Title: | The Lorentz Transform in Relativistic Physics |
Description: | The Lorentz transform in special relativity; also the gyrogroup structure of three-velocities. Performs active and passive transforms and has the ability to use units in which the speed of light is not unity. Includes some experimental functionality for celerity and rapidity. For general relativity, see the 'schwarzschild' package. |
Authors: | Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Robin K. S. Hankin <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.1-2 |
Built: | 2025-02-21 06:17:15 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/robinhankin/lorentz |
The Lorentz transform in special relativity; also the gyrogroup structure of three-velocities. Performs active and passive transforms and has the ability to use units in which the speed of light is not unity. Includes some experimental functionality for celerity and rapidity. For general relativity, see the 'schwarzschild' package.
Package: | lorentz |
Type: | Package |
Title: | The Lorentz Transform in Relativistic Physics |
Version: | 1.1-2 |
Authors@R: | person(given=c("Robin", "K. S."), family="Hankin", role = c("aut","cre"), email="[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-5982-0415")) |
Suggests: | knitr,testthat,rmarkdown,covr |
Imports: | quadform,tensor,magic,magrittr |
Maintainer: | Robin K. S. Hankin <[email protected]> |
Depends: | R (>= 4.1.0) |
Description: | The Lorentz transform in special relativity; also the gyrogroup structure of three-velocities. Performs active and passive transforms and has the ability to use units in which the speed of light is not unity. Includes some experimental functionality for celerity and rapidity. For general relativity, see the 'schwarzschild' package. |
License: | GPL-3 |
Encoding: | UTF-8 |
VignetteBuilder: | knitr |
URL: | https://github.com/RobinHankin/lorentz, https://robinhankin.github.io/lorentz/ |
BugReports: | https://github.com/RobinHankin/lorentz/issues |
RoxygenNote: | 7.2.3 |
Repository: | https://robinhankin.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/robinhankin/lorentz |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | 16312170482c4cb3465e7902dfb1521b9a69e966 |
Author: | Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5982-0415>) |
Index of help topics:
Extract.3vel Extract or replace parts of three-velocity Ops.3vel Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for 3vel objects as.matrix.3vel Coerce 3-vectors and 4-vectors to a matrix boost Lorentz transformations c.3vel Combine vectors of three-velocities and four-velocities into a single vector celerity Celerity and rapidity comm_fail Failure of commutativity and associativity using visual plots coordnames Coordinate names for relativity cosines Direction cosines fourmom Four momentum fourvel Four velocities galileo Classical mechanics; Newtonian approximation; infinite speed of light gam Gamma correction gyr Gyr function lorentz-package The Lorentz Transform in Relativistic Physics photon Photons print.3vel Print methods for three-velocities and four-velocities r3vel Random relativistic velocities reflect Mirrors seq.3vel seq method for three velocities sol Speed of light and Minkowski metric threevel Three velocities transform The energy-momentum tensor
Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5982-0415>)
Maintainer: Robin K. S. Hankin <[email protected]>
Ungar 2006. “Thomas precession: a kinematic effect...”. European Journal of Physics, 27:L17-L20.
u <- as.3vel(c(0.3,0.6,-0.1)) # u is a three-velocity gam(u) # relativistic gamma term for u U <- as.4vel(u) # U is a four-velocity B1 <- boost(u) # B1 is the Lorentz transform matrix for u B1 %*% c(1,0,0,0) # Lorentz transform of zero 4-velocity (=-u) B2 <- boost(as.3vel(c(-0.1,0.8,0.3))) B3 <- boost(as.3vel(c(-0.1,0.1,0.9))) # more boosts Bi <- B1 %*% B2 # Bi is the boost for successive Lorentz transforms pureboost(Bi) # Decompose Bi into a pure boost... orthog(Bi) # and an orthogonal matrix Bj <- B2 %*% B1 # B1 and B2 do not commute... (B1 %*% B2) %*% B3 B1 %*% (B2 %*% B3) # ...but composition *is* associative ## Three velocities and the gyrogroup ## Create some random three-velocities: u <- r3vel(10) v <- r3vel(10) w <- r3vel(10) u+v v+u # Three-velocity addition is not commutative... u+(v+w) # ... nor associative (u+v)+w
u <- as.3vel(c(0.3,0.6,-0.1)) # u is a three-velocity gam(u) # relativistic gamma term for u U <- as.4vel(u) # U is a four-velocity B1 <- boost(u) # B1 is the Lorentz transform matrix for u B1 %*% c(1,0,0,0) # Lorentz transform of zero 4-velocity (=-u) B2 <- boost(as.3vel(c(-0.1,0.8,0.3))) B3 <- boost(as.3vel(c(-0.1,0.1,0.9))) # more boosts Bi <- B1 %*% B2 # Bi is the boost for successive Lorentz transforms pureboost(Bi) # Decompose Bi into a pure boost... orthog(Bi) # and an orthogonal matrix Bj <- B2 %*% B1 # B1 and B2 do not commute... (B1 %*% B2) %*% B3 B1 %*% (B2 %*% B3) # ...but composition *is* associative ## Three velocities and the gyrogroup ## Create some random three-velocities: u <- r3vel(10) v <- r3vel(10) w <- r3vel(10) u+v v+u # Three-velocity addition is not commutative... u+(v+w) # ... nor associative (u+v)+w
Coerce 3-vectors and 4-vectors to a matrix. A convenience wrapper for
## S3 method for class '3vel' as.matrix(x, ...) ## S3 method for class '4vel' as.matrix(x, ...)
## S3 method for class '3vel' as.matrix(x, ...) ## S3 method for class '4vel' as.matrix(x, ...)
x |
Object of class |
... |
Further arguments (currently ignored) |
Robin K. S. Hankin
as.matrix(r3vel(5)) as.matrix(r4vel(5))
as.matrix(r3vel(5)) as.matrix(r4vel(5))
Lorentz transformations: boosts and rotations
boost(u=0) rot(u,v,space=TRUE) is.consistent.boost(L, give=FALSE, TOL=1e-10) is.consistent.boost.galilean(L, give=FALSE, TOL=1e-10) pureboost(L,include_sol=TRUE) orthog(L) pureboost.galilean(L, tidy=TRUE) orthog.galilean(L)
boost(u=0) rot(u,v,space=TRUE) is.consistent.boost(L, give=FALSE, TOL=1e-10) is.consistent.boost.galilean(L, give=FALSE, TOL=1e-10) pureboost(L,include_sol=TRUE) orthog(L) pureboost.galilean(L, tidy=TRUE) orthog.galilean(L)
u , v
Three-velocities, coerced to class |
L |
Lorentz transform expressed as a |
Numerical tolerance |
give |
Boolean with |
space |
Boolean, with default |
tidy |
In |
include_sol |
In function |
Arguments u,v
are coerced to three-velocities.
A rotation-free Lorentz transformation is known as a boost
(sometimes a pure boost), here expressed in matrix form. Pure
boost matrices are symmetric if . Function
returns a matrix giving the Lorentz transform of
an arbitrary three-velocity
Boosts can be successively applied with regular matrix multiplication. However, composing two successive pure boosts does not in general return a pure boost matrix: the product is not symmetric in general. Also note that boost matrices do not commute. The resulting matrix product represents a Lorentz transform.
It is possible to decompose a Lorentz transform into a pure
boost and a spatial rotation. Thus
is an
orthogonal matrix and
a pure boost matrix; these are returned by
and pureboost()
respectively. If the
speed of light is not equal to 1, the functions still work but can be
Functions pureboost.galilean()
and orthog.galilean()
the Newtonian equivalents of pureboost()
and orthog()
intended to be used when the speed of light is infinite (which causes
problems for the relativistic functions).
As noted above, the composition of two pure Lorentz boosts is not
necessarily pure. If we have two successive boosts corresponding to
, then the composed boost may be decomposed into a
pure boost of
and a rotation of rot(u,v)
The reason argument include_sol
exists is that function
needs to call pureboost()
in an environment
where we pretend that .
Function boost()
returns a
matrix; function
returns an orthogonal matrix.
Function rot()
uses crossprod()
for efficiency reasons
but is algebraically equivalent to
boost(-u-v) %*% boost(u) %*% boost(v)
Robin K. S. Hankin
Ungar 2006. “Thomas precession: a kinematic effect...”. European Journal of Physics, 27:L17-L20
Sbitneva 2001. “Nonassociative geometry of special relativity”. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, volume 40, number 1, pages 359–362
Wikipedia contributors 2018. “Wigner rotation”, Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wigner_rotation&oldid=838661305. Online; accessed 23 August 2018
boost(as.3vel(c(0.4,-0.2,0.1))) u <- r3vel(1) v <- r3vel(1) w <- r3vel(1) boost(u) - solve(boost(-u)) # should be zero boost(u) %*% boost(v) # not a pure boost (not symmetrical) boost(u+v) # not the same! boost(v+u) # also not the same! u+v # returns a three-velocity boost(u) %*% boost(v) %*% boost(w) # associative, no brackets needed boost(u+(v+w)) # not the same! boost((u+v)+w) # also not the same! rot(u,v) rot(v,u) # transpose (=inverse) of rot(u,v) rot(u,v,FALSE) %*% boost(v) %*% boost(u) boost(u+v) # should be the same. orthog(boost(u) %*% boost(v)) - rot(u,v,FALSE) # zero to numerical precision pureboost(boost(v) %*% boost(u)) - boost(u+v) # ditto ## Define a random-ish Lorentz transform L <- boost(r3vel(1)) %*% boost(r3vel(1)) %*% boost(r3vel(1)) ## check it: ## Not run: # needs emulator package quad.form(eta(),L) # should be eta() ## End(Not run) ## More concisely: is.consistent.boost(L) # should be TRUE ## Decompose L into a rotation and a pure boost: U <- orthog(L) P <- pureboost(L) L - U %*% P # should be zero (L = UP) crossprod(U) # should be identity (U is orthogonal) P - t(P) # should be zero (P is symmetric) ## First row of P should be a consistent 4-velocity: is.consistent.4vel(P[1,,drop=FALSE],give=TRUE)
boost(as.3vel(c(0.4,-0.2,0.1))) u <- r3vel(1) v <- r3vel(1) w <- r3vel(1) boost(u) - solve(boost(-u)) # should be zero boost(u) %*% boost(v) # not a pure boost (not symmetrical) boost(u+v) # not the same! boost(v+u) # also not the same! u+v # returns a three-velocity boost(u) %*% boost(v) %*% boost(w) # associative, no brackets needed boost(u+(v+w)) # not the same! boost((u+v)+w) # also not the same! rot(u,v) rot(v,u) # transpose (=inverse) of rot(u,v) rot(u,v,FALSE) %*% boost(v) %*% boost(u) boost(u+v) # should be the same. orthog(boost(u) %*% boost(v)) - rot(u,v,FALSE) # zero to numerical precision pureboost(boost(v) %*% boost(u)) - boost(u+v) # ditto ## Define a random-ish Lorentz transform L <- boost(r3vel(1)) %*% boost(r3vel(1)) %*% boost(r3vel(1)) ## check it: ## Not run: # needs emulator package quad.form(eta(),L) # should be eta() ## End(Not run) ## More concisely: is.consistent.boost(L) # should be TRUE ## Decompose L into a rotation and a pure boost: U <- orthog(L) P <- pureboost(L) L - U %*% P # should be zero (L = UP) crossprod(U) # should be identity (U is orthogonal) P - t(P) # should be zero (P is symmetric) ## First row of P should be a consistent 4-velocity: is.consistent.4vel(P[1,,drop=FALSE],give=TRUE)
Combines its arguments recursively to form a vector of three velocities or four velocities
## S3 method for class '3vel' c(...) ## S3 method for class '3cel' c(...) ## S3 method for class '4vel' c(...)
## S3 method for class '3vel' c(...) ## S3 method for class '3cel' c(...) ## S3 method for class '4vel' c(...)
... |
Vectors of three-velocities |
Returns a vector of three-velocities or four-velocities. These are stored as three- or four- column matrices; each row is a velocity.
Names are inherited from the behaviour of cbind()
, not
This function is used extensively in
For “c” as in celerity or speed of light, see sol()
Robin K. S. Hankin
The celerity and rapidity of an object (experimental functionality)
## S3 method for class '3vel' celerity(u) ## S3 method for class '4vel' celerity(u) celerity_ur(d) ## S3 method for class '3vel' rapidity(u) ## S3 method for class '4vel' rapidity(u) rapidity_ur(d) as.3cel(x) cel_to_vel(x) vel_to_cel(x)
## S3 method for class '3vel' celerity(u) ## S3 method for class '4vel' celerity(u) celerity_ur(d) ## S3 method for class '3vel' rapidity(u) ## S3 method for class '4vel' rapidity(u) rapidity_ur(d) as.3cel(x) cel_to_vel(x) vel_to_cel(x)
u , x
Speed: either a vector of speeds or a vector of three-velocities or four-velocities |
d |
In functions |
The celerity corresponding to speed is defined as
and the rapidity is
Functions celerity_ur()
and rapidity_ur()
are used for
the ultrarelativistic case where speeds are very close to the speed of
light. Its argument d
is the deficit, that is,
is the speed of the transformation. Algebraically,
celerity_ur(c-v) == celerity(v)
, but if is small
the result of
is more accurate than that of
Things get a bit sticky for celerity and rapidity if . The guiding principle in the package is to give the
celerity and rapidity the same units as
, so if
we have that all three of
and u
are approximately equal. Note
carefully that, in contrast, is dimensionless. Also
observe that
in functions celerity_ur()
has the same units as .
Robin K. S. Hankin
u <- 0.1 # c=1 c(u,celerity(u),rapidity(u)) omgp <- 4.9e-24 # speed deficit of the Oh-My-God particle c(celerity_ur(omgp),rapidity_ur(omgp)) sol(299792458) # use SI units u <- 3e7 # ~0.1c c(u,celerity(u),rapidity(u)) snail <- 0.00275 c(snail,celerity(snail),rapidity(snail)) omgp <- omgp*sol() c(celerity_ur(omgp),rapidity_ur(omgp)) sol(1)
u <- 0.1 # c=1 c(u,celerity(u),rapidity(u)) omgp <- 4.9e-24 # speed deficit of the Oh-My-God particle c(celerity_ur(omgp),rapidity_ur(omgp)) sol(299792458) # use SI units u <- 3e7 # ~0.1c c(u,celerity(u),rapidity(u)) snail <- 0.00275 c(snail,celerity(snail),rapidity(snail)) omgp <- omgp*sol() c(celerity_ur(omgp),rapidity_ur(omgp)) sol(1)
Relativistic addition of three-velocities is neither commutative nor associative, and the functions documented here show this visually.
comm_fail1(u, v, bold=5, r=1) comm_fail2(u, v, bold=5, r=1) ass_fail(u, v, w, bold=5,r=1) my_seg(u,start=as.3vel(0), bold=5, ...)
comm_fail1(u, v, bold=5, r=1) comm_fail2(u, v, bold=5, r=1) ass_fail(u, v, w, bold=5,r=1) my_seg(u,start=as.3vel(0), bold=5, ...)
u , v , w , start
Three velocities. Arguments |
bold |
Integer specifying which vector element to be drawn in bold |
r |
Radius of dotted green circle, defaulting to 1 (corresponding
to |
... |
Further arguments, passed to |
These functions are called for their side-effect of plotting a diagram.
The vignette lorentz
gives more details and
interpretation of the diagrams.
Function my_seg()
is an internal helper function.
Robin K. S. Hankin
u <- as.3vel(c(0.4,0,0)) v <- seq(as.3vel(c(0.4,-0.2,0)), as.3vel(c(-0.3,0.9,0)),len=20) w <- as.3vel(c(0.8,-0.4,0)) comm_fail1(u=u, v=v) comm_fail2(u=u, v=v) ass_fail(u=u, v=v, w=w, bold=10)
u <- as.3vel(c(0.4,0,0)) v <- seq(as.3vel(c(0.4,-0.2,0)), as.3vel(c(-0.3,0.9,0)),len=20) w <- as.3vel(c(0.8,-0.4,0)) comm_fail1(u=u, v=v) comm_fail2(u=u, v=v) ass_fail(u=u, v=v, w=w, bold=10)
Trivial function to set coordinate names to “t
”, “y
”, “z
coordnames(...) flob(x)
coordnames(...) flob(x)
... |
Further arguments, currently ignored |
x |
A matrix |
Function coordnames()
simply returns the character string
. It may be overwritten.
Function flob()
sets the row and columnnames of a matrix to
If anyone can think of a better name than flob()
let me know.
Robin K. S. Hankin
coordnames() flob(diag(3)) flob(matrix(1,4,4)) ## You can change the names if you wish: coordnames <- function(x){letters[1:4]} flob(outer(1:4,1:4))
coordnames() flob(diag(3)) flob(matrix(1,4,4)) ## You can change the names if you wish: coordnames <- function(x){letters[1:4]} flob(outer(1:4,1:4))
Given a vector of three-velocities, returns their direction cosines
cosines(u, drop = TRUE)
cosines(u, drop = TRUE)
u |
A vector of three-velocities |
drop |
Boolean, with default |
Robin K. S. Hankin
cosines(r3vel(7)) cosines(r3vel(1),drop=TRUE) cosines(r3vel(1),drop=FALSE)
cosines(r3vel(7)) cosines(r3vel(1),drop=TRUE) cosines(r3vel(1),drop=FALSE)
Extract or replace subsets of three-velocities
x |
A three-vector |
index |
elements to extract or replace |
value |
replacement value |
These methods (should) work as expected: an object of class
is a three-column matrix with rows corresponding to
three-velocities; a single argument is interpreted as a row number.
Salient use-cases are u[1:5] <- u[1]
and u[1] <- 0
To extract a single component, pass a second index: u[,1]
returns the x- component of the three-velocity.
Extraction functions take a drop
argument, except for x[i]
which returns a vec
Currently, u[]
returns u
but I am not sure this is
desirable. Maybe it should return unclass(u)
or perhaps
Use idiom u[] <- x
to replace entries of u
u <- r3vel(10) u[1:4] u[5:6] <- 0 u[7:8] <- u[1] u[,1] <- 0.1
u <- r3vel(10) u[1:4] u[5:6] <- 0 u[7:8] <- u[1] u[,1] <- 0.1
Create and test for four-momentum
## S3 method for class '4mom' Ops(e1, e2) ## S3 method for class '4mom' sum(..., na.rm=FALSE) vel_to_4mom(U,m=1) p_to_4mom(p,E=1) as.4mom(x) is.4mom(x) fourmom_mult(P,n) fourmom_add(e1,e2)
## S3 method for class '4mom' Ops(e1, e2) ## S3 method for class '4mom' sum(..., na.rm=FALSE) vel_to_4mom(U,m=1) p_to_4mom(p,E=1) as.4mom(x) is.4mom(x) fourmom_mult(P,n) fourmom_add(e1,e2)
x , P , e1 , e2
Four-momentum |
p |
Three-momentum |
E |
Scalar; energy |
U |
Object coerced to four-velocity |
m |
Scalar; rest mass |
n |
Multiplying factor |
... , na.rm
Arguments sent to |
Four-momentum is a relativistic generalization of three-momentum, with
the object's energy as the first element. It can be defined as
, where
is the rest mass and
the four-velocity.
Equivalently, one can define four-momentum as
is the energy and
the three-momentum.
Function vel_to_4mom()
converts three-velocity to four-momentum,
and function p_to_4mom()
) converts a three-momentum to a
The function Ops.4mom()
passes unary and binary arithmetic
operators “+
”, “-
” and “*
” to
the appropriate specialist function.
The package is designed so that natural R idiom may be used for physically meaningful operations such as combining momenta of different objects, using the conservation of four-momentum.
For the four-momentum of a photon, use as.photon()
Robin K. S. Hankin
# Define 5 random three velocities: v <- r3vel(5) # convert to four-velocity: as.4vel(v) # Now convert 'v' to four-momentum, specifying rest mass: vel_to_4mom(v) # 4mom of five objects with 3vel v, all unit mass vel_to_4mom(v, 1:5) # 4mom of five objects with 3vel v, masses 1-5 vel_to_4mom(v[1],1:5) # 4mom of five objects with same 3vel, masses 1..5 # Now convert 'v' to four-momentum, specifying energy E: p_to_4mom(v,E=1) p_to_4mom(v,E=10) # slower p_to_4mom(v,E=100) # even slower # Four-momentum of objects moving closely parallel to the x-axis: P <- vel_to_4mom(as.3vel(c(0.8,0,0)) + r3vel(7,0.01)) reflect(P) reflect(P,c(1,1,1)) sum(P)
# Define 5 random three velocities: v <- r3vel(5) # convert to four-velocity: as.4vel(v) # Now convert 'v' to four-momentum, specifying rest mass: vel_to_4mom(v) # 4mom of five objects with 3vel v, all unit mass vel_to_4mom(v, 1:5) # 4mom of five objects with 3vel v, masses 1-5 vel_to_4mom(v[1],1:5) # 4mom of five objects with same 3vel, masses 1..5 # Now convert 'v' to four-momentum, specifying energy E: p_to_4mom(v,E=1) p_to_4mom(v,E=10) # slower p_to_4mom(v,E=100) # even slower # Four-momentum of objects moving closely parallel to the x-axis: P <- vel_to_4mom(as.3vel(c(0.8,0,0)) + r3vel(7,0.01)) reflect(P) reflect(P,c(1,1,1)) sum(P)
Create and test for four-velocities.
as.4vel(u) is.consistent.4vel(U, give=FALSE, TOL=1e-10) inner4(U,V=U) to3(U)
as.4vel(u) is.consistent.4vel(U, give=FALSE, TOL=1e-10) inner4(U,V=U) to3(U)
u |
A vector of three-velocities |
U , V
A vector of four-velocities |
give |
In function |
Small positive value used for tolerance |
Function as.4vel()
takes a three-velocity and returns a
Given a four-vector , function
returns the
Lorentz invariant . This
quantity is unchanged under Lorentz transforms. Note that function
works for any four-vector, not just four-velocities.
It will work for (eg) a four-displacement, a four-momentum vector or a
four-frequency. In electromagnetism, we could have a four-current or
a four-potential. If is a four-velocity, then
; if
is a 4-displacement, then
the squared interval. If
is the four-momentum of a photon
Function to3()
is a low-level helper function used when
is given a four-velocity.
Function is.consistent.4vel()
checks for four-velocities being
consistent in the sense that . Giving this
function a vector, for example,
, will
return an error.
Compare the functions documented here with boost()
, which
returns a transformation matrix (which also
includes rotation information).
Robin K. S. Hankin
a <- r3vel(10) as.4vel(a) # a four-velocity as.3vel(as.4vel(a))-a # zero to numerical precision inner4(as.4vel(a)) # -1 to numerical precision stopifnot(all(is.consistent.4vel(as.4vel(a)))) ## check Lorentz invariance of dot product: U <- as.4vel(r3vel(10)) V <- as.4vel(r3vel(10)) B <- boost(as.3vel(1:3/10)) frame1dotprod <- inner4(U, V) frame2dotprod <- inner4(U %*% B, V %*% B) max(abs(frame1dotprod-frame2dotprod)) # zero to numerical precision
a <- r3vel(10) as.4vel(a) # a four-velocity as.3vel(as.4vel(a))-a # zero to numerical precision inner4(as.4vel(a)) # -1 to numerical precision stopifnot(all(is.consistent.4vel(as.4vel(a)))) ## check Lorentz invariance of dot product: U <- as.4vel(r3vel(10)) V <- as.4vel(r3vel(10)) B <- boost(as.3vel(1:3/10)) frame1dotprod <- inner4(U, V) frame2dotprod <- inner4(U %*% B, V %*% B) max(abs(frame1dotprod-frame2dotprod)) # zero to numerical precision
The Lorentz transforms reduce to their classical limit, the Galilean
transforms, if speeds are low compared with . Package idiom for
working in a classical framework is to use an infinite speed of light:
. Here I show examples of this.
Robin K. S. Hankin
sol(Inf) boost(as.3vel(1:3)) as.3vel(1:3) + as.3vel(c(-1,4,5)) # classical velocity addition rot(as.3vel(1:3),as.3vel(c(-4,5,2))) # identity matrix B <- boost(as.3vel(1:3)) orthog(B) %*% pureboost(B) # should be B sol(1)
sol(Inf) boost(as.3vel(1:3)) as.3vel(1:3) + as.3vel(c(-1,4,5)) # classical velocity addition rot(as.3vel(1:3),as.3vel(c(-4,5,2))) # identity matrix B <- boost(as.3vel(1:3)) orthog(B) %*% pureboost(B) # should be B sol(1)
Lorentz gamma correction term in special relativity
## S3 method for class '3vel' speed(u) ## S3 method for class '4vel' speed(u) speedsquared(u) gam(u) gamm1(u) ## S3 method for class '3vel' gam(u) ## S3 method for class '3cel' gam(u) ## S3 method for class '4vel' gam(u) ## S3 method for class '3vel' gamm1(u) ## S3 method for class '4vel' gamm1(u) gam_ur(d)
## S3 method for class '3vel' speed(u) ## S3 method for class '4vel' speed(u) speedsquared(u) gam(u) gamm1(u) ## S3 method for class '3vel' gam(u) ## S3 method for class '3cel' gam(u) ## S3 method for class '4vel' gam(u) ## S3 method for class '3vel' gamm1(u) ## S3 method for class '4vel' gamm1(u) gam_ur(d)
u |
Speed: either a vector of speeds or a vector of three-velocities or four-velocities |
d |
In function |
Function speed(u)
returns the speed of a 3vel
object or
Function gam(u)
returns the Lorentz factor
Function gamm1(u)
returns the Lorentz factor minus 1, useful
for slow speeds when larger accuracy is needed (much like
); to see the R idiom, type “gamm1.3vel
at the commandline. Function gamm1()
is intended to work with
objects or speeds. The function will take a 4-velocity,
but this is not recommended as accuracy is lost (all it does is return
the time component of the 4-velocity minus 1).
Function gam_ur()
is used for the ultrarelativistic case where
speeds are very close to the speed of light (the function is named for
“gamma, ultrarelativistic”). Its argument d
is the
deficit, that is, where
is the speed of the
transformation. Algebraically,
gam_ur(c-v) == gam(v)
, but if
is small compared to c
the result is more accurate.
Function speedsquared(u)
returns the square of the speed of a
object. Use this to avoid taking a needless square root.
Robin K. S. Hankin
gam(seq(from=0,by=0.1,len=10)) gam(r3vel(6,0.7)) x <- as.3vel(c(0.1,0.4,0.5)) speed(x) gam(speed(x)) # works, but slow and inaccurate gam(x) # recommended: avoids needless coercion ## Use SI units and deal with terrestrial speeds. Use gamm1() for this. sol(299792458) sound <- 343 # speed of sound in SI gam(sound) gam(sound)-1 gamm1(sound) # gamm1() gives much higher precision snail <- as.3vel(c(0.00275,0,0)) # even the world's fastest snail... gamm1(snail) # ...has only a small relativistic correction ## For the ultrarelativistic case of speeds very close to the speed of ## light, use gam_ur(): sol(1) # revert to relativistic units gam(0.99) - gam_ur(0.01) # zero to numerical accuracy omgp <- 4.9e-24 # speed deficit of the Oh-My-God particle gam(1-omgp) # numeric overflow gam_ur(omgp) # large but finite
gam(seq(from=0,by=0.1,len=10)) gam(r3vel(6,0.7)) x <- as.3vel(c(0.1,0.4,0.5)) speed(x) gam(speed(x)) # works, but slow and inaccurate gam(x) # recommended: avoids needless coercion ## Use SI units and deal with terrestrial speeds. Use gamm1() for this. sol(299792458) sound <- 343 # speed of sound in SI gam(sound) gam(sound)-1 gamm1(sound) # gamm1() gives much higher precision snail <- as.3vel(c(0.00275,0,0)) # even the world's fastest snail... gamm1(snail) # ...has only a small relativistic correction ## For the ultrarelativistic case of speeds very close to the speed of ## light, use gam_ur(): sol(1) # revert to relativistic units gam(0.99) - gam_ur(0.01) # zero to numerical accuracy omgp <- 4.9e-24 # speed deficit of the Oh-My-God particle gam(1-omgp) # numeric overflow gam_ur(omgp) # large but finite
Relativistic addition of three velocities
gyr(u, v, x) gyr.a(u, v, x) gyrfun(u, v)
gyr(u, v, x) gyr.a(u, v, x) gyrfun(u, v)
u , v , x
Three-velocities, objects of class |
Function gyr(u,v,x)
returns the three-vector
Function gyrfun(u,v)
returns a function that returns a
three-vector; see examples.
The speed of light (1 by default) is not used directly by these
functions; set it with sol()
Function gyr()
is slightly faster than gyr.a()
, which is
included for pedagogical reasons.
Function gyr()
is simply
while function gyr.a()
uses the slower but more transparent
-(u+v) + (u+(v+x))
Robin K. S. Hankin
Ungar 2006. “Thomas precession: a kinematic effect of the algebra of Einstein's velocity addition law. Comments on ‘Deriving relativistic momentum and energy: I. Three-dimensional case’”. European Journal of Physics, 27:L17-L20.
Sbitneva 2001. “Nonassociative geometry of special relativity”. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, volume 40, number 1, pages 359–362
u <- r3vel(10) v <- r3vel(10) w <- r3vel(10) x <- as.3vel(c(0.4,0.1,-0.5)) y <- as.3vel(c(0.1,0.2,-0.7)) z <- as.3vel(c(0.2,0.3,-0.1)) gyr(u,v,x) # gyr[u,v]x f <- gyrfun(u,v) g <- gyrfun(v,u) f(x) f(r3vel(10)) f(g(x)) - x # zero, by eqn 9 g(f(x)) - x # zero, by eqn 9 (x+y) - f(y+x) # zero by eqn 10 (u+(v+w)) - ((u+v)+f(w)) # zero by eqn 11 # Following taken from Sbitneva 2001: rbind(x+(y+(x+z)) , (x+(y+x))+z) # left Bol property rbind((x+y)+(x+y) , x+(y+(y+x))) # left Bruck property sol(299792458) # speed of light in SI as.3vel(c(1000,3000,1000)) + as.3vel(c(1000,3000,1000)) ## should be close to Galilean result sol(1) # revert to default c=1
u <- r3vel(10) v <- r3vel(10) w <- r3vel(10) x <- as.3vel(c(0.4,0.1,-0.5)) y <- as.3vel(c(0.1,0.2,-0.7)) z <- as.3vel(c(0.2,0.3,-0.1)) gyr(u,v,x) # gyr[u,v]x f <- gyrfun(u,v) g <- gyrfun(v,u) f(x) f(r3vel(10)) f(g(x)) - x # zero, by eqn 9 g(f(x)) - x # zero, by eqn 9 (x+y) - f(y+x) # zero by eqn 10 (u+(v+w)) - ((u+v)+f(w)) # zero by eqn 11 # Following taken from Sbitneva 2001: rbind(x+(y+(x+z)) , (x+(y+x))+z) # left Bol property rbind((x+y)+(x+y) , x+(y+(y+x))) # left Bruck property sol(299792458) # speed of light in SI as.3vel(c(1000,3000,1000)) + as.3vel(c(1000,3000,1000)) ## should be close to Galilean result sol(1) # revert to default c=1
Arithmetic operations for three-velocities
## S3 method for class '3vel' Ops(e1, e2) ## S3 method for class '4vel' Ops(e1, e2) massage3(u,v) neg3(u) prod3(u,v=u) add3(u,v) dot3(v,r)
## S3 method for class '3vel' Ops(e1, e2) ## S3 method for class '4vel' Ops(e1, e2) massage3(u,v) neg3(u) prod3(u,v=u) add3(u,v) dot3(v,r)
e1 , e2 , u , v
Objects of class “ |
r |
Scalar value for circle-dot multiplication |
The function Ops.3vel()
passes unary and binary arithmetic
operators “+
”, “-
” and “*
to the appropriate specialist function.
The most interesting operators are “+
” and
”, which are passed to add3()
and dot3()
respectively. These are defined, following Ungar, as:
where and
are three-vectors
a scalar. Function
has special dispensation
for zero velocity and does not treat NA
entries entirely
Arithmetic operations, executed via Ops.4vel()
, are not defined
on four-velocities.
The package is designed so that natural R idiom may be used for three velocity addition, see the examples section.
Returns an object of class 3vel
, except for prod3()
which returns a numeric vector.
u <- as.3vel(c(-0.7, 0.1,-0.1)) v <- as.3vel(c( 0.1, 0.2, 0.3)) w <- as.3vel(c( 0.5, 0.2,-0.3)) x <- r3vel(10) # random three velocities y <- r3vel(10) # random three velocities u+v # add3(u,v) u-v # add3(u,neg3(v)) -v # neg3(v) gyr(u,v,w) ## package is vectorized: u+x x+y f <- gyrfun(u,v) g <- gyrfun(v,u) f(g(x)) - x # should be zero by eqn10 g(f(x)) - x (u+v) - f(v+u) # zero by eqn 10 (u+(v+w)) - ((u+v)+f(w)) # zero by eqn 11 ((u+v)+w) - (u+(v+g(w))) # zero by eqn 11 ## NB, R idiom is unambiguous. But always always ALWAYS use brackets. ## Ice report in lat 42.n to 41.25n Long 49w to long 50.30w saw much ## heavy pack ice and great number large icebergs also field ## ice. Weather good clear ## -u+v == (-u) + v == neg3(u) + v == add3(neg3(u),v) ## u+v+w == (u+v)+w == add3(add3(u,v),w)
u <- as.3vel(c(-0.7, 0.1,-0.1)) v <- as.3vel(c( 0.1, 0.2, 0.3)) w <- as.3vel(c( 0.5, 0.2,-0.3)) x <- r3vel(10) # random three velocities y <- r3vel(10) # random three velocities u+v # add3(u,v) u-v # add3(u,neg3(v)) -v # neg3(v) gyr(u,v,w) ## package is vectorized: u+x x+y f <- gyrfun(u,v) g <- gyrfun(v,u) f(g(x)) - x # should be zero by eqn10 g(f(x)) - x (u+v) - f(v+u) # zero by eqn 10 (u+(v+w)) - ((u+v)+f(w)) # zero by eqn 11 ((u+v)+w) - (u+(v+g(w))) # zero by eqn 11 ## NB, R idiom is unambiguous. But always always ALWAYS use brackets. ## Ice report in lat 42.n to 41.25n Long 49w to long 50.30w saw much ## heavy pack ice and great number large icebergs also field ## ice. Weather good clear ## -u+v == (-u) + v == neg3(u) + v == add3(neg3(u),v) ## u+v+w == (u+v)+w == add3(add3(u,v),w)
Various functionality to deal with the 4-momentum of a photon
is.consistent.nullvec(N,TOL=1e-10) as.photon(x,E=1)
is.consistent.nullvec(N,TOL=1e-10) as.photon(x,E=1)
N |
Four-momentum to be tested for nullness |
tolerance |
x |
Vector of three-velocities |
E |
Energy, a scalar |
Returns the four-momentum of a photon.
Robin K. S. Hankin
## A bunch of photons all approximately parallel to the x-axis: as.photon(as.3vel(cbind(0.9,runif(10)/1000,runif(10)/1000))) ## mirror ball: jj <- matrix(rnorm(30),10,3) disco <- sweep(matrix(rnorm(30),10,3),1,sqrt(rowSums(jj^2)),`/`) p <- as.photon(c(1,0,0)) reflect(p,disco) table(reflect(p,disco)[,2]>0) # should be TRUE with probability sqrt(0.5) ## relativistic disco; mirror ball moves at 0.5c: B <- boost(as.3vel(c(0.5,0,0))) p |> tcrossprod(B) |> reflect(disco) |> tcrossprod(solve(B))
## A bunch of photons all approximately parallel to the x-axis: as.photon(as.3vel(cbind(0.9,runif(10)/1000,runif(10)/1000))) ## mirror ball: jj <- matrix(rnorm(30),10,3) disco <- sweep(matrix(rnorm(30),10,3),1,sqrt(rowSums(jj^2)),`/`) p <- as.photon(c(1,0,0)) reflect(p,disco) table(reflect(p,disco)[,2]>0) # should be TRUE with probability sqrt(0.5) ## relativistic disco; mirror ball moves at 0.5c: B <- boost(as.3vel(c(0.5,0,0))) p |> tcrossprod(B) |> reflect(disco) |> tcrossprod(solve(B))
Print methods for three-velocities
## S3 method for class '3vel' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class '3cel' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class '4vel' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class '4mom' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class '3vel' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class '3cel' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class '4vel' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class '4mom' print(x, ...)
x |
Vector of three-velocities |
... |
Further arguments, currently ignored |
Returns a vector of three-velocities
Robin K. S. Hankin
Generates random three-velocities or four-velocities, optionally specifiying a magnitude
r3vel(n=7, r = NA) r4vel(...) rboost(r = NA)
r3vel(n=7, r = NA) r4vel(...) rboost(r = NA)
n |
Number of three- or four- velocities to generate |
r |
Absolute value of the three-velocities, with default
... |
Arguments passed to |
Function r3vel()
returns a random three-velocity. Function
is a convenience wrapper for as.4vel(r3vel())
Function rboost()
returns a random Lorentz
boost matrix, drawn from the connected component. If given
, then a transform corresponding to a random rotation will
be returned.
Returns a vector of three- or four- velocities.
If the speed of light is infinite, these functions require a specified
argument for r
It is not entirely trivial to sample uniformly from the unit ball or unit sphere, but it is not hard either.
Robin K. S. Hankin
r3vel() a <- r3vel(10000) b <- r3vel(1000,0.8) u <- as.3vel(c(0,0,0.9)) pairs(unclass(u+a),asp=1) pairs(unclass(a+u),asp=1) is.consistent.boost(rboost()) sol(299792458) # switch to SI units sound <- 343 # speed of sound in metres per second r3vel(100,343) # random 3-velocities with speed = 343 m/s sol(1) # return to default c=1
r3vel() a <- r3vel(10000) b <- r3vel(1000,0.8) u <- as.3vel(c(0,0,0.9)) pairs(unclass(u+a),asp=1) pairs(unclass(a+u),asp=1) is.consistent.boost(rboost()) sol(299792458) # switch to SI units sound <- 343 # speed of sound in metres per second r3vel(100,343) # random 3-velocities with speed = 343 m/s sol(1) # return to default c=1
Plane mirrors in special relativity
P |
Vector of four-momenta |
m |
Orientation of mirror, expressed as a three-vector |
ref |
Coefficient of reflectivity of the mirror |
Takes a four-momentum and returns the four-momentum after reflection. Will handle objects or photons.
All four-momenta are measured in the rest frame of the mirror, but it is easy to reflect from moving mirrors; see examples.
However, note that the ref
argument is designed to work with
photons only, where it is conceptually the percentage of photons
reflected and not absorbed by the mirror. If ref
is less than
unity, odd results are given for four momenta of nonzero restmass
Robin K. S. Hankin
## We will reflect some photons from an oblique mirror moving at half ## the speed of light. ## First create 'A', a bunch of photons all moving roughly along the x-axis: A <- as.photon(as.3vel(cbind(0.9,runif(10)/1000,runif(10)/1000))) ## Now create 'm', a mirror oriented perpendicular to c(1,1,1): m <- c(1,1,1) ## Reflect the photons in the mirror: reflect(A,m) ## Reflect the photons in a series of mirrors: A |> reflect(m) |> reflect(1:3) |> reflect(3:1) ## To reflect from a moving mirror we need to transform to a frame in ## which the mirror is at rest, then transform back to the original ## frame. First create B, a boost representing the mirror's movement ## along the x-axis at speed c/2: B <- boost(as.3vel(c(0.5,0,0))) ## Transform to the mirror's rest frame: A %*% t(B) ## NB: in the above, take a transpose because the *rows* of A are 4-vectors. ## Then reflect the photons in the mirror: reflect(A %*% t(B),m) ## Now transform back to the original rest frame (NB: active transform): A |> tcrossprod(B) |> reflect(m) |> tcrossprod(solve(B))
## We will reflect some photons from an oblique mirror moving at half ## the speed of light. ## First create 'A', a bunch of photons all moving roughly along the x-axis: A <- as.photon(as.3vel(cbind(0.9,runif(10)/1000,runif(10)/1000))) ## Now create 'm', a mirror oriented perpendicular to c(1,1,1): m <- c(1,1,1) ## Reflect the photons in the mirror: reflect(A,m) ## Reflect the photons in a series of mirrors: A |> reflect(m) |> reflect(1:3) |> reflect(3:1) ## To reflect from a moving mirror we need to transform to a frame in ## which the mirror is at rest, then transform back to the original ## frame. First create B, a boost representing the mirror's movement ## along the x-axis at speed c/2: B <- boost(as.3vel(c(0.5,0,0))) ## Transform to the mirror's rest frame: A %*% t(B) ## NB: in the above, take a transpose because the *rows* of A are 4-vectors. ## Then reflect the photons in the mirror: reflect(A %*% t(B),m) ## Now transform back to the original rest frame (NB: active transform): A |> tcrossprod(B) |> reflect(m) |> tcrossprod(solve(B))
Simplified version of seq()
for three-velocities.
## S3 method for class '3vel' seq(from, to, len, ...)
## S3 method for class '3vel' seq(from, to, len, ...)
from , to
Start and end of sequence |
len |
Length of vector returned |
... |
Further arguments (currently ignored) |
returns a + t*(-b+a)
where t
numeric vector seq(from=0,to=1,len=n)
This definition is one of several plausible alternatives, but has the
nice property that the first and last elements are exactly equal to
and b
Robin K. S. Hankin
a <- as.3vel(c(4,5,6)/9) b <- as.3vel(c(-5,6,8)/14) x <- seq(a,b,len=9) x[1]-a # should be zero x[9]-b # should be zero jj <- a + seq(0,1,len=9)*(b-a) jj-x # decidedly non-zero
a <- as.3vel(c(4,5,6)/9) b <- as.3vel(c(-5,6,8)/14) x <- seq(a,b,len=9) x[1]-a # should be zero x[9]-b # should be zero jj <- a + seq(0,1,len=9)*(b-a) jj-x # decidedly non-zero
Getting and setting the speed of light
sol(c) eta(downstairs=TRUE) ptm(to_natural=TRUE, change_time=TRUE)
sol(c) eta(downstairs=TRUE) ptm(to_natural=TRUE, change_time=TRUE)
c |
Scalar, speed of light. If missing, return the speed of light |
downstairs |
Boolean, with default |
to_natural , change_time
Boolean, specifying the nature of the passive transform matrix |
In the context of an R package, the symbol “c” presents
particular problems. In the lorentz package, the speed of light
is denoted “sol”, for ‘speed of light’. You can set the
speed of light with sol(x)
, and query it with sol()
; see
the examples. An infinite speed of light is sometimes useful for
Galilean transforms.
The speed of light is a global variable, governed by
, define c=1
. Setting
makes sol()
change the prompt to
display the speed of light which might be useful.
Function eta()
returns the Minkowski flat-space metric
Note that the top-left element of eta()
is , not
Function ptm()
returns a passive transformation matrix that
converts displacement vectors to natural units
) or from natural units
). Argument change_time
whether to change the unit of time (if TRUE
) or the unit of
length (if FALSE
Typing “sol(299792458)
” is a lot easier than typing
”, which is why the package uses
the idiom that it does.
In a R-devel discussion about options for printing, Martin Maechler makes the following observation: “Good programming style for functions according to my book is to have them depend only on their arguments, and if a global option really (really? think twice!) should influence behavior, there should be arguments of the function which have a default determined by the global option”
I think he is right in general, but offer the observation that the
speed of light depends on the units chosen, and typically one fixes
one's units once and for all, and does not subsequently change them.
This would indicate (to me at least) that a global option would be
appropriate. Further, there is a default, , which is
returned by
if the option is unset. This is not just a
“default”, though: it is used in the overwhelming majority of
cases. Indeed, pedagogically speaking, one learning objective from
the package is that units in which are difficult,
awkward, and unnatural. In the package R code, the
only place the speed of light option is accessed is via
. Similar arguments are presented in the clifford
package at signature.Rd
Looking again at Martin's observation he seems to be suggesting that something along the lines of
gam <- function(u, c=1){1/sqrt(1-u^2/c^2)}
But this is asking for trouble:
which is meaningless at best and misleading at worst.
Robin K. S. Hankin
sol() # returns current speed of light sol(299792458) # use SI units sol() # speed of light now SI value eta() # note [t,t] term u <- as.3vel(c(100,200,300)) # fast terrestrial speed, but not relativistic boost(u) # boost matrix practically Galilean is.consistent.boost(boost(u)) # should be TRUE sol(1) # revert to relativistic units
sol() # returns current speed of light sol(299792458) # use SI units sol() # speed of light now SI value eta() # note [t,t] term u <- as.3vel(c(100,200,300)) # fast terrestrial speed, but not relativistic boost(u) # boost matrix practically Galilean is.consistent.boost(boost(u)) # should be TRUE sol(1) # revert to relativistic units
Create and test for three-velocities, 3vel
`3vel`(n) threevel(n) as.3vel(x) is.3vel(x) ## S3 method for class 'vec' length(x) ## S3 method for class 'vec' names(x) ## S3 replacement method for class 'vec' names(x) <- value
`3vel`(n) threevel(n) as.3vel(x) is.3vel(x) ## S3 method for class 'vec' length(x) ## S3 method for class 'vec' names(x) ## S3 replacement method for class 'vec' names(x) <- value
n |
In function |
x , value
Vectors of three-velocities |
Class vel
is a virtual class containing classes 3vel
Function threevel()
is a convenience wrapper for 3vel()
Robin K. S. Hankin
U <- r4vel(7) as.4vel(as.3vel(U)) # equal to U, to numerical precision x <- as.3vel(1:3/4) u <- as.3vel(matrix(runif(30)/10,ncol=3)) names(u) <- letters[1:10] x+u u+x # not equal
U <- r4vel(7) as.4vel(as.3vel(U)) # equal to U, to numerical precision x <- as.3vel(1:3/4) u <- as.3vel(matrix(runif(30)/10,ncol=3)) names(u) <- letters[1:10] x+u u+x # not equal
Various functionality to deal with the stress-energy tensor in special relativity.
perfectfluid(rho,p,u=0) dust(rho,u=0) photongas(rho,u=0) transform_dd(TT, B) transform_ud(TT, B) transform_uu(TT, B) raise(TT) lower(TT)
perfectfluid(rho,p,u=0) dust(rho,u=0) photongas(rho,u=0) transform_dd(TT, B) transform_ud(TT, B) transform_uu(TT, B) raise(TT) lower(TT)
TT |
A second-rank tensor with indices either downstairs-downstairs, downstairs-upstairs, or upstairs-upstairs |
B |
A boost matrix |
rho , p , u
Density, pressure, and four-velocity of the dust |
Function perfectfluid()
returns the stress-energy tensor, with
two upstairs indices, for a perfect fluid with the conditions
specified. No checking for physical reasonableness (eg the weak
energy condition) is performed: caveat emptor!
Function dust()
is a (trivial) function that returns the
stress-energy tensor of a zero-pressure perfect fluid (that is, dust).
Function photongas()
returns the stress-energy tensor of a
photon gas. They are here for discoverability reasons; both are
special cases of a perfect fluid.
Functions transform_dd()
et seq transform a second-rank tensor
using the Lorentz transform. The letters “u” or “d”
denote the indices of the tensor being upstairs (contravariant) or
downstairs (covariant). The stress-energy tensor is usually written
with two upstairs indices, so use transform_uu()
to transform
Function lower()
lowers both indices of a tensor with two
upstairs indices. Function raise()
raises two downstairs
indices. These two functions have identical R idiom but do not return
identical values if .
Robin K. S. Hankin
perfectfluid(10,1) u <- as.3vel(c(0.4,0.4,0.2)) ## In the following, LHS is stationary dust and RHS is dust moving at ## velocity 'u', but transformed to a frame also moving at velocity 'u': LHS <- dust(1) RHS <- transform_uu(dust(1,u),boost(u)) max(abs(LHS-RHS)) # should be small ## In the following, negative sign needed because active/passive ## difference: LHS <- dust(1,u) RHS <- transform_uu(dust(1),boost(-u)) max(abs(LHS-RHS)) # should be small ## Now test behaviour when c!=1: sol(299792458) perfectfluid(1.225,101325) # air at STP LHS <- transform_uu(perfectfluid(1.225,101325),boost(as.3vel(c(1000,0,0)))) RHS <- perfectfluid(1.225,101325) LHS-RHS # should be small sol(10) u <- as.3vel(4:6) LHS <- photongas(1,u) RHS <- transform_uu(photongas(1),boost(-u)) LHS-RHS # should be small B1 <- boost(r3vel(1)) %*% boost(r3vel(1)) B2 <- boost(r3vel(1)) %*% boost(r3vel(1)) LHS <- transform_uu(transform_uu(dust(1),B1),B2) RHS <- transform_uu(dust(1),B2 %*% B1) # note order LHS-RHS # should be small ## remember to re-set c: sol(1)
perfectfluid(10,1) u <- as.3vel(c(0.4,0.4,0.2)) ## In the following, LHS is stationary dust and RHS is dust moving at ## velocity 'u', but transformed to a frame also moving at velocity 'u': LHS <- dust(1) RHS <- transform_uu(dust(1,u),boost(u)) max(abs(LHS-RHS)) # should be small ## In the following, negative sign needed because active/passive ## difference: LHS <- dust(1,u) RHS <- transform_uu(dust(1),boost(-u)) max(abs(LHS-RHS)) # should be small ## Now test behaviour when c!=1: sol(299792458) perfectfluid(1.225,101325) # air at STP LHS <- transform_uu(perfectfluid(1.225,101325),boost(as.3vel(c(1000,0,0)))) RHS <- perfectfluid(1.225,101325) LHS-RHS # should be small sol(10) u <- as.3vel(4:6) LHS <- photongas(1,u) RHS <- transform_uu(photongas(1),boost(-u)) LHS-RHS # should be small B1 <- boost(r3vel(1)) %*% boost(r3vel(1)) B2 <- boost(r3vel(1)) %*% boost(r3vel(1)) LHS <- transform_uu(transform_uu(dust(1),B1),B2) RHS <- transform_uu(dust(1),B2 %*% B1) # note order LHS-RHS # should be small ## remember to re-set c: sol(1)