To cite the permutations package in publications, please use Hankin (2020). The permutations
package has a print method which includes a number of user-configurable
options which are illustrated and motivated here.
Permutations have two natural representations: word form and cycle form. Internally, the package coerces a permutation from one form to another depending on what operations one does with it. Group-theoretic products and inverses are carried out more easily in word form, while powers are more easily done using cycle form.
Partly as a result of a perceptive comment from a journal reviewer,
the package coerces to cycle form for printing as this is generally more
comprehensible than word form. However, the package print method is
extensively customizable. This document covers some of the options.
Low-level print functionality includes print_word()
which can be used explicitly to print in
either word form or cycle form as desired:
x <- rperm(r = 9)
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
#> [1] 9 4 7 1 2 . 3 . 5
#> [2] 2 3 8 1 . . 9 7 4
#> [3] 7 1 9 5 6 8 4 2 3
#> [4] 5 . 8 6 1 4 3 9 7
#> [5] 3 6 2 7 4 5 8 9 1
#> [6] 7 6 1 . 9 3 2 . 5
#> [7] 3 . 6 7 8 1 5 9 4
#> [8] 6 1 . 7 4 2 9 . 5
#> [9] 4 5 1 7 9 3 6 . 2
#> [10] 6 5 4 7 1 8 9 3 2
#> [1] (19524)(37) (1238794) (1745682)(39) (15)(3897)(46) (132654789)
#> [6] (17263)(59) (136)(47589) (162)(4795) (14763)(259) (168347925)
It is a matter of taste which one is preferable. For the example above, the majority of the symbols are moved: elements that map to themselves are shown with a dot in the word form, and these are in a minority. However, the difference between word form and cycle form becomes more pronounced if only a small number of elements move:
x <- rperm(r = 9, moved = 3)
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
#> [1] 7 . . . . . 9 . 1
#> [2] . 9 2 . . . . . 3
#> [3] . . . . . . . . .
#> [4] 3 . 1 . . . . . .
#> [5] . 8 . . 2 . . 5 .
#> [6] . . . 6 . 4 . . .
#> [7] . . . . . . . . .
#> [8] . . . 8 . . . 4 .
#> [9] 6 . 1 . . 3 . . .
#> [10] . . . 9 . . . . 4
#> [1] (179) (293) () (13) (285) (46) () (48) (163) (49)
Above we see the cycle form is arguably more compact.
In use, sometimes we work with objects in word form and sometimes objects in cycle form. However, the standard workflow would be to use R’s default system, which is to print values to the console:
x <- rperm(n = 2)
y <- as.cycle(x)
unclass(x) # shows internal representation (x is in word form)
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
#> [1,] 2 6 1 7 3 5 4
#> [2,] 7 4 1 6 3 5 2
unclass(y) # shows internal representation (x is in cycle form)
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]]
#> [1] 1 2 6 5 3
#> [[1]][[2]]
#> [1] 4 7
#> [[2]]
#> [[2]][[1]]
#> [1] 1 7 2 4 6 5 3
x # default: print to console
#> [1] (12653)(47) (1724653)
#> [coerced from word form]
y # default: print to console
#> [1] (12653)(47) (1724653)
Above we see that, by default, both x
and y
are printed in cycle form, even though x
is stored
internally in word form. See how the print method tells us if its
argument object is printed in coerced-to-cycle form. However, it is
possible to suppress this coercion by setting option
options(print_word_as_cycle = FALSE)
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
#> [1] 2 6 1 7 3 5 4
#> [2] 7 4 1 6 3 5 2
#> [1] (12653)(47) (1724653)
We reinstate the default:
Most people seem to prefer printing in cycle form.
Above, we saw the print method for permutations of [9]. If we have 10 or more elements then we need a comma. This is added by default:
x <- rperm(r = 15, moved = 4)
#> [1] (1,4,2,3) (10,13,15) (3,14) (9,10,12) (5,15,7,9)
#> [6] (6,14)(12,15) (6,8,9) (8,12,11) (1,4,5) (5,6,8)
Above, the comma has been added to aid readability. However, it is
possible to override this behaviour by setting option
. The default value of NULL
means to add
commas iff r > 9 but
Boolean values are respected:
options("comma" = TRUE)
rperm(3, r = 9) # commas printed irregardless
#> [1] (1,2,8,3,6,9,5,4,7) (1,8,3,4,9,6,2,7,5) (1,9,2,7,8,5,4,6,3)
#> [coerced from word form]
Above we see the commas making the output somewhat prolix, but not a
disaster. However, if we are permuting > 9 objects commas are necessary to
interpret strings like 124
which might be
or 12,4
or 1,24
options("comma" = FALSE)
x <- rperm(3, r = 20)
x # commas not printed irregardless
#> [1] (194516182719314111013)(612815)(1720) (11771416615345122092)(8191811)(1013)
#> [3] (1515)(2112043)(714891210)(131718)
#> [coerced from word form]
options("comma" = NULL) # restore default
x # default for comparison
#> [1] (1,9,4,5,16,18,2,7,19,3,14,11,10,13)(6,12,8,15)(17,20)
#> [2] (1,17,7,14,16,6,15,3,4,5,12,20,9,2)(8,19,18,11)(10,13)
#> [3] (1,5,15)(2,11,20,4,3)(7,14,8,9,12,10)(13,17,18)
#> [coerced from word form]
Above, the absence of commas is somewhat confusing, default restored.
The permutations
package considers permutations of a
finite set. It is very convenient to identify the finite set
with integers 1, 2, …, n
[chiefly because products and inverses are easy if one can use R’s
1-based vector indexing: products are just a*b=b[a]
and the
inverse of W
is just W[W] <- seq_along(W)
Because of this, the default print method echoes the internal
representation of a permutation.
x <- rperm(n = 3)
#> structure(c(6L, 7L, 5L, 1L, 3L, 2L, 4L, 2L, 6L, 3L, 6L, 3L, 7L,
#> 4L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 4L, 5L, 5L, 7L), dim = c(3L, 7L), class = c("permutation",
#> "word"))
#> [1] (162)(34)(57) (17546)(23) (15)(364)
#> [coerced from word form]
We see the print method echoing the internal representation of the
set [n] = {1, 2, …, n}.
However, it is possible to use a different set, using option
options(perm_set = letters)
#> [1] (aegdb)(cf) (abfec) (acbf)(de) (adfcbge) (bdcge)
#> [6] (acfgd) (afgdeb) (ad)(bf)(eg) (bfeg)(cd) (afcdgbe)
#> [coerced from word form]
Above we see cyclic representation of permutations of the letters a-z. However, the use of commas is somewhat problematic, and by default the print method uses the > 9 criterion for including a comma:
(xx <- rperm(n = 2, r = 26))
#> [1] (a,f,r,h,k,l,c,i,j,w,z,v,y,o,u,d,g,p)(b,q,t,e,s,n)
#> [2] (a,s,z,l,y,r,p,m,u,b,c,k,w,q,x,j,v,h,i,e,n,o,g,t,d)
#> [coerced from word form]
Above we see that commas are included (because 26 > 9) but it probably looks better without them:
options(comma = FALSE)
#> [1] (afrhklcijwzvyoudgp)(bqtesn) (aszlyrpmubckwqxjvhienogtd)
#> [coerced from word form]
One side-effect of using a finite set of symbols is that the print method might run out of symbols:
(z <- rperm(n = 2, r = 50))
#> [coerced from word form]
Above we see NA
printed where the symbol’s index exceeds
26 (also the absence of commas does not help). Remember that the print
method does not change the object itself, so this might not be an issue.
It is possible to use symbols that have more than one character:
options(perm_set =
options(comma = TRUE)
#> [coerced from word form]
Consider the following:
options(perm_set = NULL) # revert to numbers
options(comma = FALSE) # supress comma
x <- rgivenshape(30, 2:4)
#> [1] (1938)(256)(47) (162)(3547)(89) (189)(24)(3567) (1523)(48)(697)
#> [5] (163)(25)(4978) (1263)(45)(789) (1829)(36)(457) (1764)(239)(58)
#> [9] (153)(28)(4976) (1783)(265)(49) (1829)(34)(576) (13)(2496)(587)
#> [13] (1326)(498)(57) (1537)(286)(49) (17)(284)(3965) (1846)(237)(59)
#> [17] (1597)(246)(38) (1392)(486)(57) (17)(268)(3549) (1972)(356)(48)
#> [21] (198)(2647)(35) (14)(2853)(697) (19)(247)(3568) (1458)(29)(367)
#> [25] (1249)(367)(58) (1794)(256)(38) (1394)(287)(56) (167)(2439)(58)
#> [29] (15)(287)(3649) (1369)(285)(47)
We see 30 random permutations with shape (⋅ ⋅)(⋅ ⋅ ⋅)(⋅ ⋅ ⋅). However, because
function nicify_cyclist()
sorts each cycle so that the
smallest element is first, then sorts the cycles by first element, it is
not obvious that all the permutations above have the same shape. The
print method is sensitive to experimental option
(via function
). If TRUE
, permutations
cycle form will be printed but with the cycles in increasing length
options("print_in_length_order" = TRUE)
#> [1] (47)(256)(1938) (89)(162)(3547) (24)(189)(3567) (48)(697)(1523)
#> [5] (25)(163)(4978) (45)(789)(1263) (36)(457)(1829) (58)(239)(1764)
#> [9] (28)(153)(4976) (49)(265)(1783) (34)(576)(1829) (13)(587)(2496)
#> [13] (57)(498)(1326) (49)(286)(1537) (17)(284)(3965) (59)(237)(1846)
#> [17] (38)(246)(1597) (57)(486)(1392) (17)(268)(3549) (48)(356)(1972)
#> [21] (35)(198)(2647) (14)(697)(2853) (19)(247)(3568) (29)(367)(1458)
#> [25] (58)(367)(1249) (38)(256)(1794) (56)(287)(1394) (58)(167)(2439)
#> [29] (15)(287)(3649) (47)(285)(1369)
Above we used state abbreviations (a builtin R dataset) and also direct the print method to use commas for readability. However, it is best to reset to the default, as the option persists between vignettes: