(E2) -f(E3) # should be small ## Note that multilinearity is different from linearity: r1*f(E1) + r2*f(E2) - f(r1*E1 + r2*E2) # not small!
as.ktensor(cbind(1:4,2:5,3:6),1:4) ## Test multilinearity: k <- 4 n <- 5 u <- 3 ## Define a randomish k-tensor: S <- ktensor(spray(matrix(1+sample(u*k)%%n,u,k),seq_len(u))) ## And a random point in V^k: E <- matrix(rnorm(n*k),n,k) E1 <- E2 <- E3 <- E x1 <- rnorm(n) x2 <- rnorm(n) r1 <- rnorm(1) r2 <- rnorm(1) # change one column: E1[,2] <- x1 E2[,2] <- x2 E3[,2] <- r1*x1 + r2*x2 f <- as.function(S) r1*f(E1) + r2*f(E2) -f(E3) # should be small ## Note that multilinearity is different from linearity: r1*f(E1) + r2*f(E2) - f(r1*E1 + r2*E2) # not small!
and ktensor
objectsAllows arithmetic operators to be used for -forms and
-tensors such as addition, multiplication, etc, where
## S3 method for class 'kform' Ops(e1, e2 = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'ktensor' Ops(e1, e2 = NULL)
## S3 method for class 'kform' Ops(e1, e2 = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'ktensor' Ops(e1, e2 = NULL)
e1 , e2
Objects of class |
The functions Ops.kform()
and Ops.ktensor()
pass unary
and binary arithmetic operators (“+
”, “-
”, “/
” and “^
”) to the
appropriate specialist function by coercing to spray
For wedge products of -forms, use
or ^
; and for tensor products of
-tensors, use
or %X%
All functions documented here return an object of class
or ktensor
A plain asterisk, “*
” behaves differently for ktensors
and kforms. Given two ktensors T1
, T2
, then
” will return the their tensor product. This on
the grounds that the idiom has only one natural interpretation. But
its use is discouraged (use %X%
or tensorprod()
instead). An asterisk can also be used to multiply a tensor by a
scalar, as in T1*5
An asterisk cannot be used to multiply two kforms K1
, as in K1*K2
, which will always return an error.
This on the grounds that it has no sensible interpretation in general
and you probably meant to use a wedge product, K1^K2
. Note
that multiplication by scalars is acceptable, as in K1*6
Further note that K1*K2
returns an error even if one or both is
a 0-form (or scalar), as in K1*scalar(3)
. This behaviour may
change in the future.
In the package the caret (“^
”) evaluates the wedge
product; note that %^%
is also acceptable. Powers simply do
not make sense for alternating forms: S %^% S = S^S
is zero
identically. Here the caret is interpreted consistently as a wedge
product, and if one of the factors is numeric it is interpreted as a
zero-form (that is, a scalar). Thus S^2 = wedge(S,2) = 2^S =
S*2 = S+S
, and indeed S^n==S*n
. Caveat emptor! If S
is a kform
object, it is very tempting [but incorrect] to
interpret “S^3
” as something like “S
the power 3”. See also the note at Ops.clifford
in the
clifford package.
Powers are not implemented for ktensors on the grounds that a ktensor to the power zero is not defined.
Note that one has to take care with order of operations if we mix
with *
. For example, dx ^ (6*dy)
is perfectly
acceptable; but (dx ^ 6)*dy)
will return an error, as will the
unbracketed form dx ^ 6 * dy
. In the second case we attempt to
use an asterisk to multiply two k-forms, which triggers the error.
Robin K. S. Hankin
## dx_1 ^ dx_2 + 6dx_5 ^ dx_6: as.kform(1) ^ as.kform(2) + 6*as.kform(5) ^ as.kform(6) k1 <- kform_general(4,2,rnorm(6)) k2 <- kform_general(4,2,rnorm(6)) E <- matrix(rnorm(8),4,2) as.function(k1+k2)(E) ## verify linearity, here 2*k1 + 3*k2: as.function(2*k1+3*k2)(E)-(2*as.function(k1)(E) + 3*as.function(k2)(E)) ## should be small
## dx_1 ^ dx_2 + 6dx_5 ^ dx_6: as.kform(1) ^ as.kform(2) + 6*as.kform(5) ^ as.kform(6) k1 <- kform_general(4,2,rnorm(6)) k2 <- kform_general(4,2,rnorm(6)) E <- matrix(rnorm(8),4,2) as.function(k1+k2)(E) ## verify linearity, here 2*k1 + 3*k2: as.function(2*k1+3*k2)(E)-(2*as.function(k1)(E) + 3*as.function(k2)(E)) ## should be small
Creates the elementary tensors or tensor products of elementary tensors
n |
Vector of strictly non-negative integers |
If is the standard basis for
is defined so
If n
is a vector of strictly positive integers, then
returns the tensor cross product of
applied to the individual elements of
[which is a lot
easier and more obvious than it sounds].
There is a vignette, phi
Robin K. S. Hankin
phi(6) phi(6:8) v <- sample(9) phi(v) == Reduce("%X%",sapply(v,phi))
phi(6) phi(6:8) v <- sample(9) phi(v) == Reduce("%X%",sapply(v,phi))
-tensors and
-formsPrint methods for objects with options for printing in matrix form or multivariate polynomial form
## S3 method for class 'kform' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ktensor' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'kform' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ktensor' print(x, ...)
x |
... |
Further arguments (currently ignored) |
Printing is dispatched to print.ktensor()
depending on its argument. Special dispensation is
given for the zero object.
Although -forms are alternating tensors and thus mathematically
are tensors, they are handled differently.
The default print method uses the spray print methods,
and as such respects the polyform
option. However, setting
can give misleading output, because
objects are interpreted as multivariate polynomials not
differential forms (and in particular uses the caret to signify
It is much better to use options ktensor_symbolic_print
instead: the bespoke print methods
and print.ktensor()
are sensitive to these
For kform
objects, if option kform_symbolic_print
non-null, the print method uses as.symbolic()
to give an
alternate way of displaying -tensors and
-forms. The
generic non-null value for this option would be “
which gives output like “dx1 ^ dx2
”. However, it has
two special values: set kform_symbolic_print
” for output like “dx ^ dz
” and
” for output like “dt ^ dx
”, useful
in relativistic physics with a Minkowski metric. See the examples.
For ktensor
objects, if option ktensor_symbolic_print
, a different system is used. Given a tensor
, for example (where
), the method will give output that looks
like “
+3 d4*d1 -5 d2*d2
”. I am not entirely happy with
this and it might change in future.
More detail is given at symbolic.Rd
and the dx
Returns its argument invisibly.
For both kform
and ktensor
objects, the print method
asserts that its argument is a map from to
. Here,
is the largest element in the index matrix. However, such a map
naturally furnishes a map from
, provided that
via the
natural projection from
. Formally this would be
. In the case of the zero
-form or
” is to be interpreted as “any ”. See also
Robin K. S. Hankin
a <- rform() a options(kform_symbolic_print = "x") a options(kform_symbolic_print = "dx") kform(spray(kform_basis(3,2),1:3)) kform(spray(kform_basis(4,2),1:6)) # runs out of symbols options(kform_symbolic_print = "txyz") kform(spray(kform_basis(4,2),1:6)) # standard notation options(kform_symbolic_print = NULL) # revert to default a
a <- rform() a options(kform_symbolic_print = "x") a options(kform_symbolic_print = "dx") kform(spray(kform_basis(3,2),1:3)) kform(spray(kform_basis(4,2),1:6)) # runs out of symbols options(kform_symbolic_print = "txyz") kform(spray(kform_basis(4,2),1:6)) # standard notation options(kform_symbolic_print = NULL) # revert to default a
Random -form objects and
intended as quick “get you going” examples
rform(terms=9,k=3,n=7,coeffs,ensure=TRUE) rtensor(terms=9,k=3,n=7,coeffs)
rform(terms=9,k=3,n=7,coeffs,ensure=TRUE) rtensor(terms=9,k=3,n=7,coeffs)
terms |
Number of distinct terms |
k , n
A |
coeffs |
The coefficients of the form; if missing use
ensure |
Boolean with default |
Random -form objects and
-tensors, of moderate complexity.
Note that argument terms
is an upper bound, as the index matrix
might contain repeats which are combined.
All functions documented here return an object of class kform
Robin K. S. Hankin
(a <- rform()) (b <- rform()) a ^ b a a ^ dx a ^ dx ^ dy (x <- rtensor()) x %X% x
(a <- rform()) (b <- rform()) a ^ b a a ^ dx a ^ dx ^ dy (x <- rtensor()) x %X% x
Scalars: -forms and
scalar(s,kform=TRUE,lose=FALSE) is.scalar(M) `0form`(s=1,lose=FALSE) `0tensor`(s=1,lose=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'kform' lose(M) ## S3 method for class 'ktensor' lose(M)
scalar(s,kform=TRUE,lose=FALSE) is.scalar(M) `0form`(s=1,lose=FALSE) `0tensor`(s=1,lose=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'kform' lose(M) ## S3 method for class 'ktensor' lose(M)
s |
A scalar value; a number |
kform |
Boolean with default |
M |
Object of class |
lose |
In function |
A -tensor (including
-forms) maps
to a scalar. If
, then a
-tensor maps no vectors
to a scalar, that is, mapping nothing at all to a scalar, or what normal
people would call a plain old scalar. Such forms are created by a
couple of constructions in the package, specifically
and contract()
. These functions take a
argument that behaves much like the drop
argument in
base extraction. Functions 0form()
and 0tensor()
wrappers for scalar()
Function lose()
takes an object of class ktensor
and, if of arity zero, returns the coefficient.
Note that function kform()
always returns a kform
object, it never loses attributes.
There is a slight terminological problem. A -form maps
vectors to the reals: so a
-form maps
vectors to the
reals. This is what anyone on the planet would call a scalar.
Similarly, a
-tensor maps
vectors to the reals, and so it
too is a scalar. Mathematically, there is no difference between
-forms and
-tensors, but the package print methods make a
> scalar(5,kform=TRUE) An alternating linear map from V^0 to R with V=R^0: val = 5 > scalar(5,kform=FALSE) A linear map from V^0 to R with V=R^0: val = 5 >
Compare zero tensors and zero forms. A zero tensor maps to
the real number zero, and a zero form is an alternating tensor mapping
to zero (so a zero tensor is necessarily alternating). See
The functions documented here return an object of class
or ktensor
, except for is.scalar()
, which
returns a Boolean.
Robin K. S. Hankin
o <- scalar(5) o lose(o) kform_general(1,0) kform_general(1,0,lose=FALSE)
o <- scalar(5) o lose(o) kform_general(1,0) kform_general(1,0,lose=FALSE)
A summary method for tensors and alternating forms, and a print method for summaries.
## S3 method for class 'kform' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ktensor' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.kform' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.ktensor' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'kform' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ktensor' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.kform' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.ktensor' print(x, ...)
object , x
Object of class |
... |
Further arguments, passed to |
Summary methods for tensors and alternating forms. Uses spray::summary()
Robin K. S. Hankin
a <- rform(100) summary(a) options(kform_symbolic_print = TRUE) summary(a) options(kform_symbolic_print = NULL) # restore default
a <- rform(100) summary(a) options(kform_symbolic_print = TRUE) summary(a) options(kform_symbolic_print = NULL) # restore default
Returns a character string representing -tensor and
-form objects in symbolic form. Used by the print method if
either option
is non-null.
M |
Object of class |
symbols |
A character vector giving the names of the symbols |
d |
String specifying the appearance of the differential operator |
Spivak (p89), in archetypically terse writing, states:
A function is considered to be a 0-form and
is also written
. If
differentiable, then
By a minor modification we therefore obtain a 1-form
, defined by
Let us consider in particular the 1-forms
. It is customary to let
denote the function
we often denote
, and
, and
). This standard notation has obvious disadvantages but it
allows many classical results to be expressed by formulas of equally
classical appearance. Since
, we see that
is just the dual basis to
. Thus every
can be written
Function as.symbolic()
uses this format. For completeness, we
add (p77) that -tensors may be expressed in the form
and this form is used for -tensors. The print method for
, writes d1
for ,
for [where
Returns a “noquote” character string.
Robin K. S. Hankin
(o <- kform_general(3,2,1:3)) as.symbolic(o,d="d",symbols=letters[23:26]) (a <- rform(n=50)) as.symbolic(a,symbols=state.abb)
(o <- kform_general(3,2,1:3)) as.symbolic(o,d="d",symbols=letters[23:26]) (a <- rform(n=50)) as.symbolic(a,symbols=state.abb)
-tensorsTensor products of -tensors
tensorprod(U, ...) tensorprod2(U1,U2)
tensorprod(U, ...) tensorprod2(U1,U2)
U , U1 , U2
Object of class |
... |
Further arguments, currently ignored |
Given a -tensor
and an
, we can form the tensor product
, defined as
Package idiom for this includes tensorprod(S,T)
and S %X%
; note that the tensor product is not commutative. Function
can take any number of arguments (the result is
well-defined because the tensor product is associative); it uses
as a low-level helper function.
The functions documented here all return a spray
The binary form %X%
uses uppercase X to avoid clashing with
which is the Kronecker product in base R.
Robin K. S. Hankin
Spivak 1961
(A <- ktensor(spray(matrix(c(1,1,2,2,3,3),2,3,byrow=TRUE),1:2))) (B <- ktensor(spray(10+matrix(4:9,3,2),5:7))) tensorprod(A,B) A %X% B - B %X% A Va <- matrix(rnorm(9),3,3) Vb <- matrix(rnorm(38),19,2) LHS <- as.function(A %X% B)(cbind(rbind(Va,matrix(0,19-3,3)),Vb)) RHS <- as.function(A)(Va) * as.function(B)(Vb) c(LHS=LHS,RHS=RHS,diff=LHS-RHS)
(A <- ktensor(spray(matrix(c(1,1,2,2,3,3),2,3,byrow=TRUE),1:2))) (B <- ktensor(spray(10+matrix(4:9,3,2),5:7))) tensorprod(A,B) A %X% B - B %X% A Va <- matrix(rnorm(9),3,3) Vb <- matrix(rnorm(38),19,2) LHS <- as.function(A %X% B)(cbind(rbind(Va,matrix(0,19-3,3)),Vb)) RHS <- as.function(A)(Va) * as.function(B)(Vb) c(LHS=LHS,RHS=RHS,diff=LHS-RHS)
-formsGiven a -form, express it in terms of linear
combinations of the
pullback(K,M) stretch(K,d)
pullback(K,M) stretch(K,d)
K |
Object of class |
M |
Matrix of transformation |
d |
Numeric vector representing the diagonal elements of a diagonal matrix |
Function pullback()
calculates the pullback of a function. A
vignette is provided at ‘pullback.Rmd’.
Suppose we are given a two-form
and relationships
then we would have
The general situation would be a -form where we would have
The transform()
function does all this but it is slow. I am not
100% sure that there isn't a much more efficient way to do such a
transformation. There are a few tests in tests/testthat
and a
discussion in the stokes
Function stretch()
carries out the same operation but for
a diagonal matrix. It is much faster than
The functions documented here return an object of class
Robin K. S. Hankin
S. H. Weintraub 2019. Differential forms: theory and practice. Elsevier. (Chapter 3)
# Example in the text: K <- as.kform(matrix(c(1,1,2,3),2,2),c(1,5)) M <- matrix(1:9,3,3) pullback(K,M) # Demonstrate that the result can be complicated: M <- matrix(rnorm(25),5,5) pullback(as.kform(1:2),M) # Numerical verification: o <- volume(3) o2 <- pullback(pullback(o,M),solve(M)) max(abs(coeffs(o-o2))) # zero to numerical precision # Following should be zero: pullback(as.kform(1),M)-as.kform(matrix(1:5),c(crossprod(M,c(1,rep(0,4))))) # Following should be TRUE: issmall(pullback(o,crossprod(matrix(rnorm(10),2,5)))) # Some stretch() use-cases: p <- rform() p stretch(p,seq_len(7)) stretch(p,c(1,0,0,1,1,1,1)) # kills dimensions 2 and 3
# Example in the text: K <- as.kform(matrix(c(1,1,2,3),2,2),c(1,5)) M <- matrix(1:9,3,3) pullback(K,M) # Demonstrate that the result can be complicated: M <- matrix(rnorm(25),5,5) pullback(as.kform(1:2),M) # Numerical verification: o <- volume(3) o2 <- pullback(pullback(o,M),solve(M)) max(abs(coeffs(o-o2))) # zero to numerical precision # Following should be zero: pullback(as.kform(1),M)-as.kform(matrix(1:5),c(crossprod(M,c(1,rep(0,4))))) # Following should be TRUE: issmall(pullback(o,crossprod(matrix(rnorm(10),2,5)))) # Some stretch() use-cases: p <- rform() p stretch(p,seq_len(7)) stretch(p,c(1,0,0,1,1,1,1)) # kills dimensions 2 and 3
The vector cross product
is defined
in elementary school as
Function vcp3()
is a convenience wrapper for this. However, the
vector cross product may easily be generalized to a product of
-tuples of vectors in
, given by
package function
Vignette vector_cross_product
, supplied with the package, gives
an extensive discussion of vector cross products, including formal
definitions and verification of identities.
vector_cross_product(M) vcp3(u,v)
vector_cross_product(M) vcp3(u,v)
M |
Matrix with one more row than column; columns are interpreted as vectors |
u , v
Vectors of length 3, representing vectors in |
A joint function profile for vector_cross_product()
is given with the package at
Returns a vector
Robin K. S. Hankin
vector_cross_product(matrix(1:6,3,2)) M <- matrix(rnorm(30),6,5) LHS <- hodge(as.1form(M[,1])^as.1form(M[,2])^as.1form(M[,3])^as.1form(M[,4])^as.1form(M[,5])) RHS <- as.1form(vector_cross_product(M)) LHS-RHS # zero to numerical precision # Alternatively: hodge(Reduce(`^`,sapply(seq_len(5),function(i){as.1form(M[,i])},simplify=FALSE)))
vector_cross_product(matrix(1:6,3,2)) M <- matrix(rnorm(30),6,5) LHS <- hodge(as.1form(M[,1])^as.1form(M[,2])^as.1form(M[,3])^as.1form(M[,4])^as.1form(M[,5])) RHS <- as.1form(vector_cross_product(M)) LHS-RHS # zero to numerical precision # Alternatively: hodge(Reduce(`^`,sapply(seq_len(5),function(i){as.1form(M[,i])},simplify=FALSE)))
The volume element in dimensions
volume(n) is.volume(K,n=dovs(K))
volume(n) is.volume(K,n=dovs(K))
n |
Dimension of the space |
K |
Object of class |
Spivak phrases it well (theorem 4.6, page 82):
If has dimension
, it follows that
has dimension 1. Thus all alternating
-tensors on
are multiples of any non-zero one.
Since the determinant is an example of such a member of
it is not surprising to find it in
the following theorem:
Let be a basis for
. If
(see the examples for numerical verification of this).
Neither the zero -form, nor scalars, are considered to be a
volume element.
Function volume()
returns an object of class kform
function is.volume()
returns a Boolean.
Robin K. S. Hankin
M. Spivak 1971. Calculus on manifolds, Addison-Wesley
dx^dy^dz == volume(3) p <- 1 for(i in 1:7){p <- p ^ as.kform(i)} p p == volume(7) # should be TRUE o <- volume(5) M <- matrix(runif(25),5,5) det(M) - as.function(o)(M) # should be zero is.volume(d(1) ^ d(2) ^ d(3) ^ d(4)) is.volume(d(1:9))
dx^dy^dz == volume(3) p <- 1 for(i in 1:7){p <- p ^ as.kform(i)} p p == volume(7) # should be TRUE o <- volume(5) M <- matrix(runif(25),5,5) det(M) - as.function(o)(M) # should be zero is.volume(d(1) ^ d(2) ^ d(3) ^ d(4)) is.volume(d(1:9))
Wedge products of -forms
wedge2(K1,K2) wedge(x, ...)
wedge2(K1,K2) wedge(x, ...)
K1 , K2 , x , ...
Wedge product of -forms.
The functions documented here return an object of class
In general use, use wedge()
or ^
or %^%
, as
documented under Ops
. Function wedge()
uses low-level
helper function wedge2()
, which takes only two arguments.
A short vignette is provided with the package: type
at the commandline.
Robin K. S. Hankin
k1 <- as.kform(cbind(1:5,2:6),1:5) k2 <- as.kform(cbind(5:7,6:8,7:9),1:3) k3 <- kform_general(1:6,2) a1 <- wedge2(k1,wedge2(k2,k3)) a2 <- wedge2(wedge2(k1,k2),k3) is.zero(a1-a2) # NB terms of a1, a2 in a different order! # This is why wedge(k1,k2,k3) is well-defined. Can also use ^: k1 ^ k2 ^ k3
k1 <- as.kform(cbind(1:5,2:6),1:5) k2 <- as.kform(cbind(5:7,6:8,7:9),1:3) k3 <- kform_general(1:6,2) a1 <- wedge2(k1,wedge2(k2,k3)) a2 <- wedge2(wedge2(k1,k2),k3) is.zero(a1-a2) # NB terms of a1, a2 in a different order! # This is why wedge(k1,k2,k3) is well-defined. Can also use ^: k1 ^ k2 ^ k3
-forms and
-tensorsEquivalent to zapsmall()
zap(X) ## S3 method for class 'kform' zap(X) ## S3 method for class 'ktensor' zap(X)
zap(X) ## S3 method for class 'kform' zap(X) ## S3 method for class 'ktensor' zap(X)
X |
Tensor or |
Given an object of class ktensor
or kform
, coefficients
close to zero are ‘zapped’, i.e., replaced by ‘0’, using
Note, zap()
actually changes the numeric value, it is not just
a print method.
Returns an object of the same class
Robin K. S. Hankin
S <- rform(7) S == zap(S) # should be TRUE because the coeffs are integers (a <- rform()) (b <- rform()*1e-11) a+b zap(a+b)
S <- rform(7) S == zap(S) # should be TRUE because the coeffs are integers (a <- rform()) (b <- rform()*1e-11) a+b zap(a+b)
Correct idiom for generating zero -tensors and
zeroform(n) zerotensor(n) is.zero(x) is.empty(x)
zeroform(n) zerotensor(n) is.zero(x) is.empty(x)
n |
Arity of the |
x |
Object to be tested for zero |
Returns an object of class kform
or ktensor
Idiom such as as.ktensor(rep(1,5),0)
and indeed as.kform(1:5,0)
return the zero tensor or -form (in earlier versions of the
package, these were held to be incorrect as the arity of the tensor
was lost).
A -form is not the same thing as a zero tensor. A
-form maps
to the reals; a scalar. A zero
tensor maps
to zero. Some discussion is given at
Robin K. S. Hankin
zerotensor(5) zeroform(3) x <- rform(k=3) x*0 == zeroform(3) # should be true x == x + zeroform(3) # should be true y <- rtensor(k=3) y*0 == zerotensor(3) # should be true y == y+zerotensor(3) # should be true ## Following idiom is plausible but fails because as.ktensor(coeffs=0) ## and as.kform(coeffs=0) do not retain arity: ## as.ktensor(1+diag(5)) + as.ktensor(rep(1,5),0) # fails ## as.kform(matrix(1:6,2,3)) + as.kform(1:3,0) # also fails
zerotensor(5) zeroform(3) x <- rform(k=3) x*0 == zeroform(3) # should be true x == x + zeroform(3) # should be true y <- rtensor(k=3) y*0 == zerotensor(3) # should be true y == y+zerotensor(3) # should be true ## Following idiom is plausible but fails because as.ktensor(coeffs=0) ## and as.kform(coeffs=0) do not retain arity: ## as.ktensor(1+diag(5)) + as.ktensor(rep(1,5),0) # fails ## as.kform(matrix(1:6,2,3)) + as.kform(1:3,0) # also fails