Lorentz transforms via Clifford algebra

To cite the clifford package in publications please use Hankin (2022b). In this short document I show how Clifford algebra may be used to effect Lorentz transforms, and showcase the clifford R package. Throughout, we use units in which c = 1. Notation follows Snygg (2010). Consider the following four-vector:

(fourvec <- c(1,5,3,2))  # a four-vector
## [1] 1 5 3 2
u <- c(0.2,0.3,0.4)  # a three-velocity

We wish to consider the effect of a Lorentz transformation of s. This is done by the boost() function of the lorentz package (Hankin 2022a):

(Bmat <- boost(u))  # Bmat = "B-matrix"
##            t           x           y           z
## t  1.1867817 -0.23735633 -0.35603450 -0.47471266
## x -0.2373563  1.02576299  0.03864448  0.05152597
## y -0.3560345  0.03864448  1.05796672  0.07728896
## z -0.4747127  0.05152597  0.07728896  1.10305195

The transformation itself is simply matrix multiplication:

Bmat %*% fourvec
##        [,1]
## t -2.017529
## x  5.110444
## y  3.165666
## z  2.220888

We will effect this operation using Clifford algebra. Conceptually I am following Snygg but using a somewhat modified notation for consistency with the clifford and lorentz packages.

Lorentz transforms in terms of rapidity

The general form for a Lorentz transform of speed u in the x-direction is

$$ \begin{pmatrix} \overline{t}\\ \overline{x} \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \gamma&-\gamma v\\ -\gamma v&\gamma \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} t\\x\end{pmatrix} $$

where γ = (1 − u2)−1/2. Writing cosh ϕ = γ and noting that ϕ is real (sometimes ϕ is known as the rapidity) we get

$$ \begin{pmatrix} \cosh\phi&-\sinh\phi\\ -\sinh\phi &\cosh\phi \end{pmatrix} $$ for the transformation, and we can see that the matrix has unit determinant.

Lorentz transforms in Clifford algebra

Above we considered the four-vector s = (1, 5, 3, 2). In Clifford formalism this appears as

(scliff <- as.1vector(fourvec))
## Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
## + 1e_1 + 5e_2 + 3e_3 + 2e_4

Algebraically this would be 1e1 + 5e2 + 3e3 + 2e4 (Snygg would write 1e0 + 5e1 + 3e2 + 2e3; we cannot use that notation here because basis vectors are numbered from 1 in the package, not zero). Also note that the vectors appear in implementation-specific order, as per disordR discipline (Hankin 2022c). The metric would be

$$ \begin{pmatrix} 1&0&0&0\\ 0&-1&0&0\\ 0&0&-1&0\\ 0&0&0&-1 \end{pmatrix} $$

[NB in relativity, the word “signature” refers to the eigenvalues of the metric, so the signature of the above matrix would be (1, 3) [or sometimes + − −−], because it has one positive and three negative eigenvalues. In package idiom, “signature” means the number of basis vectors that square to +1 and −1, so we would implement this metric using a signature of (1, 3)].

The squared interval for our four-vector would be given by

M <- diag(c(1,-1,-1,-1))
t(fourvec) %*% M %*% fourvec
##      [,1]
## [1,]  -37

We might use the slightly slicker and more efficient idiom quad.form() from the quadform package:

##      [,1]
## [1,]  -37

The Clifford equivalent would be scalprod() [remembering to set the signature to 1]:

## [1] -37

We seek a boost B ∈ 𝒞1, 3 such that $\overline{s}=B^{-1}sB$ (juxtaposition indicating geometric product). We will start with a boost in the x-direction with rapidity ϕ. This would be B = cosh (ϕ/2) + e12sinh (ϕ/2). We note that B−1 = cosh (ϕ/2) − e12sinh (ϕ/2). Numerically:

phi <- 2.1234534   # just a made-up random value
B <- cosh(phi/2) + sinh(phi/2)*e(1:2) 
Binv <- rev(B) # cosh(phi/2)- sinh(phi/2)*e(1:2)
## Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
## scalar ( 1 )

We may verify that rapidities add:

B <- function(phi){cosh(phi/2) + sinh(phi/2)*e(1:2)}
B(0.26) * B(1.33)
## Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
## + 1.333011 + 0.8814299e_12
B(0.26 + 1.33) # should match
## Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
## + 1.333011 + 0.8814299e_12

We may formally write B = exp (e12ϕ/2) on the grounds that

$$ \begin{eqnarray} \exp({\mathbf e}_{12}x) &=&1+\mathbf{e}_{12}x + \frac{(\mathbf{e}_{12}x)^2}{2!} + \frac{(\mathbf{e}_{12}x)^3}{3!}+\frac{(\mathbf{e}_{12}x)^4}{4!}+\cdots\\ &=& (1+x^2/2+x^4/4!+\cdots) + \mathbf{e}_{12}(x+\frac{x^3}{3!}+\cdots)\\ &=& \cosh x + \mathbf{e}_{12}\sinh x \end{eqnarray} $$

and note that this exponential obeys the usual rules for the regular exponential function ex, x ∈ ℝ. More generally, if we have a transform of rapidity ϕ and direction cosines kx, ky, kz then the transform would be

Bxyz = cosh (ϕ/2) + kxe12sinh (ϕ/2) + kye13sinh (ϕ/2) + kze14sinh (ϕ/2)

and we can use standard Clifford algebra (together with the fact that kx2 + ky2 + kz2 = 1) to demonstrate the transformations. Numerically:

B3 <- function(phi,k){cosh(phi/2) + (
k <- function(kx,ky){c(kx, ky, sqrt(1-kx^2-ky^2))}
kx <- +0.23
ky <- -0.38

k1 <- k(kx=0.23, ky=-0.38)
sum(k1^2) # verify; should be = 1
## [1] 1
zap(B3(0.3,k1)*B3(1.9,k1))  # zap() kills terms with small coefficients
## Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
## + 1.668519 + 0.3071989e_12 - 0.507546e_13 + 1.196654e_14
zap(B3(0.3+1.9,k1)) # should match previous line (up to numerical accuracy)
## Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
## + 1.668519 + 0.3071989e_12 - 0.507546e_13 + 1.196654e_14

But if the two boosts have different direction cosines, the result is more complicated:

k2 <- k(-0.5,0.1)
zap(B3(2.4,k1) * B3(1.9,k2))
## Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
## + 3.716216 - 0.479412e_12 - 0.653413e_13 + 0.277158e_23 + 3.722481e_14 -
## 1.071824e_24 + 0.691205e_34

Above, we see new terms not present in the pure boosts which correspond to rotation.

Now we consider a general four-vector s = s1e1 + s2e2 + s3e3 + s4e4 and calculate B−1sB. This is made easier if we use the facts that e12 commutes with e3 and e4 as well as scalars, and anticommutes with e1 and e2. Noting that exp (e12) is a linear combination of a scalar and e12 we have

$$ \begin{eqnarray} B^{-1}sB &=& \exp(-\mathbf{e}_{12}\phi/2)(s^1\mathbf{e}_1+s^2\mathbf{e}_2+s^3\mathbf{e}_3+s^4\mathbf{e}_4)\exp(\mathbf{e}_{12}\phi/2)\\ &=& (\mathbf{e}_1s^1+\mathbf{e}_2s^2)\exp(\mathbf{e}_{12}\phi/2)\exp(\mathbf{e}_{12}\phi/2)+\mathbf{e}_3s^3 + \mathbf{e}_4s^4\\ &=& \mathbf{e}_1(s^1\cosh\phi-s^2\sinh\phi)+\mathbf{e}_2(s^2\cosh\phi-s^1\sinh\phi) +\mathbf{e}_3s^3+\mathbf{e}_4s^4 \end{eqnarray}$$

as required (it matches the matrix version). If we have two boosts B1 and B2 then the combined boost is either B1B2 (for B1 followed by B2) or B2B1 (for B2 followed by B1). Numerical methods are straightforward as I will demonstrate below.

Numerical methods: Lorentz transforms using the Clifford package

Above we considered boost Bmat, and here I will show the effect of this boost in terms of Clifford objects, using a specialist function f():

f <- function(u){
    phi <- acosh(gam(u))               # rapidity
    k <- cosines(u)                    # direction cosines
           cosh(phi/2)                 # t
    + k[1]*sinh(phi/2)*basis(c(1,2))   # x
    + k[2]*sinh(phi/2)*basis(c(1,3))   # y
    + k[3]*sinh(phi/2)*basis(c(1,4))   # z

Thus we can express the Lorentz transform as a Clifford object:

u <- as.3vel(-c(0.2,0.3,0.4))  # negative (passive transform)
(B <- f(u))
## Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
## + 1.0457 - 0.1135e_12 - 0.17025e_13 - 0.22699e_14

The first thing to do is to verify that the inverse of B behaves as expected:

## Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
## scalar ( 1 )

Then we can apply the transformation $\overline{s}=B^{-1}sB$:

## Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
## - 2.0175e_1 + 5.1104e_2 + 3.1657e_3 + 2.2209e_4

Comparing with the result from the lorentz package

Bmat %*% fourvec
##      [,1]
## t -2.0175
## x  5.1104
## y  3.1657
## z  2.2209

we see agreement to within numerical precision. We can further verify that the squared interval is unchanged:

jj <- rev(B)*scliff*B
## [1] -37

matching the untransformed square interval.

Multiple boosts

Successive Lorentz boosts can induce a rotation as well as a translation.

u <- as.3vel(c(0.2, 0.3,  0.4))
v <- as.3vel(c(0.5, 0.0, -0.4))
w <- as.3vel(c(0.0, 0.7,  0.1))
Buvw <- f(u)*f(v)*f(w)
## Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
## + 1.2914 + 0.45284e_12 + 0.69409e_13 - 0.14103e_23 + 0.07821e_14 + 0.07767e_24
## + 0.02902e_34 - 0.04011e_1234

In the above, note that Clifford object Buvw has a nonzero scalar component, and also a nonzero e_1234 component. However, it represents a consistent Lorentz transformation:

## [1] 1

We can now apply this transform to a four-velocity:

n <- as.1vector(c(1,0,0,0))
zap(rev(Buvw) * n * Buvw)
## Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
## + 2.3891e_1 + 0.98367e_2 + 1.9312e_3 + 0.10269e_4

Algebra of Clifford representations

We can shed some light on this representation of Lorentz transforms as follows:

L <- list(
    C     = basis(numeric()),
    e12   = basis(c(1,2)), e13 = basis(c(1,3)),
    e14   = basis(c(1,4)), e23 = basis(c(2,3)),
    e24   = basis(c(2,4)), e34 = basis(c(3,4)),
    e1234 = basis(1:4)

out <- noquote(matrix("",8,8))
rownames(out) <- names(L)
colnames(out) <- names(L)
for(i in 1:8){
  for(j in 1:8){
    out[i,j] <- gsub('[_ ]','',as.character(L[[i]]*L[[j]]))
options("width" = 110)
##       C       e12     e13     e14     e23     e24     e34     e1234  
## C     1       +1e12   +1e13   +1e14   +1e23   +1e24   +1e34   +1e1234
## e12   +1e12   1       -1e23   -1e24   -1e13   -1e14   +1e1234 +1e34  
## e13   +1e13   +1e23   1       -1e34   +1e12   -1e1234 -1e14   -1e24  
## e14   +1e14   +1e24   +1e34   1       +1e1234 +1e12   +1e13   +1e23  
## e23   +1e23   +1e13   -1e12   +1e1234 -1      +1e34   -1e24   -1e14  
## e24   +1e24   +1e14   -1e1234 -1e12   -1e34   -1      +1e23   +1e13  
## e34   +1e34   +1e1234 +1e14   -1e13   +1e24   -1e23   -1      -1e12  
## e1234 +1e1234 +1e34   -1e24   +1e23   -1e14   +1e13   -1e12   -1

Thus we can see, for example, that e12*e13 = -e23 and e13*e12 = +e23.


Hankin, R. K. S. 2022a. “A Systematic Search for a Three-Velocity Gyrodistributive Law in Special Relativity with the Lorentz R Package.” arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/ARXIV.2212.07005.
———. 2022b. “Clifford Algebra in R.” arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/ARXIV.2209.13659.
———. 2022c. “Disordered Vectors in R: Introducing the disordR Package.” arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/ARXIV.2210.03856.
Snygg, J. 2010. A New Approach to Differential Geometry Using Clifford’s Geometric Algebra. Birkhäuser.