Title: | Fast Symbolic Multivariate Polynomials |
Description: | Fast manipulation of symbolic multivariate polynomials using the 'Map' class of the Standard Template Library. The package uses print and coercion methods from the 'mpoly' package but offers speed improvements. It is comparable in speed to the 'spray' package for sparse arrays, but retains the symbolic benefits of 'mpoly'. To cite the package in publications, use Hankin 2022 <doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2210.15991>. Uses 'disordR' discipline. |
Authors: | Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Robin K. S. Hankin <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.1-1 |
Built: | 2025-03-31 08:24:54 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/robinhankin/mvp |
Fast manipulation of symbolic multivariate polynomials using the 'Map' class of the Standard Template Library. The package uses print and coercion methods from the 'mpoly' package but offers speed improvements. It is comparable in speed to the 'spray' package for sparse arrays, but retains the symbolic benefits of 'mpoly'. To cite the package in publications, use Hankin 2022 <doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2210.15991>. Uses 'disordR' discipline.
Package: | mvp |
Type: | Package |
Title: | Fast Symbolic Multivariate Polynomials |
Version: | 1.1-1 |
Authors@R: | person(given=c("Robin", "K. S."), family="Hankin", role = c("aut","cre"), email="[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-5982-0415")) |
Depends: | R (>= 4.1.0), methods |
Suggests: | knitr, rmarkdown, microbenchmark, testthat, spray, magrittr, covr |
VignetteBuilder: | knitr |
Maintainer: | Robin K. S. Hankin <[email protected]> |
Description: | Fast manipulation of symbolic multivariate polynomials using the 'Map' class of the Standard Template Library. The package uses print and coercion methods from the 'mpoly' package but offers speed improvements. It is comparable in speed to the 'spray' package for sparse arrays, but retains the symbolic benefits of 'mpoly'. To cite the package in publications, use Hankin 2022 <doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2210.15991>. Uses 'disordR' discipline. |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Imports: | Rcpp (>= 1.0-7), partitions, magic, digest, disordR (>= 0.9-7), numbers, mpoly (>= 1.1.0), |
LinkingTo: | Rcpp |
URL: | https://github.com/RobinHankin/mvp, https://robinhankin.github.io/mvp/ |
BugReports: | https://github.com/RobinHankin/mvp/issues |
LazyData: | FALSE |
Config/pak/sysreqs: | libgmp3-dev libicu-dev |
Repository: | https://robinhankin.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/robinhankin/mvp |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | 326d657e81c0fc16081fc905e23d08376c253747 |
Author: | Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5982-0415>) |
Index of help topics:
Ops.mvp Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for 'mvp' objects all_equal_mvp Approximate equality of mvp objects allvars All variables in a multivariate polynomial as.function.mvp Functional form for multivariate polynomials coeffs Functionality for 'coeffs' objects constant The constant term deriv Differentiation of 'mvp' objects drop Drop empty variables horner Horner's method invert Replace symbols with their reciprocals kahle A sparse multivariate polynomial knight Chess knight letters Single-letter symbols lowlevel Low level functions mpoly Conversion to and from mpoly form mvp Multivariate polynomials, mvp objects mvp-package Fast Symbolic Multivariate Polynomials ooom One over one minus a multivariate polynomial print.mvp Print methods for 'mvp' objects rmvp Random multivariate polynomials series Decomposition of multivariate polynomials by powers special Various functions to create simple multivariate polynomials subs Substitution summary Summary methods for mvp objects zero The zero polynomial
Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5982-0415>)
Maintainer: Robin K. S. Hankin <[email protected]>
(p <- as.mvp("1+x+x*y+x^5")) p + as.mvp("a+b^6") p^3 subs(p^4,x="a+b^2") aderiv(p^2,x=4) horner(p,1:3)
(p <- as.mvp("1+x+x*y+x^5")) p + as.mvp("a+b^6") p^3 subs(p^4,x="a+b^2") aderiv(p^2,x=4) horner(p,1:3)
Two multivariate polynomials are held to be approximately
equal if the coefficients of
are small compared to the
coefficients of
separately. The comparison
is dispatched to all_equal_mvp()
which uses
all_equal_mvp(target, current)
all_equal_mvp(target, current)
target , current
Objects of class |
Robin K. S. Hankin
a <- rmvp() a1 <- a + rmvp()/1e5 a2 <- a - rmvp()/1e5 all.equal(a1,a2)
a <- rmvp() a1 <- a + rmvp()/1e5 a2 <- a - rmvp()/1e5 all.equal(a1,a2)
Returns a character vector containing all the variables present in a
x |
object of class |
The character vector returned is not in any particular order. It might
have been better for allvars()
to return a disord
Robin K. S. Hankin
p <- rmvp(5) p allvars(p)
p <- rmvp(5) p allvars(p)
Coerces a multivariate polynomial into a function
## S3 method for class 'mvp' as.function(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mvp' as.function(x, ...)
x |
Multivariate polynomial |
... |
Further arguments (currently ignored) |
Robin K. S. Hankin
p <- as.mvp("1+a^2 + a*b^2 + c") p f <- as.function(p) f f(a=1) f(a=1,b=2) f(a=1,b=2,c=3) # coerces to a scalar f(a=1,b=2,c=3,drop=FALSE) # formal mvp object
p <- as.mvp("1+a^2 + a*b^2 + c") p f <- as.function(p) f f(a=1) f(a=1,b=2) f(a=1,b=2,c=3) # coerces to a scalar f(a=1,b=2,c=3,drop=FALSE) # formal mvp object
objectsFunction coeffs()
allows arithmetic operators to be used for
the coefficients of multivariate polynomials, bearing in mind that the
order of coefficients is not determined. It uses the disord
class of the disordR package.
“Pure” extraction and replacement (as in a[i]
a[i] <- value
) is implemented experimentally. The code for
extraction is cute but not particularly efficient.
coeffs(x) vars(x) powers(x) coeffs(x) <- value
coeffs(x) vars(x) powers(x) coeffs(x) <- value
x |
Object of class |
value |
Object of class |
(much of the discussion below appears in the vignette of the disordR package).
Accessing elements of an mvp
object is problematic because the
order of the terms of an mvp
object is not well-defined. This
is because the map
class of the STL
does not specify an
order for the key-value pairs (and indeed the actual order in which
they are stored may be implementation dependent). The situation is
similar to the hyper2
package which uses the STL
in a
similar way.
A coeffs
object is a vector of coefficients of a mvp
object. But it is not a conventional vector; in a conventional
vector, we can identify the first element unambiguously, and the
second, and so on. An mvp
is a map from terms to coefficients,
and a map has no intrinsic ordering: the maps
{x -> 1, y -> 3, xy^3 -> 4}
{xy^3 -> 4, x -> 1, y -> 3}
are the same map and correspond to the same multinomial (symbolically,
). Thus the coefficients of the
multinomial might be
or c(4,1,3)
, or indeed any
ordering. But note that any particular ordering imposes an ordering
on the terms. If we choose c(1,3,4)
then the terms are
, and if we choose c(4,1,3)
the terms are
In the package, coeffs()
returns an object of class
. This class of object has a slot for the coefficients
in the form of a numeric R vector, but also another slot which uses
hash codes to prevent users from misusing the ordering of the numeric
For example, a multinomial x+2y+3z
might have coefficients
or c(3,1,2)
. Package idiom to extract the
coefficients of a multivariate polynomial a
; but this cannot return a standard numeric vector
because a numeric vector has elements in a particular order, and the
coefficients of a multivariate polynomial are stored in an
implementation-specific (and thus unknown) order.
Suppose we have two multivariate polynomials, a
as defined as
above with a=x+2y+3z
and b=x+3y+4z
. Even though
is well-defined algebraically, and coeffs(a+b)
return a well-defined mvp_coeffs
object, idiom such as
coeffs(a) + coeffs(b)
is not defined because there is no
guarantee that the coefficients of the two multivariate polynomials
are stored in the same order. We might have
, with neither being more
“correct” than the other. In the package, coeffs(a) +
will return an error. In the same way coeffs(a) +
is not defined and will return an error. Further, idiom such as
coeffs(a) <- 1:3
and coeffs(a) <- coeffs(b)
are not
defined and will return an error. However, note that coeffs(a)
+ coeffs(a)
and coeffs(a)+coeffs(a)^2
are fine, these
returning a mvp_coeffs
object specific to a
Idiom such as coeffs(a) <- coeffs(a)^2
is fine too, for one
does not need to know the order of the coefficients on either side, so
long as the order is the same on both sides. That would translate
into idiomatic English: “the coefficient of each term of
becomes its square”; note that this operation is insensitive
to the order of coefficients. The whole shebang is intended to make
idiom such as coeffs(a) <- coeffs(a)%%2
possible (so we can
manipulate polynomials over finite rings, here
The replacement methods are defined so that an expression like
coeffs(a)[coeffs(a) > 5] <- 5
works as expected; the English
idiom would be “Replace any coefficient greater than 5 with 5”.
To fix ideas, consider a <- rmvp(8)
. Extraction presents
issues; consider coeffs(a)<5
. This object has Boolean elements
but has the same ordering ambiguity as coeffs(a)
. One might
expect that we could use this to extract elements of coeffs(a)
specifically elements less than 5. However,
in isolation is meaningless: what can be
done with such an object? However, it makes sense on the left hand
side of an assignment, as long as the right hand side is a length-one
vector. Idiom such as
coeffs(a)[coeffs(a)<5] <- 4+coeffs(a)[coeffs(a)<5]
coeffs(a) <- pmax(a,3)
is algebraically meaningful (“Add 4 to any element less than
5”; “coefficients become the pairwise maximum of themselves and
3”). The disordR package uses pmaxdis()
rather than
for technical reasons.
So the output of coeffs(x)
is defined only up to an unknown
rearrangement. The same considerations apply to the output of
, which returns a list of character vectors in an
undefined order, and the output of powers()
, which returns a
numeric list whose elements are in an undefined order. However, even
though the order of these three objects is undefined individually,
their ordering is jointly consistent in the sense that the first
element of coeffs(x)
corresponds to the first element of
and the first element of powers(x)
. The
identity of this element is not defined—but whatever it is, the
first element of all three accessor methods refers to it.
Note also that a single term (something like 4a^3*b*c^6
) has
the same issue: the variables are not stored in a well-defined order.
This does not matter because the algebraic value of the term does not
depend on the order in which the variables appear and this term would
be equivalent to 4b*c^6*a^3
Robin K. S. Hankin
(x <- 5+rmvp(6)) (y <- 2+rmvp(6)) coeffs(x)^2 coeffs(y) <- coeffs(y)%%3 # fine, all coeffs of y now modulo 3 y coeffs(y) <- 4 y ## Not run: coeffs(x) <- coeffs(y) # not defined, will give an error coeffs(x) <- seq_len(nterms(x)) # not defined, will give an error ## End(Not run)
(x <- 5+rmvp(6)) (y <- 2+rmvp(6)) coeffs(x)^2 coeffs(y) <- coeffs(y)%%3 # fine, all coeffs of y now modulo 3 y coeffs(y) <- 4 y ## Not run: coeffs(x) <- coeffs(y) # not defined, will give an error coeffs(x) <- seq_len(nterms(x)) # not defined, will give an error ## End(Not run)
Get and set the constant term of an mvp
## S3 method for class 'mvp' constant(x) ## S3 replacement method for class 'mvp' constant(x) <- value ## S3 method for class 'numeric' constant(x) is.constant(x)
## S3 method for class 'mvp' constant(x) ## S3 replacement method for class 'mvp' constant(x) <- value ## S3 method for class 'numeric' constant(x) is.constant(x)
x |
Object of class |
value |
Scalar value for the constant |
The constant term in a polynomial is the coefficient of the empty term.
In an mvp
object, the map {} -> c
, implies that c
the constant.
If x
is an mvp
object, constant(x)
returns the value of
the constant in the multivariate polynomial; if x
is numeric,
it returns a constant multivariate polynomial with value x
Function is.constant()
returns TRUE
if its argument has
no variables and FALSE
Robin K. S. Hankin
a <- rmvp(5)+4 a constant(a) constant(a) <- 33 a constant(0) # the zero mvp
a <- rmvp(5)+4 a constant(a) constant(a) <- 33 a constant(0) # the zero mvp
objectsDifferentiation of mvp
## S3 method for class 'mvp' deriv(expr, v, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mvp' aderiv(expr, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mvp' deriv(expr, v, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mvp' aderiv(expr, ...)
expr |
Object of class |
v |
Character vector. Elements denote variables to differentiate with respect to |
... |
Further arguments. In |
returns . Here,
is a (character) vector of symbols.
returns the n-th derivative of S
respect to symbol v
, .
uses the ellipsis construction with the names of the
argument being the variable to be differentiated with respect to.
Thus aderiv(S,x=1,y=2)
returns .
Robin K. S. Hankin
(p <- rmvp(10,4,15,5)) deriv(p,"a") deriv(p,"a",3) deriv(p,letters[1:3]) deriv(p,rev(letters[1:3])) # should be the same aderiv(p,a=1,b=2,c=1) ## verify the chain rule: x <- rmvp(7,symbols=6) v <- allvars(x)[1] s <- as.mvp("1 + y - y^2 zz + y^3 z^2") LHS <- subsmvp(deriv(x,v)*deriv(s,"y"),v,s) # dx/ds*ds/dy RHS <- deriv(subsmvp(x,v,s),"y") # dx/dy LHS - RHS # should be zero
(p <- rmvp(10,4,15,5)) deriv(p,"a") deriv(p,"a",3) deriv(p,letters[1:3]) deriv(p,rev(letters[1:3])) # should be the same aderiv(p,a=1,b=2,c=1) ## verify the chain rule: x <- rmvp(7,symbols=6) v <- allvars(x)[1] s <- as.mvp("1 + y - y^2 zz + y^3 z^2") LHS <- subsmvp(deriv(x,v)*deriv(s,"y"),v,s) # dx/ds*ds/dy RHS <- deriv(subsmvp(x,v,s),"y") # dx/dy LHS - RHS # should be zero
Convert an mvp
object which is a pure constant into a scalar
whose value is the coefficient of the empty term.
A few functions in the package (currently subs()
) take a drop
argument that behaves much like the
argument in base extraction.
Function drop()
is an S4 generic, which is why the
package calls setOldClass()
Function drop()
was formerly called lose()
## S4 method for signature 'mvp' drop(x)
## S4 method for signature 'mvp' drop(x)
x |
Object of class |
Robin K. S. Hankin
(m1 <- as.mvp("1+bish +bash^2 + bosh^3")) (m2 <- as.mvp("bish +bash^2 + bosh^3")) m1-m2 # an mvp object drop(m1-m2) # numeric
(m1 <- as.mvp("1+bish +bash^2 + bosh^3")) (m2 <- as.mvp("bish +bash^2 + bosh^3")) m1-m2 # an mvp object drop(m1-m2) # numeric
Horner's method for multivariate polynomials
P |
Multivariate polynomial |
v |
Numeric vector of coefficients |
Given a polynomial
it is possible to express in the algebraically equivalent
which is much more efficient for evaluation, as it requires only
multiplications and
additions, and this is optimal. But this is
not implemented here because it's efficient. It is implemented because
it works if
is itself a (multivariate) polynomial, and that is
the second coolest thing ever. The coolest thing ever is the
Robin K. S. Hankin
horner("x",1:5) horner("x+y",1:3) w <- as.mvp("x+y^2") stopifnot(1 + 2*w + 3*w^2 == horner(w,1:3)) # note off-by-one issue "x+y+x*y" |> horner(1:3) |> horner(1:2)
horner("x",1:5) horner("x+y",1:3) w <- as.mvp("x+y^2") stopifnot(1 + 2*w + 3*w^2 == horner(w,1:3)) # note off-by-one issue "x+y+x*y" |> horner(1:3) |> horner(1:2)
Given an mvp
object, replace one or more symbols with their reciprocals
invert(p, v)
invert(p, v)
p |
Object (coerced to) |
v |
Character vector of symbols to be replaced with their reciprocal; missing interpreted as replace all symbols |
Robin K. S. Hankin
invert("x") (P <- as.mvp("1+a+6*a^2 -7*a*b")) invert(P,"a")
invert("x") (P <- as.mvp("1+a+6*a^2 -7*a*b")) invert(P,"a")
A sparse multivariate polynomial inspired by Kahle (2013)
kahle(n = 26, r = 1, p = 1, coeffs = 1, symbols = letters)
kahle(n = 26, r = 1, p = 1, coeffs = 1, symbols = letters)
n |
Number of different symbols to use |
r |
Number of symbols in a single term |
p |
Power of each symbol in each terms |
coeffs |
Coefficients of the terms |
symbols |
Alphabet of symbols |
Robin K. S. Hankin
David Kahle 2013. “mpoly: multivariate polynomials in R”. R Journal, volume 5/1.
kahle() # a+b+...+z kahle(r=2,p=1:2) # Kahle's original example ## example where mvp runs faster than spray (mvp does not need a 200x200 matrix): k <- kahle(200,r=3,p=1:3,symbols=paste("x",sprintf("%02d",1:200),sep="")) system.time(ignore <- k^2) #system.time(ignore <- mvp_to_spray(k)^2) # needs spray package loaded
kahle() # a+b+...+z kahle(r=2,p=1:2) # Kahle's original example ## example where mvp runs faster than spray (mvp does not need a 200x200 matrix): k <- kahle(200,r=3,p=1:3,symbols=paste("x",sprintf("%02d",1:200),sep="")) system.time(ignore <- k^2) #system.time(ignore <- mvp_to_spray(k)^2) # needs spray package loaded
Generating function for a chess knight on an infinite
-dimensional chessboard
knight(d, can_stay_still = FALSE)
knight(d, can_stay_still = FALSE)
d |
Dimension of the board |
can_stay_still |
Boolean, with default |
The function is a slight modification of spray::knight()
Robin K. S. Hankin
knight(2) # regular chess knight on a regular chess board knight(2,TRUE) # regular chess knight that can stay still # Q: how many ways are there for a 4D knight to return to its starting # square after four moves? # A: constant(knight(4)^4) # Q ...and how many ways in four moves or fewer? # A1: constant(knight(4,TRUE)^4) # A2: constant((1+knight(4))^4)
knight(2) # regular chess knight on a regular chess board knight(2,TRUE) # regular chess knight that can stay still # Q: how many ways are there for a 4D knight to return to its starting # square after four moves? # A: constant(knight(4)^4) # Q ...and how many ways in four moves or fewer? # A1: constant(knight(4,TRUE)^4) # A2: constant((1+knight(4))^4)
Variables a
, b
,... z
are given their mvp
semantic meaning.
Twenty-six variables a-z are defined as their mvp
a <- as.mvp("a") ... z <- as.mvp("z")
These objects can be generated by running script inst/symb.Rmd
which includes some further discussion and technical documentation and
creates file lettersymbols.rda
which resides in the
Letters c
, q
, and t
might pose difficulties.
Robin K. S. Hankin
data(lettersymbols) (a+b)*(a-b) (x + y + z)^3 - 3*(x + y + z)*(x*y + x*z + y*z) + 3*x*y*z
data(lettersymbols) (a+b)*(a-b) (x + y + z)^3 - 3*(x + y + z)*(x*y + x*z + y*z) + 3*x*y*z
Various low-level functions that call the C routines
mvp_substitute(allnames,allpowers,coefficients,v,values) mvp_substitute_mvp(allnames1, allpowers1, coefficients1, allnames2, allpowers2, coefficients2, v) mvp_vectorised_substitute(allnames, allpowers, coefficients, M, nrows, ncols, v) mvp_prod(allnames1,allpowers1,coefficients1,allnames2,allpowers2,coefficients2) mvp_add(allnames1, allpowers1, coefficients1, allnames2, allpowers2,coefficients2) simplify(allnames,allpowers,coefficients) mvp_deriv(allnames, allpowers, coefficients, v) mvp_power(allnames, allpowers, coefficients, n)
mvp_substitute(allnames,allpowers,coefficients,v,values) mvp_substitute_mvp(allnames1, allpowers1, coefficients1, allnames2, allpowers2, coefficients2, v) mvp_vectorised_substitute(allnames, allpowers, coefficients, M, nrows, ncols, v) mvp_prod(allnames1,allpowers1,coefficients1,allnames2,allpowers2,coefficients2) mvp_add(allnames1, allpowers1, coefficients1, allnames2, allpowers2,coefficients2) simplify(allnames,allpowers,coefficients) mvp_deriv(allnames, allpowers, coefficients, v) mvp_power(allnames, allpowers, coefficients, n)
allnames , allpowers , coefficients , allnames1 , allpowers1 , coefficients1 , allnames2 , allpowers2 , coefficients2 , v , values , n , M , nrows , ncols
Variables sent to the C routines |
These functions call the functions defined in RcppExports.R
These functions are not intended for the end-user. Use the
syntactic sugar (as in a+b
or a*b
or a^n
), or
functions like mvp_plus_mvp()
, which are more user-friendly.
Robin K. S. Hankin
The mpoly package by David Kahle provides similar
functionality to this package, and the functions documented here
convert between mpoly and mvp
objects. The mvp package uses
to convert character strings to mvp
mpoly_to_mvp(m) ## S3 method for class 'mvp' as.mpoly(x,...)
mpoly_to_mvp(m) ## S3 method for class 'mvp' as.mpoly(x,...)
m |
object of class mvp |
x |
object of class mpoly |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- rmvp(5) x == mpoly_to_mvp(mpoly::as.mpoly(x)) # should be TRUE
x <- rmvp(5) x == mpoly_to_mvp(mpoly::as.mpoly(x)) # should be TRUE
Create, test for, and coerce to, mvp
mvp(vars, powers, coeffs) is_ok_mvp(vars,powers,coeffs) is.mvp(x) as.mvp(x) ## S3 method for class 'character' as.mvp(x) ## S3 method for class 'list' as.mvp(x) ## S3 method for class 'mpoly' as.mvp(x) ## S3 method for class 'mvp' as.mvp(x) ## S3 method for class 'numeric' as.mvp(x)
mvp(vars, powers, coeffs) is_ok_mvp(vars,powers,coeffs) is.mvp(x) as.mvp(x) ## S3 method for class 'character' as.mvp(x) ## S3 method for class 'list' as.mvp(x) ## S3 method for class 'mpoly' as.mvp(x) ## S3 method for class 'mvp' as.mvp(x) ## S3 method for class 'numeric' as.mvp(x)
vars |
List of variables comprising each term of an |
powers |
List of powers corresponding to the variables of the
coeffs |
Numeric vector corresponding to the coefficients to each
element of the |
x |
Object to be coerced to or tested for being class |
Function mvp()
is the formal creation mechanism for mvp
objects. However, it is not very user-friendly; it is better to use
in day-to-day use.
Function is_ok_mvp()
checks for consistency of its arguments.
Robin K. S. Hankin
mvp(list("x", c("x","y"), "a", c("y","x")), list(1,1:2,3,c(-1,4)), 1:4) ## Note how the terms appear in an arbitrary order, as do ## the symbols within a term. kahle <- mvp( vars = split(cbind(letters,letters[c(26,1:25)]),rep(seq_len(26),each=2)), powers = rep(list(1:2),26), coeffs = 1:26 ) kahle ## again note arbitrary order of terms and symbols within a term ## Standard arithmetic rules apply: a <- as.mvp("1 + 4*x*y + 7*z") b <- as.mvp("-7*z + 3*x^34 - 2*z*x") a+b a*b^2 (a+b)*(a-b) == a^2-b^2 # should be TRUE ## variable "xy" is distinct from "x*y": as.mvp("x + y + xy")^2 as.mvp(paste(state.name[1:5],collapse="+"))^2
mvp(list("x", c("x","y"), "a", c("y","x")), list(1,1:2,3,c(-1,4)), 1:4) ## Note how the terms appear in an arbitrary order, as do ## the symbols within a term. kahle <- mvp( vars = split(cbind(letters,letters[c(26,1:25)]),rep(seq_len(26),each=2)), powers = rep(list(1:2),26), coeffs = 1:26 ) kahle ## again note arbitrary order of terms and symbols within a term ## Standard arithmetic rules apply: a <- as.mvp("1 + 4*x*y + 7*z") b <- as.mvp("-7*z + 3*x^34 - 2*z*x") a+b a*b^2 (a+b)*(a-b) == a^2-b^2 # should be TRUE ## variable "xy" is distinct from "x*y": as.mvp("x + y + xy")^2 as.mvp(paste(state.name[1:5],collapse="+"))^2
Uses Taylor's theorem to give one over one minus a multipol
n |
Order of expansion |
P |
Multivariate polynomial |
Robin K. S. Hankin
ooom("x",5) ooom("x",5) * as.mvp("1-x") # 1 + O(x^6) ooom("x+y",4) "x+y" |> ooom(5) |> aderiv(x=2,y=1)
ooom("x",5) ooom("x",5) * as.mvp("1-x") # 1 + O(x^6) ooom("x+y",4) "x+y" |> ooom(5) |> aderiv(x=2,y=1)
objectsAllows arithmetic operators to be used for multivariate polynomials such as addition, multiplication, integer powers, etc.
## S3 method for class 'mvp' Ops(e1, e2) mvp_negative(S) mvp_times_mvp(S1,S2) mvp_times_scalar(S,x) mvp_plus_mvp(S1,S2) mvp_plus_numeric(S,x) mvp_eq_mvp(S1,S2) mvp_modulo(S1,S2)
## S3 method for class 'mvp' Ops(e1, e2) mvp_negative(S) mvp_times_mvp(S1,S2) mvp_times_scalar(S,x) mvp_plus_mvp(S1,S2) mvp_plus_numeric(S,x) mvp_eq_mvp(S1,S2) mvp_modulo(S1,S2)
e1 , e2 , S , S1 , S2
Objects of class |
x |
Scalar, length one numeric vector |
The function Ops.mvp()
passes unary and binary arithmetic
operators “+
”, “-
”, “*
” and
” to the appropriate specialist function.
The most interesting operator is “*
”, which is passed to
. I guess “+
” is quite
interesting too.
The caret “^
” denotes arithmetic exponentiation, as in
. As an experimental feature, this is (sort of)
vectorised: if n
is a vector, then a^n
returns the sum
of a
raised to the power of each element of n
. For example,
is a^n1 + a^n2 + a^n3
. Internally,
is tabulated in the interests of efficiency, so
a^c(0,2,5,5,5) = 1 + a^2 + 3a^5
is evaluated with only a
single fifth power. Similar functionality is implemented in the
freealg package.
The high-level functions documented here return an object of
, the low-level functions documented at lowlevel.Rd
return lists. But don't use the low-level functions.
Function mvp_modulo()
is distinctly sub-optimal and
details ideas for better implementation.
Robin K. S. Hankin
(p1 <- rmvp(3)) (p2 <- rmvp(3)) p1*p2 p1+p2 p1^3 p1*(p1+p2) == p1^2+p1*p2 # should be TRUE
(p1 <- rmvp(3)) (p2 <- rmvp(3)) p1*p2 p1+p2 p1^3 p1*(p1+p2) == p1^2+p1*p2 # should be TRUE
Print methods for mvp
objects: to print, an mvp
object is coerced to
form and the mpoly
print method used.
## S3 method for class 'mvp' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mvp' print(x, ...)
x |
Object of class |
... |
Further arguments |
Returns its argument invisibly
Robin K. S. Hankin
a <- rmvp(4) a print(a) print(a,stars=TRUE) print(a,varorder=rev(letters))
a <- rmvp(4) a print(a) print(a,stars=TRUE) print(a,varorder=rev(letters))
Random multivariate polynomials, intended as quick
“get you going” examples of mvp
rhmvp(n=7,size=4,pow=6,symbols=6) rmvp(n=7,size=4,pow=6,symbols=6) rmvpp(n=30,size=9,pow=20,symbols=15) rmvppp(n=100,size=15,pow=99,symbols)
rhmvp(n=7,size=4,pow=6,symbols=6) rmvp(n=7,size=4,pow=6,symbols=6) rmvpp(n=30,size=9,pow=20,symbols=15) rmvppp(n=100,size=15,pow=99,symbols)
n |
Number of terms to generate |
size |
Maximum number of symbols in each term |
pow |
Maximum power of each symbol |
symbols |
Symbols to use; if numeric, interpret as the first
Function rhmvp()
returns a random homogeneous mvp
Function rmvp()
returns a possibly nonhomogenous mvp
functions rmvpp()
and rmvppp()
return, by default,
progressively more complicated mvp
objects. Function
returns a polynomial with multi-letter variable names.
Returns a multivariate polynomial, an object of class mvp
Robin K. S. Hankin
rhmvp() rmvp() rmvpp() rmvppp()
rhmvp() rmvp() rmvpp() rmvppp()
Power series of multivariate polynomials, in various forms
trunc(S,n) truncall(S,n) trunc1(S,...) series(S,v,showsymb=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'series' print(x,...) onevarpow(S,...) taylor(S,vx,va,debug=FALSE) mvp_taylor_onevar(allnames,allpowers,coefficients, v, n) mvp_taylor_allvars(allnames,allpowers,coefficients, n) mvp_taylor_onepower_onevar(allnames, allpowers, coefficients, v, n) mvp_to_series(allnames, allpowers, coefficients, v)
trunc(S,n) truncall(S,n) trunc1(S,...) series(S,v,showsymb=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'series' print(x,...) onevarpow(S,...) taylor(S,vx,va,debug=FALSE) mvp_taylor_onevar(allnames,allpowers,coefficients, v, n) mvp_taylor_allvars(allnames,allpowers,coefficients, n) mvp_taylor_onepower_onevar(allnames, allpowers, coefficients, v, n) mvp_to_series(allnames, allpowers, coefficients, v)
S |
Object of class |
n |
Non-negative integer specifying highest order to be retained |
v |
Variable to take Taylor series with respect to. If missing,
total power of each term is used (except for |
x , ...
Object of class |
showsymb |
In function |
vx , va , debug
In function |
allnames , allpowers , coefficients
Components of |
Function onevarpow()
returns just the terms in which the
symbols corresponding to the named arguments have powers equal to the
arguments' powers. Thus:
onevarpow(as.mvp("x*y*z + 3*x*y^2 + 7*x*y^2*z^6 + x*y^3"),x=1,y=2) mvp object algebraically equal to 3 + 7 z^6
Above, we see that only the terms with x^1*y^2
have been
extracted, corresponding to arguments x=1,y=2
Function series()
returns a power series expansion of powers of
variable v
. The value returned is a list of three elements
named mvp
, varpower
, and variablename
. The first
element is a list of mvp
objects and the second is an integer
vector of powers of variable v
(element variablename
a character string holding the variable name, argument v
Function trunc(S,n)
returns the terms of S
with the sum
of the powers of the variables . Alternatively, it
discards all terms with total power
Function trunc1()
is similar to trunc()
. It takes a
object and an arbitrary number of named arguments, with
names corresponding to variables and their values corresponding to the
highest power in that variable to be retained. Thus
will discard any term with variable x
raised to the power 3 or above, and also any term with variable
raised to the power 5 or above. The highest power of
will be 2 and the highest power of y
will be 4.
Function truncall(S,n)
discards any term of S
with any
variable raised to a power greater than n
Function series()
returns an object of class series
; the
print method for series
objects is sensitive to the value of
; set this to "*"
to get
-compatible output.
Function taylor()
is a convenience wrapper for series()
Functions mvp_taylor_onevar()
, mvp_taylor_allvars()
are low-level helper functions that are not
intended for the user.
Robin K. S. Hankin
trunc(as.mvp("1+x")^6,2) trunc(as.mvp("1+x+y")^3,2) # discards all terms with total power>2 trunc1(as.mvp("1+x+y")^3,x=2) # terms like y^3 are treated as constants trunc(as.mvp("1+x+y^2")^3,3) # discards x^2y^2 term (total power=4>3) truncall(as.mvp("1+x+y^2")^3,3) # retains x^2y^2 term (all vars to power 2) onevarpow(as.mvp("1+x+x*y^2 + z*y^2*x"),x=1,y=2) (p2 <- rmvp(10)) series(p2,"a") # Works well with pipes: f <- function(n){as.mvp(sub('n',n,'1+x^n*y'))} Reduce(`*`,lapply(1:6,f)) |> series('y') Reduce(`*`,lapply(1:6,f)) |> series('x') (p <- horner("x+y",1:4)) onevarpow(p,x=2) # coefficient of x^2 onevarpow(p,x=3) # coefficient of x^3 p |> trunc(2) p |> trunc1(x=2) (p |> subs(x="x+dx") -p) |> trunc1(dx=2) # Nice example of Horner's method: (p <- as.mvp("x + y + 3*x*y")) trunc(horner(p,1:5)*(1-p)^2,4) # should be 1 ## Third order taylor expansion of f(x)=sin(x+y) for x=1.1, about x=1: (sinxpy <- horner("x+y",c(0,1,0,-1/6,0,+1/120,0,-1/5040,0,1/362880))) # sin(x+y) dx <- as.mvp("dx") t3 <- sinxpy + aderiv(sinxpy,x=1)*dx + aderiv(sinxpy,x=2)*dx^2/2 + aderiv(sinxpy,x=3)*dx^3/6 t3 <- t3 |> subs(x=1,dx=0.1) # t3 = Taylor expansion of sin(y+1.1) t3 |> subs(y=0.3) - sin(1.4) # numeric; should be small
trunc(as.mvp("1+x")^6,2) trunc(as.mvp("1+x+y")^3,2) # discards all terms with total power>2 trunc1(as.mvp("1+x+y")^3,x=2) # terms like y^3 are treated as constants trunc(as.mvp("1+x+y^2")^3,3) # discards x^2y^2 term (total power=4>3) truncall(as.mvp("1+x+y^2")^3,3) # retains x^2y^2 term (all vars to power 2) onevarpow(as.mvp("1+x+x*y^2 + z*y^2*x"),x=1,y=2) (p2 <- rmvp(10)) series(p2,"a") # Works well with pipes: f <- function(n){as.mvp(sub('n',n,'1+x^n*y'))} Reduce(`*`,lapply(1:6,f)) |> series('y') Reduce(`*`,lapply(1:6,f)) |> series('x') (p <- horner("x+y",1:4)) onevarpow(p,x=2) # coefficient of x^2 onevarpow(p,x=3) # coefficient of x^3 p |> trunc(2) p |> trunc1(x=2) (p |> subs(x="x+dx") -p) |> trunc1(dx=2) # Nice example of Horner's method: (p <- as.mvp("x + y + 3*x*y")) trunc(horner(p,1:5)*(1-p)^2,4) # should be 1 ## Third order taylor expansion of f(x)=sin(x+y) for x=1.1, about x=1: (sinxpy <- horner("x+y",c(0,1,0,-1/6,0,+1/120,0,-1/5040,0,1/362880))) # sin(x+y) dx <- as.mvp("dx") t3 <- sinxpy + aderiv(sinxpy,x=1)*dx + aderiv(sinxpy,x=2)*dx^2/2 + aderiv(sinxpy,x=3)*dx^3/6 t3 <- t3 |> subs(x=1,dx=0.1) # t3 = Taylor expansion of sin(y+1.1) t3 |> subs(y=0.3) - sin(1.4) # numeric; should be small
Various functions to create simple mvp
objects such as single-term,
homogeneous, and constant multivariate polynomials.
product(v,symbols=letters) homog(d,power=1,symbols=letters) linear(x,power=1,symbols=letters) xyz(n,symbols=letters) numeric_to_mvp(x)
product(v,symbols=letters) homog(d,power=1,symbols=letters) linear(x,power=1,symbols=letters) xyz(n,symbols=letters) numeric_to_mvp(x)
d , n
An integer; generally, the dimension or arity of the
resulting |
v , power
Integer vector of powers |
x |
Numeric vector of coefficients |
symbols |
Character vector for the symbols |
All functions documented here return a mvp
The functions here are related to their equivalents in the multipol and spray packages, but are not exactly the same.
Function constant()
is documented at constant.Rd
, but is listed
below for convenience.
Robin K. S. Hankin
product(1:3) # a * b^2 * c^3 homog(3) # a + b + c homog(3,2) # a^2 + a b + a c + b^2 + b c + c^2 linear(1:3) # 1*a + 2*b + 3*c constant(5) # 5 xyz(5) # a*b*c*d*e
product(1:3) # a * b^2 * c^3 homog(3) # a + b + c homog(3,2) # a^2 + a b + a c + b^2 + b c + c^2 linear(1:3) # 1*a + 2*b + 3*c constant(5) # 5 xyz(5) # a*b*c*d*e
Substitute symbols in an mvp
object for numbers or other
multivariate polynomials
subs(S, ..., drop = TRUE) subsy(S, ..., drop = TRUE) subvec(S, ...) subsmvp(S,v,X) varchange(S,...) varchange_formal(S,old,new) namechanger(x,old,new)
subs(S, ..., drop = TRUE) subsy(S, ..., drop = TRUE) subvec(S, ...) subsmvp(S,v,X) varchange(S,...) varchange_formal(S,old,new) namechanger(x,old,new)
S , X
Multivariate polynomials |
... |
named arguments corresponding to variables to substitute |
drop |
Boolean with default |
v |
A string corresponding to the variable to substitute |
old , new , x
The old and new variable names respectively; |
Function subs()
substitutes variables for mvp
using a natural R idiom. Observe that this type of substitution is
sensitive to order:
> p <- as.mvp("a b^2") > subs(p,a="b",b="x") mvp object algebraically equal to x^3 > subs(p,b="x",a="b") # same arguments, different order mvp object algebraically equal to b x^2
Functions subsy()
and subsmvp()
are lower-level functions,
not really intended for the end-user. Function subsy()
substitutes variables for numeric values (order matters if a variable is
substituted more than once). Function subsmpv()
takes a
object and substitutes another mvp
object for a
specific symbol.
Function subvec()
substitutes the symbols of S
numerical values. It is vectorised in its ellipsis arguments with
recycling rules and names behaviour inherited from cbind()
However, if the first element of ...
is a matrix, then this is
interpreted by rows, with symbol names given by the matrix column names;
further arguments are ignored. Unlike subs()
, this function is
generally only useful if all symbols are given a value; unassigned
symbols take a value of zero.
Function varchange()
makes a formal variable substitution.
It is useful because it can take non-standard variable names such as
” or “?
”, and is used in
. Function varchange_formal()
does the same task,
but takes two character vectors, old
and new
, which might
be more convenient than passing named arguments. Remember that
non-standard names might need to be quoted; also you might need to
escape some characters, see the examples. Function namechanger()
is a low-level helper function that uses regular expression idiom to
substitute variable names.
Functions subs()
, subsy()
and subsmvp()
return a
multivariate polynomial unless drop
in which
case a length one numeric vector is returned. Function
returns a numeric vector (sic! the output inherits its
order from the arguments).
Robin K. S. Hankin
p <- rmvp(6,2,2,letters[1:3]) p subs(p,a=1) subs(p,a=1,b=2) subs(p,a="1+b x^3",b="1-y") subs(p,a=1,b=2,c=3,drop=FALSE) do.call(subs,c(list(as.mvp("z")),rep(c(z="C+z^2"),5))) subvec(p,a=1,b=2,c=1:5) # supply a named list of vectors M <- matrix(sample(1:3,26*3,replace=TRUE),ncol=26) colnames(M) <- letters rownames(M) <- c("Huey", "Dewie", "Louie") subvec(kahle(r=3,p=1:3),M) # supply a matrix varchange(as.mvp("1+x+xy + x*y"),x="newx") # variable xy unchanged kahle(5,3,1:3) |> subs(a="a + delta") varchange(p,a="]") # nonstandard variable names OK varchange_formal(p,"\\]","a")
p <- rmvp(6,2,2,letters[1:3]) p subs(p,a=1) subs(p,a=1,b=2) subs(p,a="1+b x^3",b="1-y") subs(p,a=1,b=2,c=3,drop=FALSE) do.call(subs,c(list(as.mvp("z")),rep(c(z="C+z^2"),5))) subvec(p,a=1,b=2,c=1:5) # supply a named list of vectors M <- matrix(sample(1:3,26*3,replace=TRUE),ncol=26) colnames(M) <- letters rownames(M) <- c("Huey", "Dewie", "Louie") subvec(kahle(r=3,p=1:3),M) # supply a matrix varchange(as.mvp("1+x+xy + x*y"),x="newx") # variable xy unchanged kahle(5,3,1:3) |> subs(a="a + delta") varchange(p,a="]") # nonstandard variable names OK varchange_formal(p,"\\]","a")
Summary methods for mvp objects and extraction of typical terms
## S3 method for class 'mvp' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.mvp' print(x, ...) rtypical(object,n=3)
## S3 method for class 'mvp' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.mvp' print(x, ...) rtypical(object,n=3)
x , object
Multivariate polynomial, class |
n |
In |
... |
Further arguments, currently ignored |
The summary method prints out a list of interesting facts about an
object such as the longest term or highest power. Function
extracts the constant if present, and a random
selection of terms of its argument.
Robin K. S. Hankin
summary(rmvp(40)) rtypical(rmvp(40))
summary(rmvp(40)) rtypical(rmvp(40))
Test for a multivariate polynomial being zero
x |
Object of class |
Function is.zero()
returns TRUE
if x
is indeed
the zero polynomial. It is defined as length(vars(x))==0
reasons of efficiency, but conceptually it returns
(Use constant(0)
to create the zero polynomial).
I would have expected the zero polynomial to be problematic (cf the freegroup and permutations packages, where similar issues require extensive special case treatment). But it seems to work fine, which is a testament to the robust coding in the STL.
A general mvp
object is something like
{{"x" -> 3, "y" -> 5} -> 6, {"x" -> 1, "z" -> 8} -> -7}}
which would be . The zero
polynomial is just
. Neat, eh?
Robin K. S. Hankin
constant(0) t1 <- as.mvp("x+y") t2 <- as.mvp("x-y") stopifnot(is.zero(t1*t2-as.mvp("x^2-y^2")))
constant(0) t1 <- as.mvp("x+y") t2 <- as.mvp("x-y") stopifnot(is.zero(t1*t2-as.mvp("x^2-y^2")))