in the permutations package:
group actions## function (x, ...)
## {
## a <- NULL
## x <- as.matrix(as.word(x))
## if (nrow(x) == 1) {
## return(as.function(alist(a = , x[, a])))
## }
## else {
## return(as.function(alist(a = , x[cbind(seq_len(nrow(x)),
## a)])))
## }
## }
## <bytecode: 0x55d8acd6b608>
## <environment: namespace:permutations>
To cite the permutations package in publications, please use Hankin (2020). The
package was intended to manipulate and combine
permutations, but often one wants to consider the effect of a
permutation on the underlying set, taken to be [n] = {1, 2, …, n}. In
other words, we wish to consider a permutation as a function. In package
idiom, coercing a permutation to a function is straightforward:
## [1] 5
Above we see that permutation (45)(127) maps 4 to 5. We can see from the
function body, at the top of the page, that permutations are coerced to
word form. Function as.function.permutation()
to stop “x[a,]
” dispatching to
and use matrix extraction instead. It might be
argued that unclass()
would be better coding.
Coercion is vectorized:
## [1] 2 7 3 5 4 6 1
## [1] 3 4 2 4 2 3 3 4 1 4 1 3 2 4 1 4 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 2
## [1] 6 2 2 7 3 2 2
The second and third forms use the
alist(a = , x[cbind(seq_len(nrow(x)),a)])
construction. We
now discuss the extent to which the underlying permutation group is
represented in package idiom. Consider the following construction:
## [1] (12)
## Error in x[, a]: subscript out of bounds
On the one hand, object p
is a permutation on the set
[2] = {1, 2}. The action of this
permutation on 3 is not defined, and the package returns an error. Above
we effectively see
## Error in t(1:2)[, 3]: subscript out of bounds
which is the origin of the error. On the other hand, one might
reasonably hold that the action of (12)
on 3 should be 3, on the grounds that (12) transposes elements 1 and 2 and leaves
all other elements unchanged. To realise this interpretation we need to
ensure that p
has underlying set including 3, in this case
{1, 2, 3}. This is straightforward with
## [1] 3
The ever-problematic identity permutation acts on the empty set so its functionalization always returns an error:
## Error in x[, a]: subscript out of bounds
Again the resolution is to coerce to word form with explicit
## [1] 4