Title: | Wrapper for the Gnu Scientific Library |
Description: | An R wrapper for some of the functionality of the Gnu Scientific Library. |
Authors: | Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Robin K. S. Hankin <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 2.1-9 |
Built: | 2025-03-28 06:05:41 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/robinhankin/gsl |
An R wrapper for some of the functionality of the Gnu Scientific Library.
Package: | gsl |
Version: | 2.1-9 |
Depends: | R (>= 4.0.0) |
Title: | Wrapper for the Gnu Scientific Library |
Authors@R: | c(person(given=c("Robin", "K. S."), family="Hankin", role = c("aut","cre"), email="[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-5982-0415")), person(given="Andrew",family="Clausen",role="ctb",comment="multimin functionality"), person(given="Duncan",family="Murdoch",role="ctb",comment="qrng functions")) |
SystemRequirements: | Gnu Scientific Library version >= 2.5 |
Description: | An R wrapper for some of the functionality of the Gnu Scientific Library. |
Maintainer: | Robin K. S. Hankin <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
URL: | https://github.com/RobinHankin/gsl |
BugReports: | https://github.com/RobinHankin/gsl/issues |
NeedsCompilation: | yes |
Author: | Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5982-0415>), Andrew Clausen [ctb] (multimin functionality), Duncan Murdoch [ctb] (qrng functions) |
Config/pak/sysreqs: | libgsl0-dev |
Repository: | https://robinhankin.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/robinhankin/gsl |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | 553909f3350aa2ce43d0edf9763173d9853f86ce |
Index of help topics:
Airy Airy functions Bessel Bessel functions Clausen Clausen functions Coulomb Coulomb functions Coupling Coupling functions Dawson Dawson functions Debye Debye functions Dilog Dilog functions Ellint Elliptic functions Elljac Elliptic functions Error Error functions Expint exponential functions Fermi_Dirac Fermi-Dirac functions Gamma gamma functions Gegenbauer Gegenbauer functions Hyperg Hypergeometric functions Laguerre Laguerre functions Lambert Lambert's W function Legendre Legendre functions Log Log functions Misc Argument processing and general info Poly Polynomials Psi Psi (digamma) functions Qrng Quasi-random sequences Rng Random numbers generation Synchrotron Synchrotron functions Transport Transport functions Trig Trig functions Zeta Zeta functions gsl-deprecated gsl-deprecated gsl-package Wrappers for the Gnu Scientific Library multimin Function minimization pow_int Power functions
The function naming scheme directly copies the GSL manual except that
leading gsl_sf_
and, if present, the trailing _e
stripped: thus gsl_sf_Airy_Ai_e
goes to R function
; however, some functions retain the prefix to avoid
conflicts (viz gsl_sf_sin()
, gsl_sf_cos()
, gsl_sf_ choose()
, gsl_sf_beta()
R function arguments have the same names as in the GSL reference
manual, except for the quasirandom functions documented in the
The package is organized into units corresponding to GSL header files;
the .c
, .R
, and .Rd
filenames match the GSL header
filenames, except that the .Rd
files are capitalized. Functions
appear in all files in the same order as the GSL reference manual, which
precludes the use of the tidying method given in section 3.1 of R-exts.
Error forms of GSL functions (_e
versions) are used if available.
In general, documentation is limited to: (a), a pointer to the GSL reference book, which would in any case dominate any docs here; and (b), re-productions of some tables and figures in Abramowitz and Stegun (June 1964).
Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5982-0415>), Andrew Clausen [ctb] (multimin functionality), Duncan Murdoch [ctb] (qrng functions)
Maintainer: Robin K. S. Hankin <[email protected]>
M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun 1965. Handbook of mathematical functions. New York: Dover
M. Galassi et al. 2007. GNU Scientific Library. Reference Manual edition 1.10, for GSL version 1.10; 10 September 2007
R. K. S. Hankin 2006. Introducing gsl, a wrapper for the Gnu Scientific Library. Rnews 6(4):24-26
Airy functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference manual
section 7.4 and AMS-55, section 10.4. These functions are declared
in header file gsl_sf_airy.h
airy_Ai(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_Ai_scaled(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_Ai(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_Bi_scaled(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_Ai_deriv(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_Bi_deriv(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_Ai_deriv_scaled(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_Bi_deriv_scaled(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_zero_Ai(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_zero_Bi(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_zero_Ai_deriv(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_zero_Bi_deriv(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
airy_Ai(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_Ai_scaled(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_Ai(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_Bi_scaled(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_Ai_deriv(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_Bi_deriv(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_Ai_deriv_scaled(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_Bi_deriv_scaled(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_zero_Ai(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_zero_Bi(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_zero_Ai_deriv(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) airy_zero_Bi_deriv(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x |
input: real values |
n |
input: integer values |
give |
Boolean with |
mode |
input: mode. For |
strict |
Boolean, with |
The zero functions return a status of GSL_EDOM
and a value of
for .
An example is given in the package vignette.
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- seq(from=0,to=1,by=0.01) f <- function(x){ cbind(x=x, Ai= airy_Ai(x), Aidash= airy_Ai_deriv(x), Bi=airy_Ai(x),Bidash=airy_Bi_deriv(x)) } f(x) #table 10.11, p475 f(-x) #table 10.11, p476 x <- 1:10 #table 10.13, p478 cbind(x, airy_zero_Ai(x), airy_Ai_deriv(airy_zero_Ai(x)), airy_zero_Ai_deriv(x), airy_Ai(airy_zero_Ai_deriv(x)), airy_zero_Bi(x), airy_Bi_deriv(airy_zero_Bi(x)), airy_zero_Bi_deriv(x), airy_Bi(airy_zero_Bi_deriv(x)) ) # Verify 10.4.4 and 10.4.5, p446: 3^(-2/3)/gamma(2/3) - airy_Ai(0) 3^(-1/3) / gamma(1/3) + airy_Ai_deriv(0) 3^(-1/6) / gamma(2/3) - airy_Bi(0) 3^(1/6) / gamma(1/3) - airy_Bi_deriv(0) # All should be small
x <- seq(from=0,to=1,by=0.01) f <- function(x){ cbind(x=x, Ai= airy_Ai(x), Aidash= airy_Ai_deriv(x), Bi=airy_Ai(x),Bidash=airy_Bi_deriv(x)) } f(x) #table 10.11, p475 f(-x) #table 10.11, p476 x <- 1:10 #table 10.13, p478 cbind(x, airy_zero_Ai(x), airy_Ai_deriv(airy_zero_Ai(x)), airy_zero_Ai_deriv(x), airy_Ai(airy_zero_Ai_deriv(x)), airy_zero_Bi(x), airy_Bi_deriv(airy_zero_Bi(x)), airy_zero_Bi_deriv(x), airy_Bi(airy_zero_Bi_deriv(x)) ) # Verify 10.4.4 and 10.4.5, p446: 3^(-2/3)/gamma(2/3) - airy_Ai(0) 3^(-1/3) / gamma(1/3) + airy_Ai_deriv(0) 3^(-1/6) / gamma(2/3) - airy_Bi(0) 3^(1/6) / gamma(1/3) - airy_Bi_deriv(0) # All should be small
Bessel functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference manual
section 7.5 and AMS-55, chapters 9 and 10. These functions are
declared in header file gsl_sf_bessel.h
bessel_J0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_J1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Jn(n,x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Jn_array(nmin,nmax,x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Y0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Y1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Yn(n,x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Yn_array(nmin, nmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_I0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_I1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_In(n, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_In_array(nmin, nmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_I0_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_I1_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_In_scaled(n, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_In_scaled_array(nmin, nmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_K0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_K1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Kn(n, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Kn_array(nmin, nmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_K0_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_K1_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Kn_scaled(n, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Kn_scaled_array(nmin, nmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_j0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_j1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_j2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_jl(l,x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_jl_array(lmax,x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_jl_steed_array(lmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_y0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_y1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_y2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_yl(l, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_yl_array(lmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_i0_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_i1_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_i2_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_il_scaled(l, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_il_scaled_array(lmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_k0_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_k1_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_k2_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_kl_scaled(l,x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_kl_scaled_array(lmax,x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Jnu(nu, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_sequence_Jnu(nu, v, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Ynu(nu, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Inu(nu, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Inu_scaled(nu, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Knu(nu, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_lnKnu(nu, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Knu_scaled(nu, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_zero_J0(s, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_zero_J1(s, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_zero_Jnu(nu, s, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
bessel_J0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_J1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Jn(n,x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Jn_array(nmin,nmax,x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Y0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Y1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Yn(n,x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Yn_array(nmin, nmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_I0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_I1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_In(n, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_In_array(nmin, nmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_I0_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_I1_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_In_scaled(n, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_In_scaled_array(nmin, nmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_K0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_K1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Kn(n, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Kn_array(nmin, nmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_K0_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_K1_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Kn_scaled(n, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Kn_scaled_array(nmin, nmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_j0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_j1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_j2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_jl(l,x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_jl_array(lmax,x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_jl_steed_array(lmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_y0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_y1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_y2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_yl(l, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_yl_array(lmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_i0_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_i1_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_i2_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_il_scaled(l, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_il_scaled_array(lmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_k0_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_k1_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_k2_scaled(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_kl_scaled(l,x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_kl_scaled_array(lmax,x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Jnu(nu, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_sequence_Jnu(nu, v, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Ynu(nu, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Inu(nu, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Inu_scaled(nu, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Knu(nu, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_lnKnu(nu, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_Knu_scaled(nu, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_zero_J0(s, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_zero_J1(s, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) bessel_zero_Jnu(nu, s, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x , v , nu
input: real valued |
n , nmin , nmax , lmax
input: integer valued |
l , s
input: integer valued |
mode |
Integer, calc mode |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
strict or not |
All as for the GSL reference manual section 7.5
Robin K. S. Hankin
# Compare native R routine with GSL: besselK(0.55,4) - bessel_Knu(4,0.55) # should be small x <- seq(from=0,to=15,len=1000) plot(x,bessel_J0(x),xlim=c(0,16),ylim=c(-0.8,1.1),type="l", xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n",xlab="",ylab="", main="Figure 9.1, p359") jj.Y0 <- bessel_Y0(x) jj.Y0[jj.Y0< -0.8] <- NA lines(x,jj.Y0) lines(x,bessel_J1(x),lty=2) jj.Y1 <- bessel_Y1(x) jj.Y1[jj.Y1< -0.8] <- NA lines(x,jj.Y1,lty=2) axis(1,pos=0,at=1:15, labels=c("","2","","4","","6","","8","","10","","12","","14","") ) axis(2,pos=0,at=seq(from=-8,to=10,by=2)/10, labels=c("-.8","-.6","-.4","-.2","0",".2",".4",".6",".8","1.0")) arrows(0,0,16,0,length=0.1,angle=10) arrows(0,0,0,1.1,length=0.1,angle=10) text(1.1, 0.83, expression(J[0])) text(0.37, 0.3, expression(J[1])) text(0.34,-0.3, expression(Y[0])) text(1.7,-0.5, expression(Y[1])) text(4.2, 0.43, expression(Y[1])) text(7.2, 0.33, expression(J[0])) text(8.6, 0.3, expression(J[0],paste(" ,"))) text(9.1, 0.3, expression(Y[0])) x <- seq(from=0,to=13,len=100) y <- t(bessel_jl_array(3,x)) y[y>0.6] <- NA matplot(x,y,col="black",type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n", xlab="",ylab="",xlim=c(0,16),ylim=c(-0.3,0.75), main="Figure 10.1, p438") axis(1,pos=0,at=2*(1:7)) arrows(0,0,15,0,length=0.1,angle=10) arrows(0,0,0,0.65,length=0.1,angle=10) axis(2,pos=0,las=1,at=seq(from=-3,to=6)/10, labels=c("-.3","-.2","-.1","0",".1",".2",".3",".4",".5",".6")) text(0, 0.7, expression(J[n](x))) text(15.5, 0, expression(x)) text(2.2,0.58,expression(n==0)) text(3.2,0.4,expression(n==1)) text(4.3,0.3,expression(n==2)) text(6.0,0.22,expression(n==3)) x <- seq(from=0 ,to=5,by=0.1) cbind(x, bessel_J0(x),bessel_J1(x),bessel_Jn(2,x)) #table 9.1, p390 cbind(x, bessel_Y0(x),bessel_Y1(x),bessel_Yn(2,x)) #table 9.2, p391 t(bessel_Jn_array(3,9,x*2)) #table 9.2, p398 x <- seq(from=8,to=10,by=0.2) jj <- t(bessel_Jn(n=3:9,x=t(matrix(x,11,7)))) colnames(jj) <- paste("J",3:9,"(x)",sep="") cbind(x,jj) #another part of table 9.2, p398 x <- seq(from=8,to=10,by=0.2) jj <- t(bessel_Yn(n=3:9,x=t(matrix(x,11,7)))) colnames(jj) <- paste("J",3:9,"(x)",sep="") cbind(x,jj) #part of table 9.2, p399 cbind( x, #table 9.8, p416 exp(-x)*bessel_I0 (x), exp(-x)*bessel_I1 (x), x^(-2)*bessel_In(2,x) ) cbind( x, #table 9.8, p417 exp(x)*bessel_K0 (x), exp(x)*bessel_K1 (x), x^(2)*bessel_Kn(2,x) ) cbind(x, #table 10.1 , p457 bessel_j0(x), bessel_j1(x), bessel_j2(x), bessel_y0(x), bessel_y1(x), bessel_y2(x) ) cbind(0:9,"x=1"=bessel_yl(l=0:9,x=1), "x=2"=bessel_yl(l=0:9,x=2), "x=5"=bessel_yl(l=0:9,x=5)) #table 10.5, p466, top
# Compare native R routine with GSL: besselK(0.55,4) - bessel_Knu(4,0.55) # should be small x <- seq(from=0,to=15,len=1000) plot(x,bessel_J0(x),xlim=c(0,16),ylim=c(-0.8,1.1),type="l", xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n",xlab="",ylab="", main="Figure 9.1, p359") jj.Y0 <- bessel_Y0(x) jj.Y0[jj.Y0< -0.8] <- NA lines(x,jj.Y0) lines(x,bessel_J1(x),lty=2) jj.Y1 <- bessel_Y1(x) jj.Y1[jj.Y1< -0.8] <- NA lines(x,jj.Y1,lty=2) axis(1,pos=0,at=1:15, labels=c("","2","","4","","6","","8","","10","","12","","14","") ) axis(2,pos=0,at=seq(from=-8,to=10,by=2)/10, labels=c("-.8","-.6","-.4","-.2","0",".2",".4",".6",".8","1.0")) arrows(0,0,16,0,length=0.1,angle=10) arrows(0,0,0,1.1,length=0.1,angle=10) text(1.1, 0.83, expression(J[0])) text(0.37, 0.3, expression(J[1])) text(0.34,-0.3, expression(Y[0])) text(1.7,-0.5, expression(Y[1])) text(4.2, 0.43, expression(Y[1])) text(7.2, 0.33, expression(J[0])) text(8.6, 0.3, expression(J[0],paste(" ,"))) text(9.1, 0.3, expression(Y[0])) x <- seq(from=0,to=13,len=100) y <- t(bessel_jl_array(3,x)) y[y>0.6] <- NA matplot(x,y,col="black",type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n", xlab="",ylab="",xlim=c(0,16),ylim=c(-0.3,0.75), main="Figure 10.1, p438") axis(1,pos=0,at=2*(1:7)) arrows(0,0,15,0,length=0.1,angle=10) arrows(0,0,0,0.65,length=0.1,angle=10) axis(2,pos=0,las=1,at=seq(from=-3,to=6)/10, labels=c("-.3","-.2","-.1","0",".1",".2",".3",".4",".5",".6")) text(0, 0.7, expression(J[n](x))) text(15.5, 0, expression(x)) text(2.2,0.58,expression(n==0)) text(3.2,0.4,expression(n==1)) text(4.3,0.3,expression(n==2)) text(6.0,0.22,expression(n==3)) x <- seq(from=0 ,to=5,by=0.1) cbind(x, bessel_J0(x),bessel_J1(x),bessel_Jn(2,x)) #table 9.1, p390 cbind(x, bessel_Y0(x),bessel_Y1(x),bessel_Yn(2,x)) #table 9.2, p391 t(bessel_Jn_array(3,9,x*2)) #table 9.2, p398 x <- seq(from=8,to=10,by=0.2) jj <- t(bessel_Jn(n=3:9,x=t(matrix(x,11,7)))) colnames(jj) <- paste("J",3:9,"(x)",sep="") cbind(x,jj) #another part of table 9.2, p398 x <- seq(from=8,to=10,by=0.2) jj <- t(bessel_Yn(n=3:9,x=t(matrix(x,11,7)))) colnames(jj) <- paste("J",3:9,"(x)",sep="") cbind(x,jj) #part of table 9.2, p399 cbind( x, #table 9.8, p416 exp(-x)*bessel_I0 (x), exp(-x)*bessel_I1 (x), x^(-2)*bessel_In(2,x) ) cbind( x, #table 9.8, p417 exp(x)*bessel_K0 (x), exp(x)*bessel_K1 (x), x^(2)*bessel_Kn(2,x) ) cbind(x, #table 10.1 , p457 bessel_j0(x), bessel_j1(x), bessel_j2(x), bessel_y0(x), bessel_y1(x), bessel_y2(x) ) cbind(0:9,"x=1"=bessel_yl(l=0:9,x=1), "x=2"=bessel_yl(l=0:9,x=2), "x=5"=bessel_yl(l=0:9,x=5)) #table 10.5, p466, top
Clausen functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library section 7.6.
These functions are declared in header file gsl_sf_clausen.h
clausen(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
clausen(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x |
input: real values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- (0:30)*pi/180 clausen(x) #table 27.8, p1006
x <- (0:30)*pi/180 clausen(x) #table 27.8, p1006
Coulomb functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference manual
section 7.7 and AMS-55, chapter 14. These functions are declared
in header file gsl_sf_coulomb.h
hydrogenicR_1(Z, r, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hydrogenicR(n, l, Z, r, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) coulomb_wave_FG(eta, x, L_F, k, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) coulomb_wave_F_array(L_min, kmax, eta, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) coulomb_wave_FG_array(L_min, kmax, eta, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) coulomb_wave_FGp_array(L_min, kmax, eta, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) coulomb_wave_sphF_array(L_min, kmax, eta, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) coulomb_CL(L,eta, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) coulomb_CL_array(L_min, kmax, eta, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)
hydrogenicR_1(Z, r, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hydrogenicR(n, l, Z, r, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) coulomb_wave_FG(eta, x, L_F, k, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) coulomb_wave_F_array(L_min, kmax, eta, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) coulomb_wave_FG_array(L_min, kmax, eta, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) coulomb_wave_FGp_array(L_min, kmax, eta, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) coulomb_wave_sphF_array(L_min, kmax, eta, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) coulomb_CL(L,eta, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) coulomb_CL_array(L_min, kmax, eta, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)
n , l , kmax
input: integers |
Z , r , eta , x , L_F , L_min , k , L
input: real values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- seq(from=0,to=14,len=300) jj <- coulomb_wave_FG(1,10,x,0) plot(x,jj$val_F,type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n",xlab="",ylab="", main="Figure 14.1, p539") lines(x,jj$val_G,type="l",lty=2) axis(1,pos=0,at=1:14, labels=c("","2","","4","","6","","8","","10","","12","","14")) lines(c(0,1),c(0,0)) axis(2,pos=0) text(9.5, 0.63, expression(F[L])) text(8.5, 1.21, expression(G[L])) x <- seq(from=0,to=24,len=400) plot(x,coulomb_wave_FG(eta=1,x,L_F=0,k=0)$val_F,type="l", ylim=c(-1.3,1.7), xlim=c(0,26), xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n",xlab="",ylab="",main="Figure 14.3, p541",lty=3) lines(x,coulomb_wave_FG(eta= 0,x,L_F=0,k=0)$val_F,type="l",lty=1) lines(x,coulomb_wave_FG(eta= 5,x,L_F=0,k=0)$val_F,type="l",lty=6) lines(x,coulomb_wave_FG(eta=10,x,L_F=0,k=0)$val_F,type="l",lty=6) lines(x,coulomb_wave_FG(eta=x/2,x,L_F=0,k=0)$val_F,type="l",lty="F3") axis(1,pos=0,at=1:24, labels=c("","2","","4","","","","8","","10","","12", "","14","","","","18","","","","22","","24")) lines(c(0,26),c(0,0)) axis(2,pos=0,at=0.2*(-6:9), labels=c("","-1.2","","-.8","","-.4","","0","",".4", "",".8","","1.2","","1.6")) text(2.5, -0.8, expression(eta == 0)) text(4.5,1.1,adj=0, expression(eta == 1)) text(14,1.4,adj=0, expression(eta == 5)) text(22,1.4,adj=0, expression(eta == 10)) x <- seq(from=0.5,to=10,by=0.5) jj <- coulomb_wave_FG(eta=t(matrix(x,20,5)), x=1:5,0,0) jj.F <- t(jj$val_F) jj.G <- t(jj$val_G) colnames(jj.F) <- 1:5 colnames(jj.G) <- 1:5 cbind(x,jj.F) #table 14.1, p 546, top bit. cbind(x,jj.G) #table 14.1, p 547, top bit.
x <- seq(from=0,to=14,len=300) jj <- coulomb_wave_FG(1,10,x,0) plot(x,jj$val_F,type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n",xlab="",ylab="", main="Figure 14.1, p539") lines(x,jj$val_G,type="l",lty=2) axis(1,pos=0,at=1:14, labels=c("","2","","4","","6","","8","","10","","12","","14")) lines(c(0,1),c(0,0)) axis(2,pos=0) text(9.5, 0.63, expression(F[L])) text(8.5, 1.21, expression(G[L])) x <- seq(from=0,to=24,len=400) plot(x,coulomb_wave_FG(eta=1,x,L_F=0,k=0)$val_F,type="l", ylim=c(-1.3,1.7), xlim=c(0,26), xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n",xlab="",ylab="",main="Figure 14.3, p541",lty=3) lines(x,coulomb_wave_FG(eta= 0,x,L_F=0,k=0)$val_F,type="l",lty=1) lines(x,coulomb_wave_FG(eta= 5,x,L_F=0,k=0)$val_F,type="l",lty=6) lines(x,coulomb_wave_FG(eta=10,x,L_F=0,k=0)$val_F,type="l",lty=6) lines(x,coulomb_wave_FG(eta=x/2,x,L_F=0,k=0)$val_F,type="l",lty="F3") axis(1,pos=0,at=1:24, labels=c("","2","","4","","","","8","","10","","12", "","14","","","","18","","","","22","","24")) lines(c(0,26),c(0,0)) axis(2,pos=0,at=0.2*(-6:9), labels=c("","-1.2","","-.8","","-.4","","0","",".4", "",".8","","1.2","","1.6")) text(2.5, -0.8, expression(eta == 0)) text(4.5,1.1,adj=0, expression(eta == 1)) text(14,1.4,adj=0, expression(eta == 5)) text(22,1.4,adj=0, expression(eta == 10)) x <- seq(from=0.5,to=10,by=0.5) jj <- coulomb_wave_FG(eta=t(matrix(x,20,5)), x=1:5,0,0) jj.F <- t(jj$val_F) jj.G <- t(jj$val_G) colnames(jj.F) <- 1:5 colnames(jj.G) <- 1:5 cbind(x,jj.F) #table 14.1, p 546, top bit. cbind(x,jj.G) #table 14.1, p 547, top bit.
Coupling functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference manual
section 7.8. These functions are declared in header file
coupling_3j(two_ja, two_jb, two_jc, two_ma, two_mb, two_mc, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) coupling_6j(two_ja, two_jb, two_jc, two_jd, two_je, two_jf, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) coupling_9j(two_ja, two_jb, two_jc, two_jd, two_je, two_jf, two_jg, two_jh, two_ji, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
coupling_3j(two_ja, two_jb, two_jc, two_ma, two_mb, two_mc, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) coupling_6j(two_ja, two_jb, two_jc, two_jd, two_je, two_jf, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) coupling_9j(two_ja, two_jb, two_jc, two_jd, two_je, two_jf, two_jg, two_jh, two_ji, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
two_ja , two_jb , two_jc , two_jd , two_je , two_jf , two_jg , two_jh , two_ji , two_ma , two_mb , two_mc
Arguments as per the GSL manual |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
coupling_3j(1,2,3,4,5,6) coupling_6j(1,2,3,4,5,6) coupling_9j(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
coupling_3j(1,2,3,4,5,6) coupling_6j(1,2,3,4,5,6) coupling_9j(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
Dawson functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference manual
section 7.9. These functions are declared in header file
dawson(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
dawson(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x |
input: real values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- seq(from=0,to=2,by=0.01) dawson(x) #table 7.5 of Ab and St
x <- seq(from=0,to=2,by=0.01) dawson(x) #table 7.5 of Ab and St
Debye functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, section 7.10 of the
reference manual. These functions are declared in header file
debye_1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) debye_2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) debye_3(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) debye_4(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
debye_1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) debye_2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) debye_3(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) debye_4(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x |
input: real values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- seq(from=0,to=10,by=0.1) cbind(x,debye_1(x),debye_2(x),debye_3(x),debye_4(x)) #table 27.1
x <- seq(from=0,to=10,by=0.1) cbind(x,debye_1(x),debye_2(x),debye_3(x),debye_4(x)) #table 27.1
Dilog functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library reference manual
section 7.11. These functions are declared in header file
dilog(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) complex_dilog(r, theta, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
dilog(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) complex_dilog(r, theta, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x |
input: real values |
r , theta
In |
give |
Boolean, with default |
strict |
Boolean, with |
All functions as documented in the GSL reference manual section 7.11.
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- seq(from=0, to=0.1,by=0.01) cbind(x,"f(x)"=dilog(1-x)) #table 27.7, p1005
x <- seq(from=0, to=0.1,by=0.01) cbind(x,"f(x)"=dilog(1-x)) #table 27.7, p1005
Elliptic functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference manual
section 7.13 and AMS-55, chapter 17. These functions are
declared in header file gsl_sf_ellint.h
ellint_Kcomp(k, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_Ecomp(k, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_F(phi,k, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_E(phi,k, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_P(phi,k,n, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_D(phi,k, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_RC(x, y, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_RD(x, y, z, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_RF(x, y, z, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_RJ(x, y, z, p, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)
ellint_Kcomp(k, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_Ecomp(k, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_F(phi,k, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_E(phi,k, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_P(phi,k,n, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_D(phi,k, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_RC(x, y, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_RD(x, y, z, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_RF(x, y, z, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) ellint_RJ(x, y, z, p, mode=0, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)
phi , k , n , p , x , y , z
input: real values |
give |
Boolean, with default |
strict |
Boolean |
mode |
input: mode. For |
Robin K. S. Hankin
ellint_Kcomp(0.3) ellint_Ecomp(0.3) ellint_F(0.4,0.7) ellint_E(0.4,0.7) ellint_P(0.4,0.7,0.3) ellint_D(0.4,0.3) ellint_RC(0.5,0.6) ellint_RD(0.5,0.6,0.7) ellint_RF(0.5,0.6,0.7) ellint_RJ(0.5,0.6,0.7,0.1) x <- seq(from=0,to=0.5,by=0.01) col1 <- ellint_Kcomp(sqrt(x)) col2 <- ellint_Kcomp(sqrt(1-x)) col3 <- exp(-pi*col2/col1) cbind(x,col1,col2,col3) #table 17.1, p608 x <- 0:45 col1 <- ellint_Kcomp(sin(pi/180*x)) col2 <- ellint_Kcomp(sin(pi/2-pi/180*x)) col3 <- exp(-pi*col2/col1) cbind(x,col1,col2,col3) #table 17.2, p610 x <- seq(from=0,to=90,by=2) f <- function(a){ellint_F(phi=a*pi/180,sin(x*pi/180))} g <- function(a){ellint_E(phi=a*pi/180,sin(x*pi/180))} h <- function(a,n){ellint_P(phi=a*pi/180,sin( a*15*pi/180),n)} i <- function(x){ellint_P(phi=x*pi/180, k=sin((0:6)*15*pi/180), n= -0.6)} cbind(x,f(5),f(10),f(15),f(20),f(25),f(30)) #table 17.5, p613 cbind(x,g(5),g(10),g(15),g(20),g(25),g(30)) #table 17.6, p616 cbind(i(15),i(30),i(45),i(60),i(75),i(90)) #table 17.9, #(BOTTOM OF p625)
ellint_Kcomp(0.3) ellint_Ecomp(0.3) ellint_F(0.4,0.7) ellint_E(0.4,0.7) ellint_P(0.4,0.7,0.3) ellint_D(0.4,0.3) ellint_RC(0.5,0.6) ellint_RD(0.5,0.6,0.7) ellint_RF(0.5,0.6,0.7) ellint_RJ(0.5,0.6,0.7,0.1) x <- seq(from=0,to=0.5,by=0.01) col1 <- ellint_Kcomp(sqrt(x)) col2 <- ellint_Kcomp(sqrt(1-x)) col3 <- exp(-pi*col2/col1) cbind(x,col1,col2,col3) #table 17.1, p608 x <- 0:45 col1 <- ellint_Kcomp(sin(pi/180*x)) col2 <- ellint_Kcomp(sin(pi/2-pi/180*x)) col3 <- exp(-pi*col2/col1) cbind(x,col1,col2,col3) #table 17.2, p610 x <- seq(from=0,to=90,by=2) f <- function(a){ellint_F(phi=a*pi/180,sin(x*pi/180))} g <- function(a){ellint_E(phi=a*pi/180,sin(x*pi/180))} h <- function(a,n){ellint_P(phi=a*pi/180,sin( a*15*pi/180),n)} i <- function(x){ellint_P(phi=x*pi/180, k=sin((0:6)*15*pi/180), n= -0.6)} cbind(x,f(5),f(10),f(15),f(20),f(25),f(30)) #table 17.5, p613 cbind(x,g(5),g(10),g(15),g(20),g(25),g(30)) #table 17.6, p616 cbind(i(15),i(30),i(45),i(60),i(75),i(90)) #table 17.9, #(BOTTOM OF p625)
Elljac functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference manual
section 7.14 and AMS-55, chapter 16. These functions are
declared in header file gsl_sf_elljac.h
elljac(u, m, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) gsl_sn(z,m) gsl_cn(z,m) gsl_dn(z,m) gsl_ns(z,m) gsl_nc(z,m) gsl_nd(z,m) gsl_sc(z,m) gsl_sd(z,m) gsl_cs(z,m) gsl_cd(z,m) gsl_ds(z,m) gsl_dc(z,m)
elljac(u, m, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) gsl_sn(z,m) gsl_cn(z,m) gsl_dn(z,m) gsl_ns(z,m) gsl_nc(z,m) gsl_nd(z,m) gsl_sc(z,m) gsl_sd(z,m) gsl_cs(z,m) gsl_cd(z,m) gsl_ds(z,m) gsl_dc(z,m)
u , m
input: real values |
z |
input: complex values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
A straightforward wrapper for the gsl_sf_elljac_e
function of the GSL library, except for gsl_sn()
, gsl_cn()
, and
, which implement 16.21.1 to 16.21.4 (thus taking complex
arguments); and gsl_ns()
seq which are the minor elliptic functions.
Function sn_cn_dn()
is not really intended for the end-user.
Robin K. S. Hankin
K <- ellint_F(phi=pi/2,k=sqrt(1/2)) #note the sqrt: m=k^2 u <- seq(from=0,to=4*K,by=K/24) jj <- elljac(u,1/2) plot(u,jj$sn,type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n",ylab="",xlab="",main="Fig 16.1, p570") lines(u,jj$cn,lty=2) lines(u,jj$dn,lty=3) axis(1,pos=0,at=c(K,2*K,3*K,4*K),labels=c("K","2K","3K","4K")) abline(0,0) axis(2,pos=0,at=c(-1,1)) text(1.8*K,0.6,"sn u") text(1.6*K,-0.5,"cn u") text(2.6*K,0.9,"dn u") a <- seq(from=-5,to=5,len=100) jj <- outer(a,a,function(a,b){a}) z <- jj+1i*t(jj) e <- Re(gsl_cd(z,m=0.2)) e[abs(e)>10] <- NA contour(a,a,e,nlev=55)
K <- ellint_F(phi=pi/2,k=sqrt(1/2)) #note the sqrt: m=k^2 u <- seq(from=0,to=4*K,by=K/24) jj <- elljac(u,1/2) plot(u,jj$sn,type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n",ylab="",xlab="",main="Fig 16.1, p570") lines(u,jj$cn,lty=2) lines(u,jj$dn,lty=3) axis(1,pos=0,at=c(K,2*K,3*K,4*K),labels=c("K","2K","3K","4K")) abline(0,0) axis(2,pos=0,at=c(-1,1)) text(1.8*K,0.6,"sn u") text(1.6*K,-0.5,"cn u") text(2.6*K,0.9,"dn u") a <- seq(from=-5,to=5,len=100) jj <- outer(a,a,function(a,b){a}) z <- jj+1i*t(jj) e <- Re(gsl_cd(z,m=0.2)) e[abs(e)>10] <- NA contour(a,a,e,nlev=55)
Error functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference manual
section 7.15 and AMS-55, chapter 7. Thes functions are declared
in header file gsl_sf_error.h
erf(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) erfc(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) log_erfc(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) erf_Q(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hazard(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
erf(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) erfc(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) log_erfc(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) erf_Q(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hazard(x, mode=0, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x |
input: real values |
give |
Boolean with |
mode |
input: mode. For |
strict |
Boolean, with |
The zero functions return a status of GSL_EDOM
and a value of
Robin K. S. Hankin
erf(0.745) # Example 1, page 304
erf(0.745) # Example 1, page 304
Expint functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference manual
section 7.17 and AMS-55, chapter 5. These functions are declared in
header file gsl_sf_expint.h
expint_E1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) expint_E2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) expint_En(n, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) expint_Ei(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) Shi(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) Chi(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) expint_3(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) Si(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) Ci(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) atanint(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
expint_E1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) expint_E2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) expint_En(n, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) expint_Ei(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) Shi(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) Chi(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) expint_3(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) Si(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) Ci(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) atanint(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x |
input: real values |
n |
input: integer values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Function expint_En()
requires GSL version 1.8 or later.
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- seq(from=0.5, to=1, by=0.01) cbind(x,Si(x),Ci(x),expint_Ei(x),expint_E1(x)) #table 5.1 of AS, p239 x <- seq(from=0, to=12, len=100) plot(x,Ci(x),col="black",type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n", xlab="",ylab="",main="Figure 5.6, p232", xlim=c(0,12),ylim=c(-1,2.0)) lines(x,Si(x)) axis(1,pos=0) axis(2,pos=0) abline(h=pi/2,lty=2) # Table 5.4, page 245: xvec <- seq(from=0,by=0.01,len=20) nvec <- c(2,3,4,10,20) x <- kronecker(xvec,t(rep(1,5))) n <- kronecker(t(nvec),rep(1,20)) ans <- cbind(x=xvec,expint_En(n,x)) rownames(ans) <- rep(" ",length(xvec)) colnames(ans) <- c("x",paste("n=",nvec,sep="")) class(ans) <- "I do not understand the first column" ans
x <- seq(from=0.5, to=1, by=0.01) cbind(x,Si(x),Ci(x),expint_Ei(x),expint_E1(x)) #table 5.1 of AS, p239 x <- seq(from=0, to=12, len=100) plot(x,Ci(x),col="black",type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n", xlab="",ylab="",main="Figure 5.6, p232", xlim=c(0,12),ylim=c(-1,2.0)) lines(x,Si(x)) axis(1,pos=0) axis(2,pos=0) abline(h=pi/2,lty=2) # Table 5.4, page 245: xvec <- seq(from=0,by=0.01,len=20) nvec <- c(2,3,4,10,20) x <- kronecker(xvec,t(rep(1,5))) n <- kronecker(t(nvec),rep(1,20)) ans <- cbind(x=xvec,expint_En(n,x)) rownames(ans) <- rep(" ",length(xvec)) colnames(ans) <- c("x",paste("n=",nvec,sep="")) class(ans) <- "I do not understand the first column" ans
Fermi-Dirac functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference
manual section 7.18. These functions are declared in header file
fermi_dirac_m1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_int(j, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_mhalf(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_half(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_3half(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_inc_0(x, b, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
fermi_dirac_m1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_int(j, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_mhalf(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_half(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_3half(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) fermi_dirac_inc_0(x, b, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x , j , b
input: real values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- seq(from=0,to=2,by=0.01) fermi_dirac_m1(x) #table 7.5 of Ab and St
x <- seq(from=0,to=2,by=0.01) fermi_dirac_m1(x) #table 7.5 of Ab and St
Gamma functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library reference manual
section 7.19. These functions are declared in header file
gsl_sf_gamma(x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lngamma(x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lngamma_sgn(x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gammastar(x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gammainv(x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lngamma_complex(zr, zi=NULL, r.and.i=TRUE, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) taylorcoeff(n,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) fact(n,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) doublefact(n,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lnfact(n,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lndoublefact(n,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gsl_sf_choose(n,m,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lnchoose(n,m,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) poch(a,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lnpoch(a,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lnpoch_sgn(a,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) pochrel(a,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gamma_inc_Q(a,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gamma_inc_P(a,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gamma_inc(a,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gsl_sf_beta(a,b,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lnbeta(a,b,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) beta_inc(a,b,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)
gsl_sf_gamma(x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lngamma(x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lngamma_sgn(x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gammastar(x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gammainv(x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lngamma_complex(zr, zi=NULL, r.and.i=TRUE, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) taylorcoeff(n,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) fact(n,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) doublefact(n,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lnfact(n,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lndoublefact(n,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gsl_sf_choose(n,m,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lnchoose(n,m,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) poch(a,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lnpoch(a,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lnpoch_sgn(a,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) pochrel(a,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gamma_inc_Q(a,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gamma_inc_P(a,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gamma_inc(a,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gsl_sf_beta(a,b,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) lnbeta(a,b,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) beta_inc(a,b,x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)
x , a , b
input: real values |
m , n
input: integer value |
zr |
In |
zi |
In |
r.and.i |
In |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
All functions as documented in the GSL reference manual section 7.19.
Note that gamma_inc_P()
gives the area of the left tail of the
gamma distribution so, for example, gamma_inc_P(1.8, 5) =
pgamma(5, 1.8)
to numerical accuracy.
Robin K. S. Hankin
gsl_sf_gamma(3) lngamma_complex(1+seq(from=0,to=5,by=0.1)*1i) #table 6.7, p 277 (LH col) #note 2pi phase diff jj <- expand.grid(1:10,2:5) x <- taylorcoeff(jj$Var1,jj$Var2) dim(x) <- c(10,4) x #table 23.5, p818 jj <- expand.grid(36:50,9:13) x <- gsl_sf_choose(jj$Var1,jj$Var2) dim(x) <- c(15,5) x #table 24.1, p829 (bottom bit) gamma_inc(1.2,1.3) beta(1.2, 1.3) lnbeta(1.2,1.55) beta_inc(1.2,1.4,1.6) gamma_inc_P(1.8, 5) - pgamma(5, 1.8) # should be small
gsl_sf_gamma(3) lngamma_complex(1+seq(from=0,to=5,by=0.1)*1i) #table 6.7, p 277 (LH col) #note 2pi phase diff jj <- expand.grid(1:10,2:5) x <- taylorcoeff(jj$Var1,jj$Var2) dim(x) <- c(10,4) x #table 23.5, p818 jj <- expand.grid(36:50,9:13) x <- gsl_sf_choose(jj$Var1,jj$Var2) dim(x) <- c(15,5) x #table 24.1, p829 (bottom bit) gamma_inc(1.2,1.3) beta(1.2, 1.3) lnbeta(1.2,1.55) beta_inc(1.2,1.4,1.6) gamma_inc_P(1.8, 5) - pgamma(5, 1.8) # should be small
Gegenbauer functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library reference manual
section 7.20, and AMS-55, chapter 22. These functions are
declared in header file gsl_sf_gegenbauer.h
gegenpoly_1(lambda, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gegenpoly_2(lambda, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gegenpoly_3(lambda, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gegenpoly_n(n,lambda, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gegenpoly_array(nmax,lambda, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)
gegenpoly_1(lambda, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gegenpoly_2(lambda, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gegenpoly_3(lambda, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gegenpoly_n(n,lambda, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE) gegenpoly_array(nmax,lambda, x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)
lambda , x
input: real values |
n , nmax
input: integer value |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- seq(from=-1 ,to=1,len=300) y <- gegenpoly_array(6,0.5,x) matplot(x,t(y[-(1:2),]), xlim=c(-1,1.2),ylim=c(-0.5,1.5), type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n",xlab="",ylab="", main="Figure 22.5, p777",col="black") axis(1,pos=0) axis(2,pos=0) plot(x, gegenpoly_n(5,lambda=0.2, x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE), xlim=c(-1,1),ylim=c(-1.5,1.5),main="Figure 22.5, p777", type="n",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n",xlab="",ylab="") lines(x, gegenpoly_n(5,lambda=0.2, x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)) lines(x, gegenpoly_n(5,lambda=0.4, x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)) lines(x, gegenpoly_n(5,lambda=0.6, x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)) lines(x, gegenpoly_n(5,lambda=0.8, x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)) lines(x, gegenpoly_n(5,lambda=1.0, x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)) axis(1,pos=0) axis(2,pos=0,las=1)
x <- seq(from=-1 ,to=1,len=300) y <- gegenpoly_array(6,0.5,x) matplot(x,t(y[-(1:2),]), xlim=c(-1,1.2),ylim=c(-0.5,1.5), type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n",xlab="",ylab="", main="Figure 22.5, p777",col="black") axis(1,pos=0) axis(2,pos=0) plot(x, gegenpoly_n(5,lambda=0.2, x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE), xlim=c(-1,1),ylim=c(-1.5,1.5),main="Figure 22.5, p777", type="n",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n",xlab="",ylab="") lines(x, gegenpoly_n(5,lambda=0.2, x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)) lines(x, gegenpoly_n(5,lambda=0.4, x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)) lines(x, gegenpoly_n(5,lambda=0.6, x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)) lines(x, gegenpoly_n(5,lambda=0.8, x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)) lines(x, gegenpoly_n(5,lambda=1.0, x,give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)) axis(1,pos=0) axis(2,pos=0,las=1)
Deprecated Legendre functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library reference manual section 7.24.
legendre_Plm_array(...) legendre_Plm_deriv_array(...) legendre_sphPlm_array(...) legendre_sphPlm_deriv_array(...) legendre_array_size(...) deprecated_legendre(...)
legendre_Plm_array(...) legendre_Plm_deriv_array(...) legendre_sphPlm_array(...) legendre_sphPlm_deriv_array(...) legendre_array_size(...) deprecated_legendre(...)
... |
(ignored) |
As of GSL-2.1, functions
are deprecated. This functionality is now provided in GSL by the
suite of functions; in R, use one of:
These are documented under ?Legendre
Robin K. S. Hankin
Hypergeometric functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library reference manual
section 7.21 and AMS-55, chapters 13 and 15. These functions are
declared in header file gsl_sf_hyperg.h
hyperg_0F1(c, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_1F1_int(m, n, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_1F1(a, b, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_U_int(m, n, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_U(a, b, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_2F1(a, b, c, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_2F1_conj(aR, aI, c, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_2F1_renorm(a, b, c, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_2F1_conj_renorm(aR, aI, c, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_2F0(a, b, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
hyperg_0F1(c, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_1F1_int(m, n, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_1F1(a, b, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_U_int(m, n, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_U(a, b, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_2F1(a, b, c, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_2F1_conj(aR, aI, c, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_2F1_renorm(a, b, c, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_2F1_conj_renorm(aR, aI, c, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hyperg_2F0(a, b, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x |
input: real values |
a , b , c
input: real values |
m , n
input: integer values |
aR , aI
input: real values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
“The circle of convergence of the Gauss hypergeometric series
is the unit circle ” (AMS, page 556).
There is a known issue in hyperg_2F1()
in GSL-2.6,
https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?54998 and the package returns the
erroneous value given by GSL.
Robin K. S. Hankin
hyperg_0F1(0.1,0.55) hyperg_1F1_int(2,3,0.555) hyperg_1F1(2.12312,3.12313,0.555) hyperg_U_int(2, 3, 0.555) hyperg_U(2.234, 3.234, 0.555)
hyperg_0F1(0.1,0.55) hyperg_1F1_int(2,3,0.555) hyperg_1F1(2.12312,3.12313,0.555) hyperg_U_int(2, 3, 0.555) hyperg_U(2.234, 3.234, 0.555)
Laguerre functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library reference manual
section 7.22. These functions are declared in header file
laguerre_1(a, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) laguerre_2(a, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) laguerre_3(a, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) laguerre_n(n, a, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
laguerre_1(a, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) laguerre_2(a, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) laguerre_3(a, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) laguerre_n(n, a, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
a , x
input: real values |
n |
input: integer values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- seq(from=0,to=6,len=100) plot(x,laguerre_n(2,0,x),xlim=c(0,6),ylim=c(-2,3), type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n",xlab="",ylab="", main="Figure 22.9, p780") lines(x,laguerre_n(3,0,x)) lines(x,laguerre_n(4,0,x)) lines(x,laguerre_n(5,0,x)) axis(1,pos=0) axis(2,pos=0)
x <- seq(from=0,to=6,len=100) plot(x,laguerre_n(2,0,x),xlim=c(0,6),ylim=c(-2,3), type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",bty="n",xlab="",ylab="", main="Figure 22.9, p780") lines(x,laguerre_n(3,0,x)) lines(x,laguerre_n(4,0,x)) lines(x,laguerre_n(5,0,x)) axis(1,pos=0) axis(2,pos=0)
Lambert's W function as per the Gnu Scientific Library reference manual
section 7.23. These functions are declared in header file
lambert_W0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) lambert_Wm1(x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)
lambert_W0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) lambert_Wm1(x, give=FALSE,strict=TRUE)
x |
input: real values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
a <- runif(6) L <- lambert_W0(a) print(L*exp(L) - a)
a <- runif(6) L <- lambert_W0(a) print(L*exp(L) - a)
Legendre functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library reference manual
section 7.24, and AMS-55, chapter 8. These functions are declared in
header file gsl_sf_legendre.h
legendre_P1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_P2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_P3(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_Pl(l, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_Pl_array(lmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_Q0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_Q1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_Ql(l, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_array_n(lmax) legendre_array_index(l,m) legendre_check_args(x,lmax,norm,csphase) legendre_array(x, lmax, norm=1, csphase= -1) legendre_deriv_array(x, lmax, norm=1, csphase= -1) legendre_deriv_alt_array(x, lmax, norm=1, csphase= -1) legendre_deriv2_array(x, lmax, norm=1, csphase= -1) legendre_deriv2_alt_array(x, lmax, norm=1, csphase= -1) legendre_Plm(l, m, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_sphPlm(l, m, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) conicalP_half(lambda, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) conicalP_mhalf(lambda, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) conicalP_0(lambda, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) conicalP_1(lambda, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) conicalP_sph_reg(l, lambda, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) conicalP_cyl_reg(m, lambda, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_H3d_0(lambda, eta, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_H3d_1(lambda, eta, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_H3d(l, lambda, eta, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_H3d_array(lmax, lambda, eta, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
legendre_P1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_P2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_P3(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_Pl(l, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_Pl_array(lmax, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_Q0(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_Q1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_Ql(l, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_array_n(lmax) legendre_array_index(l,m) legendre_check_args(x,lmax,norm,csphase) legendre_array(x, lmax, norm=1, csphase= -1) legendre_deriv_array(x, lmax, norm=1, csphase= -1) legendre_deriv_alt_array(x, lmax, norm=1, csphase= -1) legendre_deriv2_array(x, lmax, norm=1, csphase= -1) legendre_deriv2_alt_array(x, lmax, norm=1, csphase= -1) legendre_Plm(l, m, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_sphPlm(l, m, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) conicalP_half(lambda, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) conicalP_mhalf(lambda, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) conicalP_0(lambda, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) conicalP_1(lambda, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) conicalP_sph_reg(l, lambda, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) conicalP_cyl_reg(m, lambda, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_H3d_0(lambda, eta, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_H3d_1(lambda, eta, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_H3d(l, lambda, eta, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) legendre_H3d_array(lmax, lambda, eta, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
eta , lambda , x
input: real values |
l , m , lmax
input: integer values |
csphase , norm
Options for use with |
give |
Boolean, with default |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
theta <- seq(from=0,to=pi/2,len=100) plot(theta,legendre_P1(cos(theta)),type="l",ylim=c(-0.5,1), main="Figure 8.1, p338") abline(1,0) lines(theta,legendre_P2(cos(theta)),type="l") lines(theta,legendre_P3(cos(theta)),type="l") x <- seq(from=0,to=1,len=600) plot(x, legendre_Plm(3,1,x), type="l",lty=3,main="Figure 8.2, p338: note sign error") lines(x,legendre_Plm(2,1,x), type="l",lty=2) lines(x,legendre_Plm(1,1,x), type="l",lty=1) abline(0,0) plot(x,legendre_Ql(0,x),xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(-1,1.5), type="l",lty=1, main="Figure 8.4, p339") lines(x,legendre_Ql(1,x),lty=2) lines(x,legendre_Ql(2,x),lty=3) lines(x,legendre_Ql(3,x),lty=4) abline(0,0) #table 8.1 of A&S: t(legendre_Pl_array(10, seq(from=0,to=1,by=0.01))[1+c(2,3,9,10),]) #table 8.3: f <- function(n){legendre_Ql(n, seq(from=0,to=1,by=0.01))} sapply(c(0,1,2,3,9,10),f) # Some checks for the legendre_array() series: # P_6^1(0.3): legendre_array(0.3,7)[7,2] # MMA: LegendreP[6,1,0.3]; note off-by-one issue # d/dx P_8^5(x) @ x=0.2: legendre_deriv_array(0.2,8)[9,6] # MMA: D[LegendreP[8,5,x],x] /. {x -> 0.2} # alternative derivatives: legendre_deriv_alt_array(0.4,8)[9,6] # D[LegendreP[8,5,Cos[x]],x] /. x -> ArcCos[0.4]
theta <- seq(from=0,to=pi/2,len=100) plot(theta,legendre_P1(cos(theta)),type="l",ylim=c(-0.5,1), main="Figure 8.1, p338") abline(1,0) lines(theta,legendre_P2(cos(theta)),type="l") lines(theta,legendre_P3(cos(theta)),type="l") x <- seq(from=0,to=1,len=600) plot(x, legendre_Plm(3,1,x), type="l",lty=3,main="Figure 8.2, p338: note sign error") lines(x,legendre_Plm(2,1,x), type="l",lty=2) lines(x,legendre_Plm(1,1,x), type="l",lty=1) abline(0,0) plot(x,legendre_Ql(0,x),xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(-1,1.5), type="l",lty=1, main="Figure 8.4, p339") lines(x,legendre_Ql(1,x),lty=2) lines(x,legendre_Ql(2,x),lty=3) lines(x,legendre_Ql(3,x),lty=4) abline(0,0) #table 8.1 of A&S: t(legendre_Pl_array(10, seq(from=0,to=1,by=0.01))[1+c(2,3,9,10),]) #table 8.3: f <- function(n){legendre_Ql(n, seq(from=0,to=1,by=0.01))} sapply(c(0,1,2,3,9,10),f) # Some checks for the legendre_array() series: # P_6^1(0.3): legendre_array(0.3,7)[7,2] # MMA: LegendreP[6,1,0.3]; note off-by-one issue # d/dx P_8^5(x) @ x=0.2: legendre_deriv_array(0.2,8)[9,6] # MMA: D[LegendreP[8,5,x],x] /. {x -> 0.2} # alternative derivatives: legendre_deriv_alt_array(0.4,8)[9,6] # D[LegendreP[8,5,Cos[x]],x] /. x -> ArcCos[0.4]
Log functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference manual
section 7.25 and AMS-55, chapter 4. These functions are declared in
header file gsl_sf_log.h
gsl_sf_log(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) log_abs(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) complex_log(zr, zi=NULL, r.and.i=TRUE, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) log_1plusx(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) log_1plusx_mx(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
gsl_sf_log(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) log_abs(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) complex_log(zr, zi=NULL, r.and.i=TRUE, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) log_1plusx(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) log_1plusx_mx(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x |
input: real values |
zr |
In |
zi |
In |
r.and.i |
In |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- seq(from=0.1,to=2,by=0.01) log(x) #table 7.5 of Ab and St
x <- seq(from=0.1,to=2,by=0.01) log(x) #table 7.5 of Ab and St
Various widely used functions in the package
process.args(...) strictify(val,status)
process.args(...) strictify(val,status)
... |
Argument list to be coerced to the same length |
val |
Value component of |
status |
status integer |
Function process.args()
is an internal function used to
massage the arguments into a form suitable for passing to .C()
For example, in function hyperg_0F1(c,x)
, one wants each of
hyperg_0F1(0.1, c(0.3,0.4))
and hyperg_0F1(c(0.1,0.2),
and hyperg_0F1(c(0.1,0.2),c(0.3,0.4))
to behave sensibly.
Function process.args()
is used widely in the package, taking an
arbitrary number of arguments and returning a list whose elements are
vectors of the same length. Most of the special functions use
to ensure that the returned value takes the
attributes of the input argument with most elements where possible.
Function strictify()
uses the status
value returned by
the “error” form of the GSL special functions to make values
returned with a nonzero error
a NaN
. In most of the
special functions, strictify()
is called if argument
takes its default value of TRUE
. Setting it to
sometimes returns a numerical value as per the GSL
reference manual.
In most of the special functions, if argument give
takes its
default value of FALSE
, only a numerical value is returned.
, error information and the status (see preceding
paragraph) is also returned.
Following tips found on R-devel:
Download and extract source code of R-package gsl
Use gsl-config --libs
to get the path to GSL's
lib directory
), use gsl-config --cflags
to get the
path to GSL
's include directory (-I<path-to-include>
Change Makevars
in gsl/src
Add -L<path-to-lib>
Add (new) line: PKG_CPPFLAGS=-I<path-to-include>
Install gsl
LDFLAGS=-L<path-to-lib>; export LDFLAGS
CPPFLAGS=-I<path-to-include>;export CPPFLAGS
Robin K. S. Hankin
These functions have been removed from the package temporarily, pending a permanent fix.
Function minimization using the Gnu Scientific Library, reference
manual section 35. These functions are declared in header file
Several algorithms for finding (local) minima of functions in one or more variables are provided. All of the algorithms operate locally, in the sense that they maintain a best guess and require the function to be continuous. Apart from the Nelder-Mead algorithm, these algorithms also use a derivative.
multimin(..., prec=0.0001) multimin.init(x, f, df=NA, fdf=NA, method=NA, step.size=NA, tol=NA) multimin.iterate(state) multimin.restart(state) multimin.fminimizer.size(state)
multimin(..., prec=0.0001) multimin.init(x, f, df=NA, fdf=NA, method=NA, step.size=NA, tol=NA) multimin.iterate(state) multimin.restart(state) multimin.fminimizer.size(state)
... |
In function |
x |
A starting point. These algorithms are faster with better initial guesses |
f |
The function to minimize. This function must take a single
df |
The derivative of |
fdf |
A function that evaluates |
method |
The algorithm to use, which is one of
“ |
step.size |
This step size guides the algorithm to pick a good distance between points in its search |
tol |
This parameter is relevant for gradient-based methods. It
controls how much the gradient should flatten out in each line
search. More specifically, let |
prec |
The stopping-rule precision parameter. For the derivative-based
methods, a solution is good enough if the norm of the gradient is smaller
than |
state |
This stores all information relating to the progress of the optimization problem |
There are two ways to call multimin
. The simple way is to
merely call multimin
directly. A more complicated way is to
call multimin.init
first, and then repeatedly call
until the guess gets good enough. In
addition, multimin.restart
can be used with the second approach
to discard accumulated information (such as curvature information) if
that information turns out to be unhelpful. This is roughly
equivalent to calling multimin.init
by setting the starting
point to be the current best guess.
All of the derivative-based methods consist of iterations that pick a descent direction, and conduct a line search for a better point along the ray in that direction from the current point. The Fletcher-Reeves and Polak-Ribiere conjugate gradient algorithms maintain a a vector that summarizes the curvature at that point. These are useful for high-dimensional problems (eg: more than 100 dimensions) because they don't use matrices which become expensive to keep track of. The Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno is better for low-dimensional problems, since it maintains an approximation of the Hessian of the function as well, which gives better curvature information. The steepest-descent algorithm is a naive algorithm that does not use any curvature information. The Nelder-Mead algorithm which does not use derivatives.
All of these functions return a state variable, which consists of the following items:
internal.state |
Bureaucratic stuff for communicating with GSL |
x |
The current best guess of the optimal solution |
f |
The value of the function at the best guess |
df |
The derivative of the function at the best guess |
is.fdf |
TRUE if the algorithm is using a derivative |
code |
The GSL return code from the last iteration |
The source code for the functions documented here conditionalizes
on WIN32
; under windows there is a slight memory leak.
Andrew Clausen [email protected]
and nlm
are the standard optimization functions in
and D
are the standard symbolic differentation
functions in R. Ryacas
provides more extensive differentiation
support using Yet Another Computer Algebra System.
is the standard numerical differentation function
in R. GSL can also do numerical differentiation, but no-one has
written an R interface yet.
requires the objective function to have a single
(vector) argument. unlist
and relist
are useful for
converting between more convenient forms.
# COMMENTED OUT PENDING PERMANENT FIX # The Rosenbrock function: # x0 <- c(-1.2, 1) # f <- function(x) (1 - x[1])^2 + 100 * (x[2] - x[1]^2)^2 # df <- function(x) c(-2*(1 - x[1]) + 100 * 2 * (x[2] - x[1]^2) * (-2*x[1]), # 100 * 2 * (x[2] - x[1]^2)) # # # The simple way to call multimin. # state <- multimin(x0, f, df) # print(state$x) # # # The fine-control way to call multimin. # state <- multimin.init(x0, f, df, method="conjugate-fr") # for (i in 1:200) # state <- multimin.iterate(state) # print(state$x)
# COMMENTED OUT PENDING PERMANENT FIX # The Rosenbrock function: # x0 <- c(-1.2, 1) # f <- function(x) (1 - x[1])^2 + 100 * (x[2] - x[1]^2)^2 # df <- function(x) c(-2*(1 - x[1]) + 100 * 2 * (x[2] - x[1]^2) * (-2*x[1]), # 100 * 2 * (x[2] - x[1]^2)) # # # The simple way to call multimin. # state <- multimin(x0, f, df) # print(state$x) # # # The fine-control way to call multimin. # state <- multimin.init(x0, f, df, method="conjugate-fr") # for (i in 1:200) # state <- multimin.iterate(state) # print(state$x)
Polynomial functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference manual
section 6.1. These functions are defined in header
file gsl_poly.h
c_gsl |
Coefficients of the poynomial ( |
x |
input: real values |
One must be careful to avoid off-by-one errors. In C idiom, the function evaluates the polynomial
where len is the second argument of GSL function
The R idiom would be
This section is work-in-progress and more will be added when I have the time/need for the other functions here.
Robin K. S. Hankin
a <- matrix(1:4,2,2) rownames(a) <- letters[1:2] (jj <- gsl_poly(1:3,a)) jj-(1 + 2*a + 3*a^2) #should be small
a <- matrix(1:4,2,2) rownames(a) <- letters[1:2] (jj <- gsl_poly(1:3,a)) jj-(1 + 2*a + 3*a^2) #should be small
Power functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library reference manual
section 7.27. These functions are declared in the header file
pow_int(x, n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
pow_int(x, n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x |
input: real values |
n |
input: integer values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
Psi (digamma) functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference
manual section 7.27. These functions are declared in header file
psi_int(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) psi(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) psi_1piy(y, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) psi_1_int(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) psi_1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) psi_n(m, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
psi_int(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) psi(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) psi_1piy(y, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) psi_1_int(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) psi_1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) psi_n(m, x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
m , n
input: integer values |
x , y
input: real values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with default |
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- seq(from=1.2,to=1.25,by=0.005) cbind(x,psi(x),psi_1(x)) #tabe 6.1, p267, bottom bit psi_int(1:6) psi(pi+(1:6)) psi_1piy(pi+(1:6)) psi_1_int(1:6) psi_n(m=5,x=c(1.123,1.6523))
x <- seq(from=1.2,to=1.25,by=0.005) cbind(x,psi(x),psi_1(x)) #tabe 6.1, p267, bottom bit psi_int(1:6) psi(pi+(1:6)) psi_1piy(pi+(1:6)) psi_1_int(1:6) psi_n(m=5,x=c(1.123,1.6523))
Quasi-random sequences as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference
manual section 18. These functions are declared in header file
qrng_alloc(type = c("niederreiter_2", "sobol"), dim) qrng_clone(q) qrng_init(q) qrng_name(q) qrng_size(q) qrng_get(q, n = 1)
qrng_alloc(type = c("niederreiter_2", "sobol"), dim) qrng_clone(q) qrng_init(q) qrng_name(q) qrng_size(q) qrng_get(q, n = 1)
type |
Type of sequence |
dim |
Dimension of sequence |
q |
Generator from |
n |
How many vectors to generate |
These are wrappers for the quasi-random sequence
functions from the GSL https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/ with
arguments corresponding to those from the library, with a few exceptions.
In particular: I have used dim
where the GSL uses just d
I have added the n
argument to the qrng_get
function, so that
a single call can generate n
vectors; I have not provided R
functions corresponding to qrng_free
(because R will automatically
free the generator when it is garbage collected) or qrng_state
(because these don't make sense within R.)
, qrng_clone
and qrng_init
return an external pointer
to the C structure representing the generator. The internals of this structure
are not accessible from within R.
returns a character vector giving the name of the generator.
returns an integer value giving the internal memory
usage of the generator.
returns a matrix with n
rows and dim
Each row is a vector in the quasi-random sequence.
Duncan Murdoch
q <- qrng_alloc(dim = 2) qrng_name(q) qrng_get(q, 10)
q <- qrng_alloc(dim = 2) qrng_name(q) qrng_get(q, 10)
Random number generation with the Gnu Scientific Library, as per the reference manual section 17
rng_alloc(type) rng_clone(r) rng_name(r) rng_max(r) rng_min(r) rng_set(r, seed) rng_get(r, length) rng_uniform(r, length) rng_uniform_int(r, N, length) rng_uniform_pos(r, length)
rng_alloc(type) rng_clone(r) rng_name(r) rng_max(r) rng_min(r) rng_set(r, seed) rng_get(r, length) rng_uniform(r, length) rng_uniform_int(r, N, length) rng_uniform_pos(r, length)
type |
In function |
r |
Instance of a random number generator. Generate this using
function |
seed |
Random number seed |
length |
Length of vector of random numbers to create |
N |
In function |
These are wrappers for the random number generator
functions from the GSL https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/ with
arguments corresponding to those from the library.
Calling rng_free
is not necessary as R performs garbage
collection automatically.
The functions that return random numbers (rng_get
, rng_uniform_int
, rng_uniform_pos
take an extra argument that specifies the length of the vector of
random numbers to be returned.
Function rng_alloc()
returns an external pointer to a GSL random
number generator.
Max Bruche
r <- rng_alloc("cmrg") rng_set(r, 100) rng_uniform(r, 10)
r <- rng_alloc("cmrg") rng_set(r, 100) rng_uniform(r, 10)
Synchrotron functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference
section 7.29. These functions are declared in header file
synchrotron_1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) synchrotron_2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
synchrotron_1(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) synchrotron_2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x |
input: real values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- seq(from=0,to=2,by=0.01) synchrotron_1(x) synchrotron_2(x)
x <- seq(from=0,to=2,by=0.01) synchrotron_1(x) synchrotron_2(x)
Transport functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference manual
section 7.29. These functions are defined in header file
transport_2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) transport_3(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) transport_4(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) transport_5(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
transport_2(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) transport_3(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) transport_4(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) transport_5(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x |
input: real values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- seq(from=0,to=2,by=0.01) transport_2(x) transport_3(x)
x <- seq(from=0,to=2,by=0.01) transport_2(x) transport_3(x)
Trig functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library, reference manual
section 7.30. These functions are declared in header file
gsl_sf_sin(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) gsl_sf_cos(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hypot(x, y, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) sinc(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) complex_sin(zr, zi=NULL, r.and.i=TRUE, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) complex_cos(zr, zi=NULL, r.and.i=TRUE, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) lnsinh(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) lncosh(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
gsl_sf_sin(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) gsl_sf_cos(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hypot(x, y, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) sinc(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) complex_sin(zr, zi=NULL, r.and.i=TRUE, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) complex_cos(zr, zi=NULL, r.and.i=TRUE, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) lnsinh(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) lncosh(x, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
x , y
input: real values |
zr |
In |
zi |
In |
r.and.i |
In |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
x <- seq(from=0,to=2,by=0.01) gsl_sf_sin(x) #table xx of Ab and St gsl_sf_cos(x) #table xx of Ab and St f <- function(x){abs(sin(x+1)-sin(x)*cos(1)-cos(x)*sin(1))} g <- function(x){abs(gsl_sf_sin(x+1)-gsl_sf_sin(x)*gsl_sf_cos(1)-gsl_sf_cos(x)*gsl_sf_sin(1))} f(100000:100010) g(100000:100010)
x <- seq(from=0,to=2,by=0.01) gsl_sf_sin(x) #table xx of Ab and St gsl_sf_cos(x) #table xx of Ab and St f <- function(x){abs(sin(x+1)-sin(x)*cos(1)-cos(x)*sin(1))} g <- function(x){abs(gsl_sf_sin(x+1)-gsl_sf_sin(x)*gsl_sf_cos(1)-gsl_sf_cos(x)*gsl_sf_sin(1))} f(100000:100010) g(100000:100010)
Zeta functions as per the Gnu Scientific Library 7.31 and AMS-55,
section 23.2. These functions are declared in header file
zeta_int(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) zeta(s, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) zetam1_int(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) zetam1(s, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hzeta(s, q, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) eta_int(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) eta(s, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
zeta_int(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) zeta(s, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) zetam1_int(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) zetam1(s, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) hzeta(s, q, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) eta_int(n, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE) eta(s, give=FALSE, strict=TRUE)
n |
input: integer values |
s , q
input: real values |
give |
Boolean with |
strict |
Boolean, with |
Robin K. S. Hankin
n <- 1:10 cbind(n,zeta(n),eta(n)) #table 23.3, p 811 zeta_int(1:5) zeta(c(pi,pi*2)) zetam1_int(1:5) zetam1(c(pi,pi*2)) hzeta(1.1,1.2) eta_int(1:5) eta(c(pi,pi*2))
n <- 1:10 cbind(n,zeta(n),eta(n)) #table 23.3, p 811 zeta_int(1:5) zeta(c(pi,pi*2)) zetam1_int(1:5) zetam1(c(pi,pi*2)) hzeta(1.1,1.2) eta_int(1:5) eta(c(pi,pi*2))